Visualize soil colors in Munsell notation according to within-group frequency.

  g = factor("All"),
  size = TRUE,
  annotate = FALSE,
  chip.cex = 3,
  chip.cex.min = 0.1,
  chip.cex.max = 1.5,
  chip.border.col = "black",
  annotate.cex = chip.cex * 0.25,
  annotate.type = c("count", "percentage"),
  threshold = NULL



character vector of color in Munsell notation ('10YR 4/6')


factor describing group membership, typically a generalization of horizon designation, default value will generate a fake grouping that covers all of the colors in m


logical, encode group-wise frequency with chip size


logical, annotate color chip frequency


scaling factor applied to each color chip


lower limit for color chip frequency depiction


lower limit for color chip frequency depiction


color for chip borders (outline)


scaling factor for chip frequency annotation


character, within-group count or percentage


numeric within 0-1, color chips with proportion < threshold are removed


a trellis object


# required for latticeExtra:useOuterStrips
if(!requireNamespace('latticeExtra')) {
  # two hue pages
  ric <- expand.grid(
    hue = c('5YR', '7.5YR'),
    value = 2:8,
    chroma = 2:8
  # combine hue, value, chroma into standard Munsell notation
  ric <- sprintf("%s %s/%s", ric$hue, ric$value, ric$chroma)
  # note that chip frequency-based size is disabled 
  # because all chips have equal frequency
  colorChart(ric, chip.cex = 4, size = TRUE)
  # annotation of frequency
  colorChart(ric, chip.cex = 4, annotate = TRUE)
  # bootstrap to larger size
  ric.big <- sample(ric, size = 100, replace = TRUE)
  # frequency can be encoded in size
  colorChart(ric.big, chip.cex = 3)
  colorChart(ric.big, chip.cex = 5, annotate = TRUE)
  # constant size
  colorChart(ric.big, chip.cex = 3, size = FALSE)
  colorChart(ric.big, chip.cex = 3, size = FALSE, chip.border.col = 'NA')
  # simulate colors based dE00 thresholding
  p <- list(
    list(m = '10YR 4/4', thresh = 10, hues = c('10YR', '7.5YR'))
  # perform 500 simulations
  s <- simulateColor(method = 'dE00', n = 500, parameters = p)
  # result is a list, use the first element
  colorChart(s[[1]], chip.cex = 4)
  # increase the possible range of color chip sizes
  colorChart(s[[1]], chip.cex = 4, chip.cex.min = 0.01, chip.cex.max = 2)
  # slightly funky support for neutral hues
  N <- sprintf('N %s/', 2:8)
  cols <- c(rep(N, times = 5), ric.big)
  # note special panel used to show neutral hues
  colorChart(cols, size = FALSE, annotate = TRUE)
  # filter proportions below given threshold
  colorChart(cols, size = FALSE, annotate = TRUE, threshold = 0.01, 
  chip.cex = 4, annotate.type = 'percentage')