All functions |
CDEC Snow Course List |
CDEC Sensor Details (by Station) |
Easy Access to the CDEC API |
Get snow survey data (California only) from the CDEC website. |
Estimate Effective Sample Size |
Frost-Free Day Evaluation |
Plot output from FFD() |
Highland Meadows |
Sensor Data Timeline from Henry Mount Soil and Water DB |
Compute Moran's I for a raster sampled from a mapunit extent |
Example output from soilDB::fetchOSD() |
Percentiles of Cumulative Precipitation |
Soil Taxonomy Dendrogram |
Plot aggregate soil color data |
SSURGO Data Associated with the Amador Soil Series |
Plot Aspect Data |
Create a Venn Diagram of Simulated Color Mixtures |
Create an adjacency matrix from a data.frame of component data |
Sample Polygons at a Fixed Density |
Simple Daily Water Balance |
Perform daily water balance modeling using SSURGO and DAYMET |
Diagnostic Property Plot (base graphics) |
Diagnostic Property Plot (lattice) |
Compute Euclidean distance along a gradient. |
Dueling Dendrograms |
A very simple estimation of soil moisture state based on volumetric water content |
formatPLSS |
Generate a unique ID for line segments |
Geomorphic Position Probability via SDA |
Hue Position Chart |
Hydrologic Ordering of a Geomorphic Proportion Matrix |
Mineral Soil Material Criteria from 12th Ed. of KST |
Iteratively Attempt Hydrologic Ordering of Geomorphic Proportion Matrix |
Join Document Adjacency |
Compute moisture state proportions |
Statistics on Soil Moisture State |
Apply a threshold to soil moisture states |
Monthly Water Balances |
Water Balance Summaries |
Convert Multinominal to Logical Matrix |
Demonstration of Percentiles vs. Mean / SD |
Visual Demonstration of Available Soil Water |
Present a |
Plot soil profiles below a dendrogram |
Visualize Soil Relationships via Chord Diagram |
Plot a component relation graph |
Arrange Profiles along a Transect |
Visualize Monthly Water Balance |
Line / Area Visualization for Monthly Water Balance |
Summarize Spatial Adjacency of Polygon Fabric |
Prepare daily climate data (DAYMET) for a single point |
Get and prepare basic soil hydraulic parameters from SSURGO via SDA |
Reconcile IDs between a SPC and associated geomorphic proportion table |
Sample a Single Polygon at a Target Density |
Sample a Raster Stack |
Estimate Sampling Stability |
A collection of functions to support soil survey |
Simple interface to the hydromad "leaky bucket" soil moisture model |
site_photos_kml |
Table 5.2 from Hole and Campbell, 1985. |
Annual Climate Summaries for Soil Series Data |
Visual Summary of Flat Landform Positions |
Visual Summary of Hill Landform Positions |
Visual Summary of Hillslope Position |
Visual Summary of Mountain Slope Positions |
Visual Summary of Surface Shape |
Visual Summary of Terraced Landform Positions |