Cumulative PPT over the course of an idealized water year (October 1 through September 30). Measurements are selected from water years with annual PPT close to the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles of annual PPT (over all water years). Key elements:
# define station of interest
s <- 'SPW'
# get metadata <- CDEC_StationInfo(s)
# format title for cumulative PPT
title.text <- sprintf("%s [%s]",$site.meta$Name, s)
# get data
x <- CDECquery(id = s, sensor = 45, interval = 'D', start = '2000-01-01', end = '2030-01-01')
# bad data:
# station_id dur_code sensor_num sensor_type value flag units datetime year month water_year water_day
# 7419 SPW D 45 PPT INC 15.65 INCHES 2020-04-23 2020 April 2020 206
# filter bad record
x <- x[x$value < 10, ]
# plot
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5))
PCP_plot(x, ylab = 'Cumulative PPT (inches)', main = title.text, this.year = 2024)
Using daily precipitation data near Sonora, CA (-120.3822, 37.9829), from DAYMET point-query API.
# convenience function
getDaymet <- function(x, y, start_yr, end_yr) {
# daymet point query
d <- download_daymet("daymet",
lat = y,
lon = x,
start = start_yr,
end = end_yr,
internal = TRUE
# keep only the data
d <- d$data
# format datetime
d$datetime <- as.Date(sprintf('%s %s', d$year, d$yday), format="%Y %j")
# extract water year and water day
w <- waterDayYear(d$datetime)
# add back to original data, row-order is preserved
d$water_year <- w$wy
d$water_day <- w$wd
# extract PPT and convert to inches
d$value <- d$ / 25.4
# get the data
x <- getDaymet(x=-120.3822, y=37.9829, start_yr=1981, end_yr=2017)
# examples
par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5))
PCP_plot(x, ylab='Cumulative PPT (in)', main='DAYMET', this.year = 2017)
PCP_plot(x, ylab='Cumulative PPT (in)', main='DAYMET', this.year = 2017,
PCP_plot(x, ylab='Cumulative PPT (in)', main='DAYMET', this.year = 1999, = 100)
Daily climate data from the Rogers Farm #1 SCAN station; site number 2001.
# range can extend beyond actual records
x <- fetchSCAN(site.code = c(2001), year = 1990:2022, timeseries = 'Daily')
# extract instantaneous precipitation, units are inches
x <- x$PRCP
# copy date into column expected by PCP_plot
x$datetime <- x$Date
par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5))
PCP_plot(x, ylab = 'Cumulative PPT (in)', main = 'SCAN Station 2001', this.year = 2022, = 300)
s <- 'SPW' <- CDEC_StationInfo(s)
title.text <- sprintf("%s [%s]",$site.meta$Name, s)
# get data
x <- CDECquery(id = s, sensor = 45, interval = 'D', start = '2000-01-01', end = '2030-01-01')
# filter bad record
x <- x[x$value < 10, ]
for(i in 1:365) {
# plot
par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 1.5))
PCP_plot(x, ylab='Cumulative PPT (inches)', main=title.text, this.year = 2005, = i)
gif_file = "PCP_plot-SPW-animation.gif",
width = 700,
height = 500,
delay = 0.05,
loop = TRUE
This document is based on sharpshootR
version 2.2.