All functions |
Create an instance of BASICSimulationModel |
Create an instance of CSVFileParser |
Create an instance of CSVResultsExporter |
Create an instance of NewhallDataset |
Create an instance of NewhallDataset from XML or CSV file |
Create an instance of NewhallDatasetMetadata |
Create an instance of XMLFileParser |
Create an instance of XMLResultsExporter |
Create an instance of XMLStringResultsExporter |
Export Newhall Results, Data and Metadata to CSV file with CSVResultsExporter |
Open the Java Newhall Graphical User Interface |
Export Newhall Results, Data and Metadata to XML file with XMLResultsExporter |
Export Newhall Results, Data and Metadata to XML string with XMLStringResultsExporter |
Run Newhall Soil Climate Simulations |
Load CMIP6 Downscaled Future Climate Projections |
Newhall Data Directory |
Load DAYMET Monthly Data at 1 kilometer Resolution |
Load SoilWeb "ISSR-800" at 800 meter Resolution |
Load PRISM Monthly "Normals" at 800 meter or 4 kilometer Resolution |
Run Newhall BASICSimulationModel simulation |
Get Java Newhall JAR file version |
Load WorldClim Monthly Averages |
Iterate over multiband output and write as single-layer files |