VNIR Spectra
## gather some example spectra
x <- fetchRaCA('redding', get.vnir = TRUE)
x <-$spectra[1:pmin(25, nrow(x$spectra)), ])
y <- fetchRaCA('zook', get.vnir = TRUE)
y <-$spectra[1:pmin(25, nrow(y$spectra)), ])
z <- fetchRaCA('drummer', get.vnir = TRUE)
z <-$spectra[1:pmin(25, nrow(z$spectra)), ])
# combine
x <- rbind(x, y, z)
# add a temporary ID
x$.id <- 1:nrow(x)
# long format simpler to work with
m <- melt(x, id.vars = '.id')
# remove leading 'X' from wavelength
m$variable <- as.character(m$variable)
m$v <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = 'X', replacement = '', x = m$variable))
# remove left-over columns
m$variable <- NULL
# check: ok
## .id value v
## 1 1 0.195590 350
## 2 2 0.126400 350
## 3 3 0.137835 350
## 4 4 0.157308 350
## 5 5 0.150098 350
## 6 6 0.185702 350
# subset to visible part of the spectrum that spec2Munsell can use
m.sub <- m[which(m$v >= 380 & m$v <= 730), ]
# "round" 1nm -> 10nm resolution
m.sub$v10 <- round(m.sub$v, -1)
# check: ok
## .id value v v10
## 2251 1 0.162216 380 380
## 2252 2 0.082300 380 380
## 2253 3 0.096800 380 380
## 2254 4 0.120641 380 380
## 2255 5 0.109728 380 380
## 2256 6 0.149557 380 380
# aggregate to 10nm res via mean
a <- aggregate(value ~ .id + v10, data = m.sub, FUN = mean)
# factor
a$.id <- factor(a$.id)
# check: ok
## .id v10 value
## 1 1 380 0.16242617
## 2 2 380 0.08151667
## 3 3 380 0.09708333
## 4 4 380 0.11996617
## 5 5 380 0.10874017
## 6 6 380 0.14964150
z <- split(a, a$.id)
# TODO: may need some error handling of NA colors
z <- lapply(z, function(i) {
# assumes 380--730nm at 10nm resolution
sRGB <- spec2Munsell(i$value, convert = FALSE)
# pack into df
res <- data.frame(
.id = i$.id[1],
col = rgb(sRGB),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
z <-'rbind', z)
## big assumption: colors are in the same order as levels of .id
# plot spectra
tps <- tactile.theme(
superpose.line = list(lwd = 2, col = z$col)
# annotate with visible portion of the spectrum + colors
value ~ v,
groups = .id,
data = m,
type = 'l',
par.settings = tps,
scales = list(x = list(tick.number = 20), y = list(tick.number = 10)),
xlab = 'Wavelength (nm)',
ylab = 'Reflectance',
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.grid(-1, -1)
panel.abline(v = c(380, 730), lty = 2)
panel.xyplot(x = x, y = y, ...)
# position via panel geometry
yb <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[1]
yt <- yb + 0.01
panel.rect(xleft = 380, xright = 435, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'violet', col = 'violet')
panel.rect(xleft = 435, xright = 500, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'blue', col = 'blue')
panel.rect(xleft = 500, xright = 520, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'cyan', col = 'cyan')
panel.rect(xleft = 520, xright = 565, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'green', col = 'green')
panel.rect(xleft = 565, xright = 590, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'yellow', col = 'yellow')
panel.rect(xleft = 590, xright = 625, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'orange', col = 'orange')
panel.rect(xleft = 625, xright = 730, ybottom = yb, ytop = yt, border = 'red', col = 'red')