USDA-NRCS Soil Survey Data

D.E. Beaudette
Soil Scientist

This document is based on:
aqp (1.15.1), soilDB (1.8.14), and sharpshootR (1.3.2).


  • P. Roudier, Landcare Research, NZ (aqp)
  • J.M. Skovlin, USDA-NRCS (aqp, soilDB, sharpshootR)
  • S.M. Roecker, USDA-NRCS (aqp, soilDB, sharpshootR)

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100+ years of hard-earned soil survey methods, soil-landscape models, and data

Data Sources and Discussion (see PDF)

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Soils Require Specialized Data Structures

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  • soil data are complex, inherently visual
  • reproducibility is increasingly important
  • focus on the interesting questions, not boilerplate
  • a common vocabulary for soil data analysis would be nice

Why R?

  • repeatable, self-documenting work:

    • 2800+ packages on CRAN: 100+ packages on GIS, ecology, and soils!
    • package system: algorithms + docs + sample data
  • advanced data visualisation capabilities

  • algorithm development by experts, application by trained users

    • testing by eye: simple graphical “grammar” used to plot data
    • formalized testing: correlation, regression, classification, ordination, …
    • I/O capabilities: file, URL, SOAP, SQL, ODBC, PDF, PNG, SHP, KML, …
    • optimizers, matrix operations, custom data structures, …

aqp Package: Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology

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  • special data structures: avoids annoying book-keeping code
  • visualization: soil profile sketches, transect diagrams, Munsell →  RGB
  • re-sampling: regular depth-slicing or EA spline (coming soon)
  • aggregation: summary by depth-slice or arbitrary “slabs”
  • classification: pair-wise dissimilarity of profiles
  • utility functions: soil depth, missing data eval., simulation, …

soilDB Package: Soil Database Interface

  • functions that return tabular data which can be upgraded to spatial data:

  • functions that return spatial data:

    • seriesExtent(): simplified series extent as polygons
    • fetchHenry(): sensor / weather station locations as points
    • SDA_query(): SSURGO data as points, lines, polygons (via SDA)
    • mapunit_geom_by_ll_bbox(): SSURGO data as polygons (via WFS)
  • other functions:

    • fetchSCAN(): unified interface to SCAN/SNOTEL
    • SDA_query_features(): SSURGO tabular queries by sp object
    • fetchOSD(): Official Series Descriptions

sharpshootR Package: Prototypes / Specialized Stuff


Details: see the paper and GitHub page

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SoilProfileCollection objects

Formal class 'SoilProfileCollection' [package "aqp"] with 7 slots
  ..@ idcol     : chr "peiid"
  ..@ depthcols : chr [1:2] "hzdept" "hzdepb"
  ..@ metadata  :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  1 variable:
  ..@ horizons  :'data.frame':  365 obs. of  43 variables:
  ..@ site      :'data.frame':  63 obs. of  67 variables:
  ..@ sp        :Formal class 'SpatialPoints' [package "sp"] with 3 slots
  ..@ diagnostic:'data.frame':  205 obs. of  4 variables:

plot of chunk SPC-2

SoilProfileCollection Objects

Typical pedon/site data:

id, top, bottom, name, group
1,  0,   10,     A,    g1
1,  10,  18,     AB,   g1
2,  12,   22,    E,    g2
2,  22,   45,    Bhs1, g2

Converting data.frameSoilProfileCollection:

x <- read.csv(file = ...)
# promote to SoilProfileCollection
depths(x) <- id ~ top + bottom
# move 'site data' into @site
site(x) <- ~group

Functions that return SoilProfileCollection:

x <- fetchOSD()
x <- fetchKSSL()
x <- fetchPedonPC()
x <- fetchNASIS()
x <- fetchNASIS_component_data()

→ SoilProfileCollection tutorial

SoilProfileCollection objects

  • object inspection
idname(sp4) # pedon ID name
horizonDepths(sp4) # colum names containing top and bottom depths
depth_units(sp4) # defaults to 'cm'
metadata(sp4) # data.frame with 1 row
profile_id(sp4) # vector of profile IDs
  • overloads to common functions
length(sp4) # number of profiles in the collection
nrow(sp4) # number of horizons in the collection
names(sp4) # column names from site and horizon data
min(sp4) # shallowest profile depth in collection
max(sp4) # deepest profile depth in collection
sp4[i, j] # get profile "i", horizon "j"
  • getting / setting of components
horizons(sp4) # get / set horizon data
site(sp4)  # get / set site data
diagnostic_hz(sp4) # get / set diagnostic horizons
proj4string(sp4) # get / set CRS
coordinates(sp4) # get / set coordinates
  • coercion to SpatialPointsDataFrame or data.frame
as(sp4, 'SpatialPointsDataFrame')
as(sp4, 'data.frame')

Munsell Color Conversion

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Plotting SoilProfileCollection Objects

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Plotting SoilProfileCollection Objects

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Plotting SoilProfileCollection Objects

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Plotting SoilProfileCollection Objects

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Plotting SoilProfileCollection Objects

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Slice-Wise Aggregation: RIC via quantiles

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Slice-Wise Aggregation: RIC via quantiles

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Slice-Wise Aggregation: RIC via quantiles

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Slice-Wise Aggregation: probabilities

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Slice-Wise Aggregation: soil morphology in aggregate

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Pair-Wise Dissimilarity

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Pair-Wise Dissimilarity

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soilDB: OSD Summaries

basic morphologic / taxonomic data from OSD and SC databases [SoilWeb]

# soils of interest
s.list <- c('hornitos', 'argonaut', 'mokelumne', 'dunstone', 'auburn', 'pentz', 'pardee', 'peters', 'amador', 'laniger')

# fetch data from SoilWeb server and return as SoilProfileCollection
s <- fetchOSD(s.list)

# plot
plot(s, name='hzname','side',, axis.line.offset=-4.5)

plot of chunk soilDB-OSD

soilDB: Soil Series Extent

simplified series extent maps [SoilWeb]

amador <- seriesExtent("amador")  # result is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
writeOGR(amador, driver = "ESRI Shapefile", ...)  # save to SHP

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soilDB: KSSL Data

characterization and current taxonomic data [SoilWeb]

musick <- fetchKSSL("musick")  # result is a SoilProfileCollection

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sharpshootR: Soil Taxonomy Visualization

profile sketches organized by taxonomy

# soils of interest
s.list <- c("hornitos", "perkins", "argonaut", "inks", "mokelumne", "dunstone", "auburn", "pentz", "pardee", 
    "peters", "amador", "laniger")

# fetch data from SoilWeb server and return as SoilProfileCollection
s <- fetchOSD(s.list)

# organize and plot according to subgroup level taxonomic data
SoilTaxonomyDendrogram(s, cex.taxon.labels = 0.8)

plot of chunk sharpshootR-1

sharpshootR: Component Relationships

investigate the relationship between component data from SSURGO / NASIS

# get data from SDA
q <- "SELECT component.mukey, comppct_r, lower(compname) as compname 
FROM legend 
INNER JOIN mapunit ON mapunit.lkey = legend.lkey 
LEFT OUTER JOIN component ON component.mukey = mapunit.mukey 
WHERE legend.areasymbol IN ('CA654') AND compkind IN ('Series', 'Taxadjunct')
ORDER BY mukey, comppct_r DESC"

# run query, process results, and return as data.frame object
res <- SDA_query(q)
# compute adjacency matrix
m <- component.adj.matrix(res)
# plot component relationships as network diagram
par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
title("CA654 Components")

→ SDA_query() manual page
→ component.adj.matrix() manual page
→ plotSoilRelationGraph() manual page

plot of chunk sharpshootR-comp-relationship-3

sharpshootR: Component Relationships

generate hillslope position probability matrix by series name

top.10 <- names(sort(table(res$compname), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10])
hp <- hillslope.probability(top.10)
      compname Toeslope Footslope Backslope Shoulder Summit
1     AHWAHNEE     0.00      0.00      1.00     0.00   0.00
2      AUBERRY     0.00      0.02      0.96     0.01   0.02
3   BLASINGAME     0.00      0.01      0.97     0.00   0.01
4    FALLBROOK     0.00      0.00      1.00     0.00   0.00
5  GRANGEVILLE     0.74      0.24      0.02     0.00   0.00
6      HANFORD     0.64      0.24      0.12     0.00   0.00
7     HESPERIA     0.25      0.45      0.29     0.00   0.00
8  SAN JOAQUIN     0.65      0.05      0.08     0.21   0.01
9       SIERRA     0.00      0.00      0.94     0.05   0.01
10       VISTA     0.00      0.16      0.80     0.02   0.03

Potential uses:

  • disaggregation clues
  • stratification / weighting for sampling mission
  • survey update work / ESD work

OK, So What?

how about some examples

  • simulating data to feed / test models
sim(SPC, n=10,
random_profile(id, n=c(3, 4, 5), min_thick=5, max_thick=30, n_prop=5)
  • profile sketches ordered by meaningful gradient
plot(SPC, plot.order=new.order)
  • applying functions by profile
profileApply(SPC, <function>)
  • “slicing”: depth-wise alignment and extraction of data
slice(SPC, 0:50 ~ sand + silt + clay)
  • aggregating by “slab”: group / depth-wise summaries
# assuming no NA
slab(SPC, ~ sand + silt + clay,
slab(SPC, ~ sand + silt + clay, slab.structure=c(0,10),
slab(SPC, group ~ sand + silt + clay,

Simulated Data: Horizon Depths and Designations

# source data are a single profile description of the Morley series as a data.frame
depths(b) <- id ~ top + bottom
# convert horizon colors into RGB
b$soil_color <- munsell2rgb(b$hue, b$value, b$chroma)
# simulate 15 profiles based on reported horizon thickness standard deviations 
b.sim <- sim(b, n=15,,1,1,2,4,2,2,4))
# set depth units to inches
depth_units(b.sim) <- 'in'

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Simulated Data: Physical Properties

simulation based on a random walk– similar to highly stratified soils

# implicit loop via plyr::ldply, result is a data.frame
d <- ldply(1:10, random_profile, n=c(6, 7, 8), n_prop=1, method='random_walk')
# promote to SoilProfileCollection and plot
depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom
plot(d, color='p1', axis.line.offset=-4, max.depth=150)

plot of chunk simulate-profiles-2

Simulated Data: Physical Properties

simulation based on the logistic power peak function– more realistic anisotropy

# implicit loop via plyr::ldply, result is a data.frame
d <- ldply(1:10, random_profile, n=c(6, 7, 8), n_prop=1, method='LPP', 
lpp.a=5, lpp.b=10, lpp.d=5, lpp.e=5, lpp.u=25)
# promote to SoilProfileCollection and plot
depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom
plot(d, color='p1', axis.line.offset=-4, max.depth=150)

plot of chunk simulate-profiles-3

Profile Sketches: Sierra Transects

data and concept from Dahlgren et al. and Rasmussen et al.

x.g <- read.csv('dahlgren-granitics.csv', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
x.a <- read.csv(file='rasmussen-andisitic-lahar.csv', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# convert colors
x.g$soil_color <- with(x.g, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma))
x.a$soil_color <- with(x.a, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma))

# init Soill Profile Collection objects
depths(x.g) <- id ~ top + bottom
site(x.g) <- ~ elev + MAAT + MAP + geo
# init Soill Profile Collection objects
depths(x.a) <- id ~ top + bottom
site(x.a) <- ~ elev + precip + MAP + MAT + veg + Fe_d_to_Fe_t

# index ordering to elevation in meters <- order(x.g$elev) <- order(x.a$elev)

# plot first figure
par(mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(3,0,0,0))
plot(x.g, name='name',,, axis.line.offset=-4,'side')
axis(1, at=1:length(x.g), labels=x.g$elev[], line=-2)
# plot second figure
plot(x.a, name='name',,,  axis.line.offset=-4,'side')
axis(1, at=1:length(x.a), labels=x.a$elev[], line=-2)

Profile Sketches: Sierra Transects

pedogenic “sweet spot” along bio-climatic gradient

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Magnesic Soils of California

data From McGahan et al.

# load sample dataset, comes with aqp package
# inspect first 4 rows x 12 columns
sp4[1:4, 1:12]
      id name top bottom   K   Mg  Ca CEC_7 ex_Ca_to_Mg sand silt clay
1 colusa    A   0      3 0.3 25.7 9.0  23.0        0.35   46   33   21
2 colusa  ABt   3      8 0.2 23.7 5.6  21.4        0.23   42   31   27
3 colusa  Bt1   8     30 0.1 23.2 1.9  23.7        0.08   40   28   32
4 colusa  Bt2  30     42 0.1 44.3 0.3  43.0        0.01   27   18   55
# upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom

# custom function for computing hz-thick wt. mean, accounting for missing data <- function(i) {
    # use horizon thickness as a weight
    thick <- i$bottom - i$top
    # function is from the Hmisc package
    m <- wtd.mean(i$ex_Ca_to_Mg, weights=thick, na.rm=TRUE)

# apply custom function to each profile, save as "site-level" attribute
sp4$ <- profileApply(sp4,

# generate index ordering from small -> large Ca:Mg
new.order <- order(sp4$

Magnesic Soils of California

# plot the data using our new order based on Ca:Mg
plot(sp4, name='name', color='ex_Ca_to_Mg', plot.order=new.order,,'side', axis.line.offset=-4,)

# add an axis labeled with the sorting criteria
axis(1, at=1:length(sp4), labels=round(sp4$, 3), cex.axis=1)
mtext(1, line=2.25, text='Horizon Thickness Weighted Mean Ex. Ca:Mg', cex=1)

plot of chunk magnesic-soils-2

Slicing OSD Data = Map of Soil Color

# read in OSD color data as CSV
x <- read.csv('data/osd-colors-original.csv.gz')
# re-order by series, then depth
x <- x[order(x$series, x$top), ]

# convert Munsell to RGB
x.rgb <- with(x, munsell2rgb(matrix_wet_color_hue, 

# init SoilProfileCollection object
depths(g) <- series ~ top + bottom

# slice at specific depths, keeping only  r, g, b
# ignore bad horizonation with strict=FALSE
g.slices <- slice(g, c(5, 10, 15, 25) ~ r + g + b,, strict=FALSE)

# save depth slices as CSV files, import into GIS and make map
write.csv(g.slices[g.slices$top == 5, c('series', 'r', 'g', 'b')], ...)
write.csv(g.slices[g.slices$top == 10, c('series', 'r', 'g', 'b')], ...)
write.csv(g.slices[g.slices$top == 15, c('series', 'r', 'g', 'b')], ...)
write.csv(g.slices[g.slices$top == 25, c('series', 'r', 'g', 'b')], ...)

Slicing OSD Data = Map of Soil Color [5 cm]

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Slicing OSD Data = Map of Soil Color [10 cm]

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Slicing OSD Data = Map of Soil Color [15 cm]

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Slicing OSD Data = Map of Soil Color [25 cm]

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Summarize Clay vs Depth by Geology

pedons <- fetchNASIS()
# ... details on generalization of geologic classes ommitted ...
# aggregate by major geologic type, default = hdquantile
a <- slab(pedons, generalized_bedrock ~ clay)

# plot with lattice graphics
xyplot(top ~ p.q50 | generalized_bedrock, upper=a$p.q75, lower=a$p.q25, data=a, ylim=c(180,-5), ylab='Depth (cm)', xlab='Clay Content (%)', strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)), as.table=TRUE, panel=panel.depth_function, prepanel=prepanel.depth_function, scales=list(y=list(tick.number=7, alternating=3), x=list(alternating=1)), subset=variable == 'clay', layout=c(6,1), cf=a$contributing_fraction, sync.colors=TRUE, alpha=0.25)

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Concluding remarks

  • simple conversion from common data sources to SoilProfileCollection
  • SoilProfileCollection objects are powerful
  • innovative constructs: slice(), slab(), SPC[i,j]
  • pair-wise dissimilarity: profile_compare()
  • visual comparisons and non-parametric summaries

Thank You!