• rebuild OSDexamples with modern SoilProfileCollection object
  • CRAN release
  • moving vegan to SUGGESTS
  • CRAN release
  • CRAN release
  • all functions depending on sp classes or methods have been converted to sf
  • water balance helper functions converted from sp/rgeos to sf
  • breaking changes in plotTransect(), coordinate are now provided as an additional argument / sf object
  • breaking changes in LL2PLSS(), all return data now packed into sf object vs. list (sharpshootR <= 1.12)
  • generateLineHash() now uses sf class LINESTRING features
  • huePositionPlot() gains origin argument for calculation of dE00 from arbitrary colors specified in CIELAB or Munsell
  • huePositionPlot() now passes arguments to contour() via ...
  • breaking changes in joinAdjacency(), now expects a data.frame (or compatible) vs. SpatialLinesDataFrame
  • polygonAdjacency() now compatible with sf objects
  • sampleRasterStackByMU() ignores color table and any categories from source file to ensure raw values are extracted (fixes parity with prior {raster}-based behavior) for categorical data
  • bugfix in plotWB() related to figure y-scale range
  • plotWB_lines() gets legend.cex and aesthetic adjustments to legend position
  • CRAN release
  • water balance functions now depend on hydromad >= 0.9-27
  • new function vizSurfaceShape()
  • all viz functions return clustering object
  • hydromad issue #188 closed, latest binaries include fix in bucket.c
  • colorMixtureVenn() now using method = 'exact'
  • safer examples for CRAN/Solaris checks
  • new example data for testing “OSDexamples”
  • vizAnnualClimte, vizHillslopePosition, and related will now work with a single soil series
  • added simpleWB, dailyWB, and dailyWB_SSURGO