Interactive NCSS Map

D.E. Beaudette and J.L. Nemecek


The Map

There is a new, map-based interface to our NCSS Soil Characterization data. Selections made on the map can be downloaded and used as a template for querying the full set of characterization data in R. The following instructions assume a basic understanding of the NCSS database structure and familiarity with R.

Make a Selection

The saved CSV file will look something like this (first few columns and rows included for clarity):

OBJECTID Series User.Pedon.ID Pedon.Key Soil.Classification
5008 Shinke S1972CA077009 5980 Loamy, mixed, euic, thermic Terric Haplosaprists
14606 Snd 90CA043005 17829 Coarse-loamy, mixed Dystric Xerochrepts
14607 (unnamed) 90CA043010copy 17830 Coarse-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Haploxeroll
14608 Stream Terrace 90CA043011 17831 Coarse-loamy, mixed Typic Xerochrepts
14609 Snd 90CA043012 17832 Coarse-loamy, mixed Cumulic Haploxerolls
14610 Snd 90CA043013 17833 Coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed Histic Haplaquolls

Requesting Additional Data via soilDB::fetchKSSL

The following code example assumes that the selected data have been saved to features.csv (e.g. CSV format), in the current working directory. Adjust as needed.

# SoilProfileCollection class/methods

# fetchKSSL() and related

# convenience of progress bar within lapply()

# load queried features
x <- read.csv('features.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# inspect: 230 pedons

# iterate over pedon keys and request data
# this is done in serial, so kind of slow
# use furrr for parallel requests
z <- pblapply(x$Pedon.Key, function(i) {
  # query by pedon key
  # ignore messages
  res <- suppressMessages(fetchKSSL(pedon_key = i))

# result is a list of SPC
# combine into a single SPC
z <- aqp::union(z)

# graphical check on 30 random profiles in the collection
# adjust if there are fewer
plot(sample(z, 30), color='clay', label='taxonname')

This document is based on aqp version 1.17.07 and soilDB version 2.3.9.