Split Munsell color notation into "hue", "value", and "chroma", with optional conversion to sRGB hex notation, sRGB coordinates, and CIELAB coordinates. Conversion is performed by munsell2rgb()
parseMunsell(munsellColor, convertColors = TRUE, delim = NA, ...)
character vector of Munsell colors (e.g. c('10YR 3/4', '5YR 4/6')
logical, convert colors to sRGB hex notation, sRGB coordinates, CIELAB coordinates
optional, specify the type of delimiter used between value and chroma parts of the Munsell code. By default ":", ",:, "'", and "/" are supported.
additional arguments to munsell2rgb()
a data.frame
# just sRGB
parseMunsell("10YR 3/5", return_triplets = TRUE)
#> r g b
#> 1 0.3754983 0.2555129 0.09093377
# sRGB + CIELAB (D65 illuminant)
parseMunsell("10YR 3/5", return_triplets = TRUE, returnLAB = TRUE)
#> r g b L A B
#> 1 0.3754983 0.2555129 0.09093377 30.27986 8.888747 29.95071
# CIELAB only
parseMunsell("10YR 3/5", return_triplets = FALSE, returnLAB = TRUE)
#> L A B
#> 1 30.27986 8.888747 29.95071
# neutral hue
# note chroma encoded as '0'
parseMunsell('N 3/', convertColors = FALSE)
#> hue value chroma
#> 1 N 3 0