depths(<data.frame>) <- <formula>: Initialize SoilProfileCollection

depths(<SoilProfileCollection>): Extract profile ID and horizon depths from SoilProfileCollection

# S4 method for class 'SoilProfileCollection'
depths(x, hzID = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'SoilProfileCollection'
depths(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'data.frame'
depths(object) <- value



A SoilProfileCollection


Include horizon ID? Usually this is calculated from the (sorted) row index unless hzidname()<- has been called. Default: FALSE


not used


An object to promote to SoilProfileCollection (inherits from data.frame)


A formula specifying the unique profile ID, top and bottom depth column names


a data.frame containing profile ID, top depth, and bottom depth


The input horizon data, and the resulting profile order, is sorted based on unique profile ID and top depth. ID columns are converted to character, depth columns are converted to integer. If NA values exist in all of the top depths, a prototype with 1 horizon per profile ID is returned, with NA in all non-essential columns. If the input object has 0 rows, a prototype with 0 horizons and 0 rows, but same column names as object, is returned.


# load a SoilProfileCollection
data(jacobs2000, package = "aqp")

#>      id top bottom
#> 1  92-1   0     18
#> 2  92-1  18     43
#> 3  92-1  43     79
#> 4  92-1  79    130
#> 5  92-1 130    153
#> 6  92-1 153    156
#> 7  92-1 156    213
#> 8  92-2   0     18
#> 9  92-2  18     46
#> 10 92-2  46     84
#> 11 92-2  84    122
#> 12 92-2 122    145
#> 13 92-2 145    213
#> 14 92-3   0     15
#> 15 92-3  15     25
#> 16 92-3  25     64
#> 17 92-3  64     84
#> 18 92-3  84    112
#> 19 92-3 112    165
#> 20 92-3 165    175
#> 21 92-4   0     20
#> 22 92-4  20     53
#> 23 92-4  53     79
#> 24 92-4  79    130
#> 25 92-4 130    165
#> 26 92-4 165    185
#> 27 92-4 185    203
#> 28 92-5   0     28
#> 29 92-5  28     61
#> 30 92-5  61    109
#> 31 92-5 109    135
#> 32 92-5 135    183
#> 33 92-6   0     18
#> 34 92-6  18     46
#> 35 92-6  46     76
#> 36 92-6  76    104
#> 37 92-6 104    119
#> 38 92-6 119    168
#> 39 92-7   0     15
#> 40 92-7  15     41
#> 41 92-7  41     48
#> 42 92-7  48     61
#> 43 92-7  61     91
#> 44 92-7  91    132
#> 45 92-7 132    140
#> 46 92-7 140    152
## init SoilProfileCollection objects from data.frame of horizon data

# load demo data

# promote to SPC
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom

# plot

# number of profiles
#> [1] 9

# number of horizons
#> [1] 60