Soil Organic Carbon Stocks by Map Unit

SQL Script Soil Organic Carbon Stock This query is meant to be run through the Soil Data Access tabular data query portal. This interface queries current databases maintained by the U.S. National Cooperative Soil Survey. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are estimates of the total mass of SOC in total soil profile for a given depth (0 cm to the any predetermined depth) up to the depth of the soil profile. SOC stocks present in each soil component and mapunit is expressed in metric tons (Mg) per hectare for predetermined depth increments. NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.

General Information about this query: * Uses all components with horizon data. * Does not calculate component SOC below the following component restrictions: + Lithic bedrock, Paralithic bedrock, Densic bedrock, Fragipan, Duripan, Sulfuric, Petrocalcic and Petroferic * Layer SOC stock = (hzT * ( ( om / 1.724 ) * db3 ) * (100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0) + Where hzT = horizon thickness, om = organic matter, db3 = bulk density and fragvol = coarse fragments. Details in following text. * Areasymbol listed twice in the script for Entire SSURGO use “areasymbol <> ‘US’” OR STATSGO use “areasymbol = ‘US’”

MapUnit Table

This table selects all map units for a given area of interst. Mapunits are described as a collection of areas defined and named the same in terms of their soil components by the NSSH (Part 627.03). To select all mapunits for the most detailed US soil survey product, SSURGO, use “areasymbol <> ‘US’” OR for the general soil map, STATSGO, use “areasymbol = ‘US’Areasymbol. This is an example from mukey = 2809839. For general use, Areasymbol = ’WI025’ is pounded out with ‘–’ .

   SELECT areasymbol, areaname, mapunit.mukey, mapunit.mukey AS mulink, mapunit.musym, 
   nationalmusym, mapunit.muname, mukind, muacres
INTO #main
FROM legend
INNER JOIN mapunit on legend.lkey=mapunit.lkey AND mapunit.mukey = 2809839
INNER JOIN muaggatt AS mt1 on mapunit.mukey=mt1.mukey
--AND legend.areasymbol = 'WI025'
areasymbol areaname mukey mulink musym nationalmusym muname mukind muacres
WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 2809839 2809839 161B2 1q9nn Fivepoints silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded Consociation 113

Component and Layer Tables

These tables collect map unit and component information needed. This includes all map units selected above and all components (typically soil series) within each map unit that do not have a limiting layer within 200cm. The concepts of components are described by the NSSH (Part 627.034). This example is limited to one mapunit, mukey = 2809839. The information needed for further SOC stock calculations, individual layer information, is selected from each component.

Component variables used in SOC stock calculation (r denotes that the value is representative of the central tendency): * comppct_r = the composition of each map unit, reported as the proportion (%) of the map unit made up of that soil component as part of the map unit documentation process (NSSH, 2017 – Part 627.08)

acpf Table
-- grab survey area data
LEFT((areasymbol), 2) AS state,
(SELECT SUM (DISTINCT comppct_r) FROM mapunit  AS mui3  INNER JOIN component AS cint3 ON cint3.mukey=mui3.mukey INNER JOIN chorizon AS chint3 ON chint3.cokey=cint3.cokey AND cint3.cokey = c.cokey GROUP BY chint3.cokey) AS sum_comp,
--grab map unit level information


--grab component level information

(SELECT CAST(MIN(resdept_r) AS INTEGER) FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN corestrictions ON component.cokey = corestrictions.cokey WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND reskind  IS NOT NULL) AS restrictiondepth,
(SELECT CASE WHEN MIN (resdept_r) IS NULL THEN 200 ELSE CAST (MIN (resdept_r) AS INT) END FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN corestrictions ON component.cokey = corestrictions.cokey WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND reskind IS NOT NULL) AS restrictiodepth,
(SELECT TOP 1  reskind  FROM component LEFT OUTER JOIN corestrictions ON component.cokey = corestrictions.cokey WHERE component.cokey = c.cokey AND corestrictions.reskind IN ('Lithic bedrock','Duripan', 'Densic bedrock', 'Paralithic bedrock', 'Fragipan', 'Natric', 'Ortstein', 'Permafrost', 'Petrocalcic', 'Petrogypsic')
AND reskind IS NOT NULL ORDER BY resdept_r) AS TOPrestriction, c.cokey,

---begin selection of horizon properties
 CASE WHEN (hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE CAST((hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) AS INT) END AS thickness,  

  om_r, dbthirdbar_r, 
  (SELECT CASE WHEN SUM (cf.fragvol_r) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE CAST (SUM(cf.fragvol_r) AS INT) END FROM chfrags cf WHERE cf.chkey = ch.chkey) as fragvol,
INTO #acpf
FROM legend  AS l
INNER JOIN mapunit AS mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey 
--AND l.areasymbol like 'WI025'
AND mu.mukey = 2809839
INNER JOIN muaggatt AS  mt on mu.mukey=mt.mukey
INNER JOIN component AS  c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey 
INNER JOIN chorizon AS ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey and CASE WHEN hzdept_r IS NULL THEN 2 
WHEN om_r = 0 THEN 2 
WHEN dbthirdbar_r IS NULL THEN 2
WHEN dbthirdbar_r = 0 THEN 2
ELSE 1 END = 1
INNER JOIN chtexturegrp ct ON ch.chkey=ct.chkey and ct.rvindicator = 'yes'
ORDER by l.areasymbol, mu.musym, hzdept_r 
state areasymbol areaname sum_comp mukey musym majcompflag comppct_r compname compkind localphase slope_l slope_r slope_h restrictiondepth restrictiodepth TOPrestriction cokey hzname hzdept_r hzdepb_r thickness om_r dbthirdbar_r fragvol brockdepmin texture chkey
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 90 2809839 161B2 Yes 90 Fivepoints Series 2 4 6 89 89 Lithic bedrock 13906974 Ap 0 18 18 1.5 1.4 5 89 SIL 39904473
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 10 2809839 161B2 No 10 NewGlarus Series 2 4 6 114 114 Lithic bedrock 13906975 Ap 0 23 23 1.5 1.4 3 89 SIL 39904478
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 90 2809839 161B2 Yes 90 Fivepoints Series 2 4 6 89 89 Lithic bedrock 13906974 Bt1 18 25 7 0.5 1.5 5 89 SICL 39904470
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 10 2809839 161B2 No 10 NewGlarus Series 2 4 6 114 114 Lithic bedrock 13906975 BE 23 33 10 0.25 1.4 3 89 SIL 39904479
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 90 2809839 161B2 Yes 90 Fivepoints Series 2 4 6 89 89 Lithic bedrock 13906974 2Bt2 25 48 23 0.25 1.4 11 89 C 39904471
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 10 2809839 161B2 No 10 NewGlarus Series 2 4 6 114 114 Lithic bedrock 13906975 Bt1 33 58 25 0.25 1.5 5 89 SICL 39904480
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 90 2809839 161B2 Yes 90 Fivepoints Series 2 4 6 89 89 Lithic bedrock 13906974 3Bt3 48 89 41 0.25 1.5 45 89 CNV-L 39904472
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 10 2809839 161B2 No 10 NewGlarus Series 2 4 6 114 114 Lithic bedrock 13906975 2Bt2 58 89 31 0.25 1.4 11 89 C 39904475
WI WI025 Dane County, Wisconsin 10 2809839 161B2 No 10 NewGlarus Series 2 4 6 114 114 Lithic bedrock 13906975 3Bt3 89 114 25 0.25 1.5 45 89 CNV-L 39904476

Mapunit Component Composition Table


These tables summarize the proportion of components in each map unit. The components should sum to 100, but this step ensures that any database errors to not overestimate or underestimate stocks on an areal basis.

---Sums the Component Percent and eliminate duplicate values by cokey
SELECT mukey, cokey,  SUM (DISTINCT sum_comp) AS sum_comp2
INTO #muacpf
FROM #acpf AS acpf2
WHERE acpf2.cokey=cokey
GROUP BY mukey, cokey
mukey cokey sum_comp2
2809839 13906974 90
2809839 13906975 10
---Sums the component percent in a map unit
SELECT mukey, cokey, sum_comp2,  SUM (sum_comp2) over(partition by #muacpf.mukey ) AS sum_comp3 --, SUM (sum_comp2) AS sum_comp3
INTO #muacpf2
FROM #muacpf
GROUP BY mukey, cokey, sum_comp2
mukey cokey sum_comp2 sum_comp3
2809839 13906974 90 100
2809839 13906975 10 100

Layer Data

Tables that collect data by layers (horizons) from each component needed for SOC stock calculation

Layer variables used in SOC stock calculation (r denotes that the value is representative of the central tendency): * hzdept_r = top depth of layer (NSSH, 2017 – Part 618.36). * hzdepb = bottom depth of layer (NSSH, 2017 – Part 618.35). * om_r = layer organic matter (%) content. US soil survey databases report OM (NSSH, 2017 – Part 618.43)this is typically based on measurement of total combustion carbon and calcium carbonate concentration by calcimeter (KSSL, 2014). * dbthirdbar_r = bulk density represting field conditions(NSSH, 2017 – Part 618.7). US soil survey bases this on a clod measurement of volume at 1/3 bar and weight at oven dry water content (KSSL, 2014) * fragvol_r = Volume of coarse fragments (>2mm in size), typically based on visual estimates (NSSH, 2017 – Part 618.36).

acpf hzn Table

CASE WHEN (hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE CAST ((hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) AS INT) END AS thickness,
CASE WHEN dbthirdbar_r IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE dbthirdbar_r  END AS dbthirdbar_r, 
CASE WHEN fragvol IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE fragvol  END AS fragvol, 
CASE when om_r IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE om_r END AS om_r,
INTO #acpfhzn
FROM #acpf
mukey cokey hzname restrictiodepth hzdept_r hzdepb_r thickness texture dbthirdbar_r fragvol om_r chkey
2809839 13906974 Bt1 89 18 25 7 SICL 1.5 5 0.5 39904470
2809839 13906974 2Bt2 89 25 48 23 C 1.4 11 0.25 39904471
2809839 13906974 3Bt3 89 48 89 41 CNV-L 1.5 45 0.25 39904472
2809839 13906974 Ap 89 0 18 18 SIL 1.4 5 1.5 39904473
2809839 13906975 2Bt2 114 58 89 31 C 1.4 11 0.25 39904475
2809839 13906975 3Bt3 114 89 114 25 CNV-L 1.5 45 0.25 39904476
2809839 13906975 Ap 114 0 23 23 SIL 1.4 3 1.5 39904478
2809839 13906975 BE 114 23 33 10 SIL 1.4 3 0.25 39904479
2809839 13906975 Bt1 114 33 58 25 SICL 1.5 5 0.25 39904480

Set depths used for increments and organize variables for SOC stock calculations.

SOC Table
CASE WHEN (hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE CAST ((hzdepb_r-hzdept_r) AS INT) END AS thickness, texture, CASE WHEN dbthirdbar_r IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE dbthirdbar_r  END AS dbthirdbar_r, CASE WHEN fragvol IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE fragvol  END AS fragvol, CASE when om_r IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE om_r END AS om_r, chkey INTO #acpfhzn FROM #acpf

--- depth ranges for SOC ----
SELECT hzname, chkey, comppct_r, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, thickness, CASE  WHEN hzdept_r < 150 then hzdept_r ELSE 0 END AS InRangeTop_0_150, CASE  WHEN hzdepb_r <= 150 THEN hzdepb_r WHEN hzdepb_r > 150 and hzdept_r < 150 THEN 150 ELSE 0 END AS InRangeBot_0_150,

CASE  WHEN hzdept_r < 5 then hzdept_r ELSE 0 END AS InRangeTop_0_5, CASE  WHEN hzdepb_r <= 5 THEN hzdepb_r WHEN hzdepb_r > 5 and hzdept_r < 5 THEN 5 ELSE 0 END AS InRangeBot_0_5,

CASE  WHEN hzdept_r < 30 then hzdept_r ELSE 0 END AS InRangeTop_0_30, CASE  WHEN hzdepb_r <= 30  THEN hzdepb_r WHEN hzdepb_r > 30  and hzdept_r < 30 THEN 30  ELSE 0 END AS InRangeBot_0_30,
---5 to 15 
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 5 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >15 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 5 AND hzdept_r < 5 THEN 5 WHEN hzdept_r < 5 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 15 then hzdept_r ELSE 5 END AS InRangeTop_5_15 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 15 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 5 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 15 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 15 and hzdept_r < 15 THEN 15 ELSE 5 END AS InRangeBot_5_15,
---15 to 30
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 15 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >30 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 15 AND hzdept_r < 15 THEN 15 WHEN hzdept_r < 15 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 30 then hzdept_r ELSE 15 END AS InRangeTop_15_30 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 30 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 15 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 30 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 30 and hzdept_r < 30 THEN 30 ELSE 15 END AS InRangeBot_15_30,

--30 to 60
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 30 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >60 THEN 0 
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 30 AND hzdept_r < 30 THEN 30 
WHEN hzdept_r < 30 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 60 then hzdept_r ELSE 30 END AS InRangeTop_30_60 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 60 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 30 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 60 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 60 and hzdept_r < 60 THEN 60 ELSE 30 END AS InRangeBot_30_60,

---60 to 100
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 60 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >100 THEN 0 
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 60 AND hzdept_r < 60 THEN 60 
WHEN hzdept_r < 60 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 100 then hzdept_r ELSE 60 END AS InRangeTop_60_100 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 100 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 60 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 100 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 100 and hzdept_r < 100 THEN 100 ELSE 60 END AS InRangeBot_60_100,

--100 to 200
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 100 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >200 THEN 0 
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 100 AND hzdept_r < 100 THEN 100 
WHEN hzdept_r < 100 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 200 then hzdept_r ELSE 100 END AS InRangeTop_100_200 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 200 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 100 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 200 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 200 and hzdept_r < 200 THEN 200 ELSE 100 END AS InRangeBot_100_200,
CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 20 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >50 THEN 0 
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 20 AND hzdept_r < 20 THEN 20 
WHEN hzdept_r < 20 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 50 then hzdept_r ELSE 20 END AS InRangeTop_20_50 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 50 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 20 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 50 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 50 and hzdept_r < 50 THEN 50 ELSE 20 END AS InRangeBot_20_50,

CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 50 THEN 0
WHEN hzdept_r >100 THEN 0 
WHEN hzdepb_r >= 50 AND hzdept_r < 50 THEN 50 
WHEN hzdept_r < 50 THEN 0
        WHEN hzdept_r < 100 then hzdept_r ELSE 50 END AS InRangeTop_50_100 ,
CASE   WHEN hzdept_r > 100 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r < 50 THEN 0
WHEN hzdepb_r <= 100 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 100 and hzdept_r < 100 THEN 100 ELSE 50 END AS InRangeBot_50_100,
--CASE    WHEN hzdept_r < 50 THEN 50
--      WHEN hzdept_r < 100 then hzdept_r ELSE 50 END AS InRangeTop_50_100,
--CASE    WHEN hzdepb_r < 50 THEN 50
--WHEN hzdepb_r <= 100 THEN hzdepb_r  WHEN hzdepb_r > 100 and hzdept_r < 100 THEN 100 ELSE 50 END AS InRangeBot_50_100,

om_r, fragvol, dbthirdbar_r, cokey, mukey, 100.0 - fragvol AS frag_main
FROM #acpf
ORDER BY cokey, hzdept_r ASC, hzdepb_r ASC, chkey
hzname chkey comppct_r hzdept_r hzdepb_r thickness InRangeTop InRangeBot InRangeTop_0_30 InRangeBot_0_30 InRangeTop_20_50 InRangeBot_20_50 InRangeTop_50_100 InRangeBot_50_100 om_r fragvol dbthirdbar_r cokey mukey frag_main
Ap 39904473 90 0 18 18 0 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 1.5 5 1.4 13906974 2809839 95
Bt1 39904470 90 18 25 7 18 25 18 25 20 25 0 0 0.5 5 1.5 13906974 2809839 95
2Bt2 39904471 90 25 48 23 25 48 25 30 25 48 0 0 0.25 11 1.4 13906974 2809839 89
3Bt3 39904472 90 48 89 41 48 89 0 0 48 50 50 89 0.25 45 1.5 13906974 2809839 55
Ap 39904478 10 0 23 23 0 23 0 23 20 23 0 0 1.5 3 1.4 13906975 2809839 97
BE 39904479 10 23 33 10 23 33 23 30 23 33 0 0 0.25 3 1.4 13906975 2809839 97
Bt1 39904480 10 33 58 25 33 58 0 0 33 50 50 58 0.25 5 1.5 13906975 2809839 95
2Bt2 39904475 10 58 89 31 58 89 0 0 0 0 58 89 0.25 11 1.4 13906975 2809839 89
3Bt3 39904476 10 89 114 25 89 114 0 0 0 0 89 100 0.25 45 1.5 13906975 2809839 55

Execute SOC layer calculations.

Layer SOC stock = ( (hzT * ( ( om / 1.724 ) * db3 )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0)

\[Layer SOC stock = Thickness * (om/1.724)/100 * \rho * (1-FRAG)\]

where Thickness is the layer/horizon thickness present within the depth increment in question (\(cm\)), \(\rho\) is the bulk density in (\(g oven dried soil in volume at one third bar, cm ^{-3}\)), [om] is the concentration of organic matter in soil (\(% of soil ^{-1}\)), and FRAG is the proportion of sample greater than 2mm in diameter (\(% by volumen\)).

SOC2 Table
SELECT mukey, cokey, hzname, chkey, comppct_r, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, thickness,


InRangeTop_50_100 ,
(( ((InRangeBot_0_150 - InRangeTop_0_150) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_0_150,

(( ((InRangeBot_0_30 - InRangeTop_0_30) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_0_30,
---Removed * ( comppct_r * 100 ) 
((((InRangeBot_20_50 - InRangeTop_20_50) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_20_50,
---Removed * ( comppct_r * 100 ) 
((((InRangeBot_50_100 - InRangeTop_50_100) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_50_100,

(( ((InRangeBot_0_5 - InRangeTop_0_5) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_0_5,

(( ((InRangeBot_5_15 - InRangeTop_5_15) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_5_15,

(( ((InRangeBot_15_30 - InRangeTop_15_30) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_15_30,

(( ((InRangeBot_30_60 - InRangeTop_30_60) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_30_60,

(( ((InRangeBot_60_100 - InRangeTop_60_100) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_60_100,

(( ((InRangeBot_100_200 - InRangeTop_100_200) * ( ( om_r / 1.724 ) * dbthirdbar_r )) / 100.0 ) * ((100.0 - fragvol) / 100.0))  AS HZ_SOC_100_200
---Removed * ( comppct_r * 100 ) 
ORDER BY  mukey ,cokey, comppct_r DESC, hzdept_r ASC, hzdepb_r ASC, chkey
mukey cokey hzname chkey comppct_r hzdept_r hzdepb_r thickness InRangeTop_0_30 InRangeBot_0_30 InRangeTop_20_50 InRangeBot_20_50 InRangeTop_50_100 InRangeBot_50_100 HZ_SOC_0_30 HZ_SOC_20_50 HZ_SOC_50_100
2809839 13906974 Ap 39904473 90 0 18 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0.2082947 0 0
2809839 13906974 Bt1 39904470 90 18 25 7 18 25 20 25 0 0 0.02892981 0.02066415 0
2809839 13906974 2Bt2 39904471 90 25 48 23 25 30 25 48 0 0 0.009034222 0.04155742 0
2809839 13906974 3Bt3 39904472 90 48 89 41 0 0 48 50 50 89 0 0.002392691 0.04665748
2809839 13906975 Ap 39904478 10 0 23 23 0 23 20 23 0 0 0.2717576 0.03544664 0
2809839 13906975 BE 39904479 10 23 33 10 23 30 23 33 0 0 0.0137848 0.01969258 0
2809839 13906975 Bt1 39904480 10 33 58 25 0 0 33 50 50 58 0 0.03512906 0.01653132
2809839 13906975 2Bt2 39904475 10 58 89 31 0 0 0 0 58 89 0 0 0.05601218
2809839 13906975 3Bt3 39904476 10 89 114 25 0 0 0 0 89 100 0 0 0.0131598

Sum SOC layers within each component.

Summarize SOC stocks by component Pedon SOC stock (\(SOCstock_D\)) were summed for soil depths (D) of 0-5, 0-30, and 0-100cm using the fixed depth increment approach described by Ellert et al. (2008)

\[SOCstock_c = \sum_{D}^L SOC_{l} \]

where L is the number of soil layers within the specified soil depth (D).

SOC3 Table
SELECT DISTINCT cokey, mukey,  
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_0_150) over(PARTITION BY cokey) ,4) AS CO_SOC_0_150, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_0_30) over(PARTITION BY cokey) ,4) AS CO_SOC_0_30, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_20_50) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_20_50, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_50_100) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4)  AS CO_SOC_50_100,
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_0_5) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_0_5, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_5_15) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_5_15, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_15_30) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_15_30, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_30_60) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_30_60, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_60_100) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_60_100, 
ROUND (SUM (HZ_SOC_100_200) over(PARTITION BY cokey),4) AS CO_SOC_100_200 
cokey mukey CO_SOC_0_30 CO_SOC_20_50 CO_SOC_50_100
13906974 2809839 0.246 0.065 0.047
13906975 2809839 0.286 0.09 0.086

Weighted Average of Components within each map unit.

\[SOC_{mu} = (\sum_{C}^n SOC_d*Cpct) * 100\] where SOCmu is the average SOC stock in each map unit, c is the number of components, Cpct is the proportion of each component within the map unit and SOCd is the carbon stock within a given depth increment. Converted for expression in units of \(Mg C ha ^{-1}\):

SOC4 Table
INNER JOIN #muacpf3 ON #muacpf3.cokey=#SOC3.cokey
13906974 2809839 0.90 0.246 0.2214
13906975 2809839 0.10 0.286 0.0286
Output Table
SELECT DISTINCT #main.mukey, ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_0_30) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_0_30 , 
ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_20_50) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_20_50 , 
ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_50_100) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_50_100,

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_0_150) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_0_150,
ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_0_5) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_0_5 , 

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_5_15) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_5_15 , 

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_15_30) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_15_30 , 

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_30_60) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_30_60 , 

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_60_100) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_60_100 , 

ROUND (SUM (WEIGHTED_CO_SOC_100_200) over(PARTITION BY #SOC4.mukey) ,4) *100  AS SOCSTOCK_100_200
RIGHT OUTER JOIN #main ON #main.mukey=#SOC4.mukey 
mukey SOCSTOCK_0_30
2809839 25

Global Soil Organic Carbon Output

Ther SOCstock was for 0 - 30cm was exported for further GIS interpolation and extrapolation.

Sources and Citations

The data source of this data is the STATSGO and SSURGO data from the US National Cooperative Soil Survey. The following references cover data definitions, derivation and quality procedures.

NSSH - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. (accessed day month year).

KSSL - Laboratory Methods Manual (SSIR 42), version 5, 2014 (PDF; 6.29 MB)

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