Make a Rosetta object instance for running predict() methods

Rosetta(rosetta_version = 3, model_code = 3)



Default: 3


One of 2, 3, 4, 5, or -1. Corresponding to options described in Details.


an instance of the Rosetta class defined by the Python module; suitable for running predict or ann_predict methods.


Explanation of Model Codes

  • 2: sand, silt, clay ("SSC")

  • 3: sand, silt, clay + bulk density ("BD")

  • 4: sand, silt, clay + bulk density + field capacity water content (1/3 bar or 33 kPa tension)

  • 5: sand, silt, clay + bulk density + field capacity water content + wilting point water content (15 bar or 1500 kPa tension)

  • -1: no result returned, inadequate or erroneous data