1 Introduction

1.1 Perceptual Color Distance

1.2 Soil Color Contrast Class

1.3 Delta-E

2 Applications

2.1 Setup


2.2 Core Functions

Soil Survey Technical Note 2

2.2.1 Color Contrast Metrics

Compute several indices of color contrast from 2 vectors of Munsell colors, m1 and m2. Comparisons fully vectorized, e.g. comparisons performed element-wise \(m1_i ~\leftrightarrow~ m2_i\) \(...\) \(m1_n ~\leftrightarrow~ m2_n\).

  • \(dH\): change in Munsell hue, see Hue Position section below
  • \(dV\): change in Munsell value (absolute value of difference)
  • \(dC\): change in Munsell chroma (absolute value of difference)
  • \(\Delta{E_{00}}\): CIE2000 Delta-E #1, #2
  • \(cc\): soil color contrast class (Soil Survey Technical Note 2)

Results as a data.frame.

# examples
m1 <- c('10YR 6/3', '7.5YR 3/3', '10YR 2/2', '7.5YR 3/4')
m2 <- c('5YR 3/4', '7.5YR 4/4', '2.5YR 2/2', '7.5YR 6/3')

# result is a data.frame
d <- colorContrast(m1, m2)

# check
kable(d, row.names=FALSE)
m1 m2 dH dV dC dE00 cc
10YR 6/3 5YR 3/4 2 3 1 31.313572 Prominent
7.5YR 3/3 7.5YR 4/4 0 1 1 9.647979 Faint
10YR 2/2 2.5YR 2/2 3 0 0 6.814101 Faint
7.5YR 3/4 7.5YR 6/3 0 3 1 30.265956 Distinct

Results summarized in a figure.

# more examples
m1 <- c('10YR 6/3', '7.5YR 3/3', '10YR 2/2', '7.5YR 3/4', '2.5Y 6/8', '5B 4/6')
m2 <- c('5YR 3/4', '7.5YR 4/4', '2.5YR 2/2', '7.5YR 6/3', '10YR 2/1', '5GY 3/4')

# graphical comparison
colorContrastPlot(m1, m2)

Simulated redoximorphic feature colors, contrast classes and \(\Delta{E_{00}}\).

m1 <- paste0('7.5YR 4/', 2:8)
m2 <- rep('10YR 5/2', times=length(m1))
colorContrastPlot(m1, m2, labels = c('F3M', 'MAT'), d.cex = 0.8, col.cex = 0.8)

m1 <- paste0('5Y 4/', 5:1)
m2 <- rep('10YR 3/5', times=length(m1))
colorContrastPlot(m1, m2, labels = c('RMX/FED', 'MAT'), d.cex = 0.8, col.cex = 0.8)

m1 <- c('2.5Y 3/2', '5Y 3/2', '2.5GY 3/2', '5GY 3/2', '7.5BG 3/2', '2.5B 3/2')
m2 <- rep('10YR 3/5', times=length(m1))
colorContrastPlot(m1, m2, labels = c('RMX', 'MAT'), d.cex = 0.8, col.cex = 0.8)