This function segments or subdivides horizon data from a SoilProfileCollection or data.frame by depth interval (e.g. c(0, 10), c(0, 50), or 25:100). This results in horizon records being split at the specified depth intervals, which duplicates the original horizon data but also adds new horizon depths. In addition, labels (i.e. "segment_id") are added to each horizon record that correspond with their depth interval (e.g. 025-100). This function is intended to harmonize horizons to a common support (i.e. depth interval) for further aggregation or summary. See the examples.

hz_segment(object, intervals, trim = TRUE, depthcols = c("top", "bottom"))

segment(object, intervals, trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c("top", "bottom"))



either a SoilProfileCollection or data.frame


a vector of integers over which to slice the horizon data (e.g. c(25, 100) or 25:100)


logical, when TRUE horizons in object are truncated to the min/max specified in intervals. When FALSE, those horizons overlapping an interval are marked as such. Care should be taken when specifying more than one depth interval and trim = FALSE.


a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. c("top", "bottom")), only necessary if object is a


deprecated being replaced by depthcols.


Either a SoilProfileCollection or data.frame with the original horizon data segmented by depth intervals. There are usually more records in the resulting object, one for each time a segment interval partially overlaps with a horizon. A new column called segment_id identifying the depth interval is added.


hz_segment() performs no aggregation or resampling of the source data, rather, labels are added to horizon records for subsequent aggregation or summary. This makes it possible to process a very large number of records outside of the constraints associated with e.g. slice() or slab().


Stephen Roecker


# example data

# upgrade to SPC
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom

# segment and trim
z <- hz_segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE)

# display segment labels
# note that there are new horizon boundaries at segments
par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 1))
plotSPC(z, color = 'segment_id', width = 0.3)

# highlight new horizon records
par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 1))
plotSPC(z, color = NA, default.color = NA, width = 0.3, lwd = 1)
plotSPC(sp1, color = NA, default.color = NA, 
width = 0.3, lwd = 3, add = TRUE, name = NA, = FALSE)
#> [P001:6] horizon with top == bottom, cannot fix horizon depth overlap
#>  consider using repairMissingHzDepths()
legend('top', horiz = TRUE, 
legend = c('original', 'segmented'), 
lwd = c(1, 3), cex = 0.85, bty = 'n')

# \donttest{
# same results as slab()
# 10 random profiles
s <- lapply(1:10, random_profile, n_prop = 1, SPC = TRUE, method = 'random_walk')
s <- combine(s)

a.slab <- slab(s, fm = ~ p1, slab.structure = c(0, 10, 20, 30), = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

z <- hz_segment(s, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE)
z <- horizons(z)
z$thick <- z$bottom - z$top

a.segment <- sapply(split(z, z$segment_id), function(i) {
  weighted.mean(i$p1, i$thick)

res <- data.frame(
  slab = a.slab$value,
  segment = a.segment,
  diff = a.slab$value - a.segment

#>             slab    segment diff
#> 00-10  0.5880336  0.5880336    0
#> 10-20 -1.0574822 -1.0574822    0
#> 20-30 -4.7171472 -4.7171472    0
res$diff < 0.001
# }


# segment by upper 25-cm
test1 <- hz_segment(sp5, intervals = c(0, 100))
#> SoilProfileCollection with 296 profiles and 1254 horizons
#> profile ID: soil  |  horizon ID: hzID 
#> Depth range: 70 - 100 cm
#> ----- Horizons (6 / 1254 rows  |  10 / 20 columns) -----
#>    soil hzID top bottom name sand silt clay  R25  G25
#>   soil1    1   0      8   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>   soil1    2   8     25   H2 29.0 11.2 58.2 0.31 0.28
#>   soil1    3  25     55   H3 34.9 11.6 51.9 0.31 0.28
#>   soil1    4  55    100   H4 38.2 10.9 49.7 0.31 0.28
#>  soil10    5   0     10   H1 25.2 14.4 58.4 0.43 0.37
#>  soil10    6  10     25   H2 24.4 14.9 59.0 0.44 0.37
#> [... more horizons ...]
#> ----- Sites (6 / 296 rows  |  1 / 1 columns) -----
#>     soil
#>    soil1
#>   soil10
#>  soil100
#>  soil101
#>  soil102
#>  soil103
#> [... more sites ...]
#> Spatial Data:
#> [EMPTY]
#> [1] 1254
print(object.size(test1), units = "Mb")
#> 0.3 Mb

# segment by 1-cm increments
test2 <- hz_segment(sp5, intervals = 0:100)
#> SoilProfileCollection with 296 profiles and 29523 horizons
#> profile ID: soil  |  horizon ID: hzID 
#> Depth range: 70 - 100 cm
#> ----- Horizons (6 / 29523 rows  |  10 / 20 columns) -----
#>   soil hzID top bottom name sand silt clay  R25  G25
#>  soil1    1   0      1   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>  soil1    2   1      2   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>  soil1    3   2      3   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>  soil1    4   3      4   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>  soil1    5   4      5   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#>  soil1    6   5      6   H1 32.3 10.9 52.8 0.41 0.38
#> [... more horizons ...]
#> ----- Sites (6 / 296 rows  |  1 / 1 columns) -----
#>     soil
#>    soil1
#>   soil10
#>  soil100
#>  soil101
#>  soil102
#>  soil103
#> [... more sites ...]
#> Spatial Data:
#> [EMPTY]
#> [1] 29523
print(object.size(test2), units = "Mb")
#> 5.9 Mb

# segment and aggregate
test3 <- hz_segment(horizons(sp5), 
                 intervals = c(0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, 200), 
                 depthcols = c("top", "bottom")
test3$hzthk <- test3$bottom - test3$top
test3_agg <- by(test3, test3$segment_id, function(x) {
    hzID = x$hzID[1],
    segment_id = x$segment_id[1],
    average = weighted.mean(x$clay, w = x$hzthk)
test3_agg <-"rbind", test3_agg)

#>         hzID segment_id  average
#> 000-005    1    000-005 40.31517
#> 005-015    1    005-015 41.89718
#> 015-030    2    015-030 43.88592
#> 030-060    3    030-060 46.01368
#> 060-100    4    060-100 47.65180
#> 100-200    5    100-200 48.13381