This function dissolves or combines horizons that have a common set of grouping variables. It only combines those horizon records that are sequential (e.g. share a horizon boundary). Thus, it can be used to identify discontinuities in the grouping variables along a profile and their unique depths. It is particularly useful for determining the depth to the top or bottom of horizons with a specific category, and should be simpler than previous methods that require aggregating over profiles.

  idcol = "id",
  depthcols = c("top", "bottom"),
  collapse = FALSE,
  order = FALSE

  id = "idcol",
  hztop = "top",
  hzbot = "bottom",
  collapse = FALSE,
  order = FALSE



a data.frame


character: column names, to be used as grouping variables, within the object.


character: column name of the pedon ID within the object.


a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. c("top", "bottom")).


logical: indicating whether to not combine grouping variables before dissolving.


logical: indicating whether or not to order the object by the id, hztop, and hzbot columns.


deprecated and replaced with idcol.


deprecated and replaced by depthcols.


deprecated and replaced by depthcols.


A data.frame with the original idcol, by grouping variables, and non-consecutive horizon depths.


This function assumes the profiles and horizons within the object follow the logic defined by checkHzDepthLogic (e.g. records are ordered sequentially by id, hztop, and hzbot and without gaps). If the records are not ordered, set the order = TRUE.


Stephen Roecker


# example 1
spc <- jacobs2000

spc$dep_5 <- spc$depletion_pct >=5
spc$genhz <- generalize.hz(spc$name, c("A", "E", "B", "C"), c("A", "E", "B", "C")) 
h <- horizons(spc)

test <- hz_dissolve(h, by = c("genhz", "dep_5"), idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom"))
#> non-character grouping variables are being converted to characters

vars <- c("id", "top", "bottom", "genhz", "dep_5")
h[h$id == "92-1", vars]
#>     id top bottom genhz dep_5
#> 1 92-1   0     18     A FALSE
#> 2 92-1  18     43     E FALSE
#> 3 92-1  43     79     B FALSE
#> 4 92-1  79    130     B FALSE
#> 5 92-1 130    153     B FALSE
#> 6 92-1 153    156     C FALSE
#> 7 92-1 156    213     C  TRUE
test[test$id == "92-1", ]
#>      id top bottom variable value        dissolve_id
#> 1  92-1   0     18    genhz     A     92-1_000-018_A
#> 2  92-1  18     43    genhz     E     92-1_018-043_E
#> 3  92-1  43    153    genhz     B     92-1_043-153_B
#> 4  92-1 153    213    genhz     C     92-1_153-213_C
#> 27 92-1   0    156    dep_5 FALSE 92-1_000-156_FALSE
#> 28 92-1 156    213    dep_5  TRUE  92-1_156-213_TRUE

# example 2
df <- data.frame(
    id = 1,
    top    = c(0, 5,  10, 15, 25, 50), 
    bottom = c(5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100),
    hzname = c("A1",  "A2",  "E/A", "2Bt1", "2Bt2", "2C"),
    genhz  = c("A",   "A",   "E",   "2Bt",  "2Bt", "2C"),
    texcl  = c("sil", "sil", "sil", "sl",   "sl",   "s")

#>   id top bottom hzname genhz texcl
#> 1  1   0      5     A1     A   sil
#> 2  1   5     10     A2     A   sil
#> 3  1  10     15    E/A     E   sil
#> 4  1  15     25   2Bt1   2Bt    sl
#> 5  1  25     50   2Bt2   2Bt    sl
#> 6  1  50    100     2C    2C     s

hz_dissolve(df, c("genhz", "texcl"))
#>   id top bottom variable value   dissolve_id
#> 1  1   0     10    genhz     A   1_000-010_A
#> 2  1  10     15    genhz     E   1_010-015_E
#> 3  1  15     50    genhz   2Bt 1_015-050_2Bt
#> 4  1  50    100    genhz    2C  1_050-100_2C
#> 5  1   0     15    texcl   sil 1_000-015_sil
#> 6  1  15     50    texcl    sl  1_015-050_sl
#> 7  1  50    100    texcl     s   1_050-100_s
hz_dissolve(df, c("genhz", "texcl"), collapse = TRUE)
#>   id top bottom      variable    value        dissolve_id
#> 1  1   0     10 genhz & texcl  A & sil  1_000-010_A & sil
#> 2  1  10     15 genhz & texcl  E & sil  1_010-015_E & sil
#> 3  1  15     50 genhz & texcl 2Bt & sl 1_015-050_2Bt & sl
#> 4  1  50    100 genhz & texcl   2C & s   1_050-100_2C & s

test <- hz_dissolve(df, "genhz")
subset(test, value == "2Bt")
#>   id top bottom variable value   dissolve_id
#> 3  1  15     50    genhz   2Bt 1_015-050_2Bt