Create a visual explanation for the many arguments to plotSPC. Call this function instead of plotSPC, all objects after x are passed on to plotSPC. Nearly all of the figures in the Introduction to SoilProfileCollection Objects tutorial are created with this function.

explainPlotSPC(x, ...)



a SoilProfileCollection object


arguments passed to plotSPC


a list of internally-used ordering vectors and graphical offsets / scaling factors

See also


D.E. Beaudette


# sample data
depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom

# proposed vector of relative positions, overlap likely
pos <- c(1, 1.1, 3, 4, 5, 5.2, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# try it
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos=pos)

# attempt to fix using an integer sequence, short-circut will prevent adjustments
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(1:10))

# attempt to adjust using defaults
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos))
#> 22 iterations

# attempt to adjust and tinker with defaults
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, adj = 0.2))
#> 26 iterations

# enforce larger space between
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, thresh = 0.7))
#> 40 iterations

# more complex adjustments required
pos <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.3, 5, 5.1, 5.5, 8, 9, 10)

# tinker
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = pos)

explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos))
#> 25 iterations

explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, 
thresh = 0.7))
#> 69 iterations

explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, 
thresh = 0.7, adj = 0.2))
#> 216 iterations

# SANN: solution requires many iterations, and will not always converge
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', 
relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, thresh = 0.85, adj = 0.2)
#> 871 iterations

# electrostatics: solution requires larger charge (q)
explainPlotSPC(sp4, name = 'name', 
relative.pos = fixOverlap(pos, thresh = 0.85, method = 'E', q = 2)
#> 5 iterations