Site and laboratory data from soils sampled in the central Sierra Nevada Region of California.
List containing:
$site : A data frame containing site information.
national user site id
the MLRA
the county
soil survey area
longitude, WGS84
latitude, WGS84
national soil profile id
local soil profile id
control section top depth (cm)
control section bottom depth (cm)
soil series name
$lab : A data frame containing horizon information.
national soil profile id
national horizon id
horizon sequence number
horizon top (cm)
horizon bottom (cm)
horizon name
USDA soil texture
sum of bases extracted by ammonium acetate (pH 7)
exchangeable acidity [method ?]
cation exchange capacity by sum of cations method (pH 8.2)
cation exchange capacity by ammonium acetate (pH 7)
base saturation by sum of cations method (pH 8.2)
base saturation by ammonium acetate (pH 7)
These data were extracted from the NSSL database. ca630
is a list composed
of site and lab data, each stored as data.frame
objects. These data are modeled by a
1:many (site:lab) relation, with the pedon_id
acting as the primary key in
the site
table and as the foreign key in the lab
These data are out of date. Pending some new data + documentation. Use with caution
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# check the data out:
# note that pedon_key is the link between the two tables
# make a copy of the horizon data
ca <- ca630$lab
# promote to a SoilProfileCollection class object
depths(ca) <- pedon_key ~ hzn_top + hzn_bot
# add site data, based on pedon_key
site(ca) <- ca630$site
# ID data missing coordinates: '|' is a logical OR
(missing.coords.idx <- which(is.na(ca$lat) | is.na(ca$lon)))
# remove missing coordinates by safely subsetting
if(length(missing.coords.idx) > 0)
ca <- ca[-missing.coords.idx, ]
# register spatial data
initSpatial(ca) <- ~ lon + lat
# assign a coordinate reference system
prj(ca) <- 'EPSG:4269'
# check the result
# aggregate %BS 7 for all profiles into 1 cm slices
a <- slab(ca, fm= ~ bs_7)
# plot median & IQR by 1 cm slice
top ~ p.q50,
data = a,
scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.num = 7)),
panel = panel.depth_function,
prepanel = prepanel.depth_function,
ylab='Depth (cm)', xlab='Base Saturation at pH 7',
par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(col = 'black', lwd = 2))
# aggregate %BS at pH 8.2 for all profiles by MLRA, along 1 cm slices
# note that mlra is stored in @site
a <- slab(ca, mlra ~ bs_8.2)
# keep only MLRA 18 and 22
a <- subset(a, subset=mlra %in% c('18', '22'))
# plot median & IQR by 1 cm slice, using different colors for each MLRA
top ~ p.q50,
groups = factor(mlra),
data = a,
sync.colors = TRUE,
scales = list(alternating = 1, y = list(tick.num = 7)),
panel = panel.depth_function,
prepanel = prepanel.depth_function,
ylab='Depth (cm)', xlab='Base Saturation at pH 7',
par.settings = tactile.theme(superpose.line = list(lwd = 2)),
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2)
# Extract the 2nd horizon from all profiles as SPDF
ca.2 <- ca[, 2]
# subset profiles 1 through 10
ca.1.to.10 <- ca[1:10, ]
# basic plot method: profile plot
par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 1))
plotSPC(ca.1.to.10, name='hzn_desgn', color = 'CEC7')
} # }