Lookup the n closest Munsell chips from the munsell lookup table from various color notations. This function replaces rgb2munsell().

col2Munsell(col, space = c("sRGB", "CIELAB"), nClosest = 1)



character vector of colors, data.frame or matrix of color coordinates in sRGB or CIELAB color space


character, one of sRGB or CIELAB, defines the input color system


integer, number of closest Munsell colors to return (valid range is 1-20)


an (NA-padded) data.frame containing hue, value, chroma, and CIE delta-E 2000 color contrast metric between source and nearest matching color(s).


This function is fully vectorized and will pad output with NA-records when NA are present in color.


D.E. Beaudette


# vector of named R colors
col2Munsell(c('red', 'green', 'blue'))
#>    hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1  10R     5     26 5.334215e-14
#> 2 10GY     9     20 1.111449e-14
#> 3  5PB     1     44 0.000000e+00

# sRGB matrix in the range of 0-255
col2Munsell(cbind(255, 0, 0))
#>   hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1 10R     5     26 5.334215e-14

# sRGB matrix in the range of 0-1
col2Munsell(cbind(1, 0, 0))
#>   hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1 10R     5     26 5.334215e-14

# 10YR 5/6 in CIELAB
  cbind(51.4337, 9.917916, 38.6889), 
  space = 'CIELAB'
#>    hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1 10YR     5      6 1.502818e-06

# 2.5YR 6/8 in hex notation
#>     hue value chroma     sigma
#> 1 2.5YR     6      8 0.1117122

# 7.5YR 8/1 in sRGB {0, 1}
  cbind(0.8240707, 0.7856834, 0.7541048)
#>     hue value chroma       sigma
#> 1 7.5YR     8      1 3.98727e-06

# 7.5YR 8/1 in sRGB {0, 255}
  cbind(0.8240707, 0.7856834, 0.7541048) * 255
#>     hue value chroma       sigma
#> 1 7.5YR     8      1 3.98727e-06

# multple colors in CIELAB
  parseMunsell(c('10BG 6/6', '2.5YR 4/6'), returnLAB = TRUE),
  space = 'CIELAB'
#>     hue value chroma sigma
#> 1  10BG     6      6     0
#> 2 2.5YR     4      6     0

# data.frame input
  data.frame(r = 1, g = 0, b = 0),
  space = 'sRGB'
#>   hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1 10R     5     26 5.334215e-14

# keep examples from using more than 2 cores
data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))

# Munsell notation to sRGB triplets {0, 1} 
color <- munsell2rgb(
  the_hue = c('10YR', '2.5YR', '5YR'), 
  the_value = c(3, 5, 2.5), 
  the_chroma = c(5, 6, 2), 
  return_triplets = TRUE

# result is a data.frame of sRGB {0, 1}
#>           r         g          b
#> 1 0.3755239 0.2554937 0.09112035
#> 2 0.6613729 0.4212891 0.30856225
#> 3 0.2998508 0.2205216 0.18365313

# back-transform sRGB -> closest Munsell color
# sigma is the dE00 color contrast metric
col2Munsell(color, space = 'sRGB')
#>     hue value chroma        sigma
#> 1  10YR   3.0      5 1.473991e-15
#> 2 2.5YR   5.0      6 2.796756e-15
#> 3   5YR   2.5      2 3.660163e-14