This function intersects two horizon tables by harmonizing their depths and merging them where they overlap. This can be useful to rejoin the results of hz_dissolve() to it's original horizon table, and then perform an aggregation on the dissolved variables.

hz_intersect(x, y, idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom"))



a data.frame


a data.frame


character: column name of the pedon ID within the object.


a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. c("top", "bottom")).


A data.frame with harmonized depth intervals (i.e. segment_id) and columns from both of the original data.frame. If both data.frame contain the same column names, they will both be returned (with the exception of the idcol and depthcols), and appended with either x or y to indicate which data.frame they originated from.




Stephen Roecker


h <- data.frame(
  id = 1,
  top    = c(0,  25, 44, 46, 50),
  bottom = c(25, 44, 46, 50, 100),
  by     = c("Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes"),
  clay   = c(10, 12, 27, 35, 16)

hz_dissolve(h, "by")
#>   id top bottom variable value   dissolve_id
#> 1  1   0     44       by   Yes 1_000-044_Yes
#> 2  1  44     50       by    No  1_044-050_No
#> 3  1  50    100       by   Yes 1_050-100_Yes

hz_intersect(x = hz_dissolve(h, "by"), y = h)
#>   segment_id id top bottom variable value   dissolve_id  by clay
#> 1    000-025  1   0     25       by   Yes 1_000-044_Yes Yes   10
#> 2    025-044  1  25     44       by   Yes 1_000-044_Yes Yes   12
#> 3    044-046  1  44     46       by    No  1_044-050_No  No   27
#> 4    046-050  1  46     50       by    No  1_044-050_No  No   35
#> 5    050-100  1  50    100       by   Yes 1_050-100_Yes Yes   16

hi <- hz_intersect(x = h, y = hz_dissolve(h, "by"))
aggregate(clay ~ dissolve_id, data = hi, mean)
#>     dissolve_id clay
#> 1 1_000-044_Yes   11
#> 2  1_044-050_No   31
#> 3 1_050-100_Yes   16