Data-driven evaluation of generalized horizon labels using nMDS and silhouette width.
genhz = GHL(obj, required = TRUE),
non.matching.code = "not-used",
stand = TRUE,
metric = "euclidean"
a SoilProfileCollection
name of horizon-level attribute containing generalized horizon labels
character vector of horizon-level attributes to include in the evaluation
code used to represent horizons not assigned a generalized horizon label
standardize variables before computing distance matrix, passed to cluster::daisy()
distance metric, passed to cluster::daisy()
a list is returned containing:
horizons: c('mds.1', mds.2', 'sil.width', 'neighbor')
stats: mean and standard deviation vars
, computed by generalized horizon label
dist: the distance matrix as passed to stats::cmdscale()
Classic multidimensional scaling is performed via stats::cmdscale()
The input distance matrix is generated by cluster::daisy()
(complete cases of) horizon-level attributes from obj
as named in
Silhouette widths are computed via cluster::silhouette()
. The input
distance matrix is generated by cluster::daisy()
using (complete cases
of) horizon-level attributes from obj
as named in vars
. Note
that observations with genhz labels specified in non.matching.code
are removed filtered before calculation of the distance matrix.