Fix old-style organic horizon depths or depths with a non-standard datum by the "depth accumulation" method.

  id = NULL,
  hzdepths = NULL,
  hzname = NULL,
  hzdatum = 0,
  seqnum = NULL,
  pattern = "O",
  fix = TRUE



A data.frame or SoilProfileCollection


unique profile ID. Default: NULL, if x is a SoilProfileCollection idname(x)


character vector containing horizon top and bottom depth column names. Default: NULL, if x is a SoilProfileCollection horizonDepths(x)


character vector containing horizon designation or other label column names. Default: NULL, if x is a SoilProfileCollection hzdesgnname(x)


a numeric vector to add to accumulated depths. Default: 0. Can be equal in length to number of profiles if x is a SoilProfileCollection or number of (unique) IDs if x is a data.frame.


Optional: character vector containing record "sequence number" column name; used in-lieu of hzname (when NA) to identify "first" record in a profile


pattern to search for in hzname to identify matching horizons to append the profile to


apply adjustments to missing (NA) depths and expand 0-thickness horizons? Default: TRUE


A horizon-level data.frame, suitable for promoting to SPC with depths<-, or a SoilProfileCollection, depending on the class of x.


The "depth accumulation" method calculates thicknesses of individual horizons and then cumulative sums them after putting them in id + top depth order. The routine tries to determine context based on hzname and pattern. The main transformation is if a top depth is deeper than the bottom depth, the depths are reflected on the Z-axis (made negative). The data are then id + top depth sorted again, the thickness calculated and accumulated to replace the old depths.

This function uses several heuristics to adjust data before transformation and thickness calculation:

Regex matching of horizon designation patterns and similar

  • matches of pattern where both top and bottom depth NA -> [0,1] [top,bottom] depth

  • REMOVE horizons that do not match pattern where both top and bottom depths NA

Over-ride hzname handling with the sequence column argument seqnum

  • if seqnum column specified "first record with NA hzname" is considered a pattern match if seqnum == 1

Trigger "fixing" with the fix argument:

  • Add 1 cm to bottom-most horizons with NA bottom depth

  • Add 1 cm thickness to horizons with top and bottom depth equal

  • Add 1 cm thickness to horizons with NA top depth and bottom depth 0


# example using hzdatum argument
depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
hz <- accumulateDepths(sp4,
                       id = "id",
                       hzdepths = c("top", "bottom"),
                       hzname = "name",
                       hzdatum = 5 * 1:length(sp4))

# example using old-style O horizons
hz <- read.table(text = "peiidref hzdept hzdepb hzname seqnum phiid
                    1        11      0      5      A      2   295
                    2        11      1      0     Oe      1   294
                    3        11      5     13     C1      3   296
                    4        11     13     58     C2      4   297
                    5        11     58    152     C3      5   298
                    6        13      0      5      A      2   303
                    7        13      1      0     Oe      1   302
                    8        13      5     25     Bw      3   304
                    9        13     25     61      C      4   305
                    10       13     61     NA      R      5   306
                    11      136      0     13     A1      3   695
                    12      136      1      0     Oe      2   694
                    13      136      2      1     Oi      1   693
                    14      136     13     61     C1      4   696
                    15      136     61     76     C2      5   697")
depths(hz) <- peiidref ~ hzdept + hzdepb
#> converting profile IDs from integer to character
#> Warning: Horizon bottom depths contain NA! Check depth logic with aqp::checkHzDepthLogic()
#> Warning: One or more horizon bottom depths are shallower than top depth. Check depth logic with aqp::checkHzDepthLogic()

hz_fixed <- accumulateDepths(hz,
                             id = "peiidref",
                             hzdepths = c("hzdept", "hzdepb"),
                             hzname = "hzname")
is_valid <- checkHzDepthLogic(hz_fixed)$valid

test0 <- subset(hz_fixed, !is_valid)
test1 <- subset(hz_fixed, is_valid)

origO <- subset(hz, grepl("O", hzname))
fixedO <- subset(hz_fixed, grepl("O", hzname))

par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,0,3,2))
plotSPC(origO, max.depth = 25)
plotSPC(fixedO, max.depth = 25)