This function makes small adjustments to elements of x until overlap defined by thresh is removed, or until maxIter is reached. Rank order and boundary conditions (defined by min.x and max.x) are preserved. The underlying algorithm is based on simulated annealing. The "cooling schedule" parameters T0 and k can be used to tune the algorithm for specific applications.

  thresh = 0.6,
  adj = thresh * 2/3,
  min.x = min(x) - 0.2,
  max.x = max(x) + 0.2,
  maxIter = 1000,
  trace = FALSE,
  tiny = 1e-04,
  T0 = 500,
  k = 10,



vector of horizontal positions, pre-sorted


horizontal threshold defining "overlap" or distance between elements of x. For adjusting soil profile sketches values are typically < 1 and likely in (0.3, 0.8).


specifies the size of perturbations within runif(min = adj * -1, max = adj). Larger values will sometimes reduce the number of iterations required to solve particularly difficult overlap conditions. See coolingRate argument when adj is large


left-side boundary condition, consider expanding if a solution cannot be found within maxIter.


right-side boundary condition, consider expanding if a solution cannot be found within maxIter.


maximum number of iterations to attempt before giving up and returning a regularly-spaced sequence


print diagnostics, result is a list vs vector


the smallest allowable overlap


starting temperature


cooling constant


not used, absorbs additional arguments to fixOverlap()


When trace = FALSE, a vector of the same length as x, preserving rank-ordering and boundary conditions. When trace = TRUE a list containing the new sequence along with information about objective functions and decisions made during iteration.


Ideas for solving difficult overlap scenarios:

  • widen the boundary conditions by adjusting min.x and max.x beyond the original scale of x

  • reduce the allowable overlap threshold thresh

  • reduce the magnitude of perturbations (adj) and increase maxIter

  • increase k


D.E. Beaudette and K.C. Thompson


x <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.4, 3.5, 5, 6, 10)

# easy
z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.2, trace = TRUE)
#> 2 iterations

# harder
z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.6, trace = TRUE)
#> 20 iterations

# much harder
z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.9, trace = TRUE)
#> 88 iterations

# interpret `trace` output

# relatively challenging
x <- c(1, 2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 13, 15, 15.5)

# fix overlap, return debugging information
z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.8, trace = TRUE)
#> duplicates in `x`, applying jitter
#> 237 iterations

# setup plot device
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3)), widths = 1, heights = c(1,1,2))

# objective function = overlap + SSD
  seq_along(z$stats), z$stats, 
  type = 'h', las = 1,
  xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'Overlap',
  cex.axis = 0.8

# SSD: deviation from original configuration 
  seq_along(z$ssd), z$ssd, 
  type = 'h', las = 1,
  xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'Deviation',
  cex.axis = 0.8
# adjustments at each iteration
  z$states, type = 'l', 
  lty = 1, las = 1, 
  xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'x-position'

# trace log
# B: boundary condition violation
# O: rank (order) violation
# +: accepted perturbation
# -: rejected perturbation
#>   B   O   +   - 
#>  41 114  78   3