Look up siblings and cousins for a given soil series from the current fiscal year SSURGO snapshot via SoilWeb.
The siblings of any given soil series are defined as those soil components (major and minor) that share a parent map unit with the named series (as a major component). Component names are filtered using a snapshot of the Soil Classification database to ensure that only valid soil series names are included. Cousins are siblings of siblings. Data are sourced from SoilWeb which maintains a copy of the current SSURGO snapshot. Visualizations of soil "siblings"-related concepts can be found in the "Sibling Summary" tab of Soil Data Explorer app: https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/sde/.
Additional resources:
- s
character vector, the name of a single soil series, case-insensitive.
- only.major
logical, should only return siblings that are major components
- component.data
logical, should component data for siblings (and optionally cousins) be returned?
- cousins
logical, should siblings-of-siblings (cousins) be returned?
A list
containing siblings, major component flag, and number of co-occurrencessib.data:
containing sibling component data (only whencomponent.data = TRUE
containing cousins, major component flag, and number of co-occurrences (only whencousins = TRUE
containing cousin component data (only whencousins = TRUE, component.data = TRUE
O'Geen, A., Walkinshaw, M. and Beaudette, D. (2017), SoilWeb: A Multifaceted Interface to Soil Survey Information. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81: 853-862. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.11.0386n
# \donttest{
# basic usage
x <- siblings('zook')
#> series sibling majcompflag n
#> 1 zook Olmitz TRUE 17
#> 2 zook Vigar TRUE 12
#> 3 zook Vesser TRUE 10
#> 4 zook Ely TRUE 10
#> 5 zook Excello TRUE 9
#> 6 zook Colo TRUE 8
#> 7 zook Nodaway TRUE 5
#> 8 zook Zoe TRUE 3
#> 9 zook Mt. Sterling TRUE 3
#> 10 zook Kezan TRUE 2
#> 11 zook Clamo TRUE 2
#> 12 zook Humeston TRUE 1
#> 13 zook Klum TRUE 1
#> 14 zook Quiver TRUE 1
#> 15 zook Colo FALSE 73
#> 16 zook Wabash FALSE 59
#> 17 zook Chequest FALSE 45
#> 18 zook Nodaway FALSE 45
#> 19 zook Humeston FALSE 27
#> 20 zook Arbela FALSE 23
#> 21 zook Ackmore FALSE 18
#> 22 zook Dockery FALSE 16
#> 23 zook Bremer FALSE 16
#> 24 zook Lamo FALSE 15
#> 25 zook Landes FALSE 14
#> 26 zook Shell FALSE 12
#> 27 zook Napa FALSE 12
#> 28 zook Kennebec FALSE 12
#> 29 zook Sawmill FALSE 9
#> 30 zook Coland FALSE 9
#> 31 zook Vesser FALSE 9
#> 32 zook Olmitz FALSE 8
#> 33 zook Blackoar FALSE 5
#> 34 zook Nishna FALSE 5
#> 35 zook Judson FALSE 2
#> 36 zook Reading FALSE 2
#> 37 zook Chase FALSE 2
#> 38 zook Quiver FALSE 2
#> 39 zook Calco FALSE 2
#> 40 zook Muir FALSE 1
#> 41 zook Clarinda FALSE 1
#> 42 zook Ely FALSE 1
#> 43 zook Eudora FALSE 1
# restrict to siblings that are major components
# e.g. the most likely siblings
x <- siblings('zook', only.major = TRUE)
#> series sibling majcompflag n
#> 1 zook Olmitz TRUE 17
#> 2 zook Vigar TRUE 12
#> 3 zook Vesser TRUE 10
#> 4 zook Ely TRUE 10
#> 5 zook Excello TRUE 9
#> 6 zook Colo TRUE 8
#> 7 zook Nodaway TRUE 5
#> 8 zook Mt. Sterling TRUE 3
#> 9 zook Zoe TRUE 3
#> 10 zook Kezan TRUE 2
#> 11 zook Clamo TRUE 2
#> 12 zook Humeston TRUE 1
#> 13 zook Klum TRUE 1
#> 14 zook Quiver TRUE 1
# }