You have a collection of pedons correlated to a soil series or component. You would like to compute the Range in Characteristics (“low-rv-high” values; RIC) for these pedons.
You will assign Generalized Horizon Labels (GHLs) as a grouping variable to determine the RIC for different horizons and properties of your choice. One way we can create GHLs is by matching patterns in the field horizon designations to assign horizon data to a simpler set of labels.
A SoilProfileCollection plot showing the GHLs as horizon colors and field designation as the labels along the side of each profile.
Table of Range in Characteristics for your selected property in each GHL.
An R file, with comments for any changes you made to the default analysis. You may use this R file as a template.
Alternately, you may do the entire assignment in a .Rmd file (R Markdown) and submit the “knitted” HTML result.
You will need to move the code from the .R file to a .Rmd yourself. You can create a basic .Rmd from RStudio using File >> New File >> R Markdown… Here is a cheatsheet for basic R Markdown syntax: RStudio R Markdown Cheat Sheet
If you create an .Rmd file, include both the .Rmd and the knitted HTML result. If you use an R script, include the R script and PDF or screenshots of Results #1 and #2. NOTE: There are some Exercise Tips at the end of the document to help you get going on modifications for your own analyses.
Send the results to your mentor with your first and last name in the file names. It may also be helpful to include a copy of your input pedon data as a .Rda file. Instructions for saving an .Rda can be found below.
Query NASIS database to load your selected set
with some pedons. Replace the call to data("loafercreek")
and the subsetting of pedons
) with a routine that brings in your own
data (e.g. using fetchNASIS()
). fetchNASIS.
If you want to get the pedons associated with a particular taxon name,
try the NASIS query: NSSC_Pangaea: POINT -
Pedon/Site/NCSSlabdata by taxonname.
Create a subset (in R) of soils to
summarize (call it pedons
). You should have about
n = 20
for a manageable demo that fits nicely in a
SoilProfileCollection plot, but you are welcome to try the same routines
on larger sets. STAT
1010: Chapter 2 - Filtering
Inspect the field horizon designations (look at the pedons in R or NASIS, if needed). Think about which field horizon designation(s) should correlate to each “prototype” horizon.
Decide on “prototype” horizon designation scheme. Think of the “prototype” as as set of general horizon labels that are related–like the list of horizon designations that you provide for the Range in Characteristics in an OSD, or the list of layers you include in a SSURGO component.
Write a set of regular expressions (REGEX patterns) (you’ll need one pattern per generalized horizon) to make the correlations you thought about in #4. Test and learn more about regular expressions here:
Cross tabulate your GHLs against the field
horizon designations. This will show a table of “old” vs. “new” (“field”
vs. “correlated”). Use the table()
function we covered in
Chapter 2.
Check if any horizon designations were NOT
assigned a label (have label "not-used"
). At a
minimum you should be able to answer the question: “Which horizons
were not assigned?”
horizons were not
assigned. Then either write patterns to handle these horizons, or remove
them from the set of pedons to be summarized using
.Repeat steps 3 through 7 as needed. You don’t need to get the patterns perfect but we want you to think about how you would “improve” them, especially if they don’t work as intended.
Do a statistical summary on your horizon groups to
produce a range in characteristics. You can use the example
given below for loafercreek
(mean/sd/min/max clay content).
Alternately you do something else of interest, such as summarizing the
range in thickness of “B” horizons, or the range in depth to bedrock; or
tabulating texture classes or colors used by horizon.
Be prepared to discuss issues you had with your mentor. In particular, what “decisions” did you have to make that might have influenced your final correlations and range in characteristics?
This document takes you through a demo using a subset of the
dataset from the soilDB package. You
are encouraged to run through the code with loafercreek
before attempting it on your own data.
After reviewing this workflow, and with the help of your mentor, you should be able to apply this technique to your own data.
This assignment integrates several R/data analysis skills as well as brings on the “Great Unknown” of NASIS data inputs from across the country. If your code does not work at first do not be discouraged.
Feel free to contact Andrew Brown ( or your assigned mentor if you have questions, issues, or comments.
First read over and run the code in this document using the first
pedons from loafercreek
as a demonstration.
This will help you get comfortable with the process.
Then apply the same strategy to NASIS pedons from your area of responsibility, adjusting patterns and summaries as needed.
For your exercise, replace the next block of code with code to get your own data.
If you use fetchNASIS()
please note that it produces QC
output that may be relevant to your analysis. STAT
1010: Chapter 2 - fetchNASIS data checks
library(aqp, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## STEP 1 ----
# load sample `loafercreek` data from the soilDB package
## STEP 2 ----
# keep only the first 20 pedons
pedons <- loafercreek[1:20, ]
# plot profile sketches
par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 1))
plot(pedons, name = 'hzname', = FALSE)
In order to help your mentor debug any issues you may be having it is
helpful to provide an RData file containing the SoilProfileCollection of
pedons using save()
# after loading your data as a SoilProfileCollection, save it
save(pedons, file = "my_pedons.Rda")
With this file your mentor will not have to re-create your selected set in NASIS to inspect your data.
Why use Generalized Horizon Labels?
We use Generalized Horizon Labels (GHL) to simplify the grouping in our input data. As soil scientists we put a lot of effort into our descriptions. We work hard to describe changes in profiles with corresponding changes in horizons. However, we don’t all necessarily have the same opinions on how that should be done.
Therefore, we generalize across profile descriptions, to deal with variation in:
description style / horizons designations used
horizon depths / boundaries
number of horizons described
When creating summaries of data we need a way to “relate” observations of horizons from individual pedons back to the typical set of horizons found in the “group” the data belong to (e.g. a series or a component).
Maybe we could use all the unique horizon designations in the data and then create a summary for each group?
Here we use table()
and unique()
to get
some information on the field horizon designations.
## STEP 3 ----
# tabulate hzname
## 2BC 2BCt 2Bt1 2Bt2 2Bt3 2Cr 2Crt 2R A A1 A2 BA BAt BC BCt Bt
## 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 16 3 3 10 3 1 3 3
## Bt1 Bt2 Bt3 Bt4 Bw Bw1 Bw2 C Cr Crt H1 Oi R
## 15 14 7 2 4 1 1 2 9 1 1 1 8
# these are the _unique_ horizon designations in our subset `pedons`
## [1] "A" "BA" "BAt" "Bt1" "Bt2" "Cr" "Bt3" "Oi" "Crt" "R"
## [11] "H1" "Bw" "BCt" "A1" "A2" "2Bt3" "2BCt" "2Cr" "Bt" "2Bt1"
## [21] "2Bt2" "2Crt" "Bw1" "Bw2" "BC" "Bt4" "C" "2R" "2BC"
With most decent-sized datasets you will have a lot of groups when taking this simple approach to grouping.
Here we have 29 different horizon designations. We would not attempt to make separate ranges for each unique group, especially with such a small amount of data in some of the groups.
Depending on things like depth class or the nature of the parent material, the number of horizon RICs provided in a series or component will vary.
Many series concepts provide RICs for only a couple generalized horizons (say, just an A and a Bt in a very deep soil) and avoid providing ranges for transitional horizons/vertical subdivisions. Other descriptions may have more layers and properties broken out.
The great thing about the GHL approach is that you can “test” the effect of adding/removing groups. This doesn’t have to be a formal test, necessarily, but you can see how the inclusion of more groups, or different rules affects the way your data are partitioned. Then you can decide if it adds interpretive value (i.e. a layer with “significantly” different properties) to have more or less groups based on the data you have.
To begin simplifying the data to summarize, you will need some general labels appropriate for the soil you are studying. This the list of horizon labels occurs in your hypothetical, idealized, “typical” soil. For instance, the horizons that occur in the OSD/TUD/component pedon or a generalization of them would be a good place to start.
For this exercise we will try to produce a set of REGEX patterns that correlate the field-observed horizon designations to your prototype horizons.
Let’s take a look at the horizon designations from the Loafercreek OSD for inspiration. If you are trying this on a series of your own, you will need to replace the series name argument (in quotes).
l <- fetchOSD('loafercreek')
## [1] "Oi" "A" "BAt" "Bt1" "Bt2" "Bt3" "Crt" "R"
There are quite a few horizons in the OSD pedon. We might not be able to produce a unique RIC for each subdivision of the Bt, and we probably don’t want to, even if we could. So we will have to generalize.
With generalized horizon labels (GHLs), correlation decisions are being made on a horizon basis (in addition to at the pedon level), so we call it micro-correlation.
In this process, we determine what data from each pedon contributes to each part of the Range in Characteristics. This has always been a part of Soil Correlation–we are just making it explicit and reproducible by using R to track our “decisions” at the horizon level.
A simple micro-correlation might be: “this transitional AB horizon has ‘A’ first so it is be more like an ‘A’ than a ‘Bt’ horizon”. More complex decisions take into account multiple properties beyond the horizon designation (such as clay content, color, or texture class).
You should look at more than just horizon designation. Often unusual data sneak through the cracks, either getting in a group they shouldn’t, or not getting matched at all–these need to be addressed with specific patterns or manual adjustments.
Here is an example of prototype horizons for Loafercreek. It is a broad generalization of the labels we found in the Loafercreek OSD pedon horizons above.
Our prototype labels include an surface horizon (“A”), upper transitional horizon (“BA”), argillic horizon (“Bt”), and a bedrock contact (“Cr”):
## STEP 4 ----
# create 4 GHLs: A, upper transitional, argillic and bedrock
prototype.labels <- c('A',
In your own extension of this demo, evaluating the pros and cons of a single group for the argillic horizon (Bt) versus splitting out upper and lower (Bt1/Bt2) would be a great to evaluate.
The vector prototype.labels
has 4 values in it.
must also contain 4
Define the paired patterns for each prototype.label
## STEP 5 ----
# REGEX rules describing mapping from field data to prototype.labels <- c('^A',
Here is a brief explanation of the function of each of the 4 patterns:
If the horizon designation starts with "A"
, it goes
in the “A” generalized horizon group
If the horizon designation starts with "B"
, and does
not contain “C” or "t"
after "B"
, it goes in
the "BA"
generalized horizon group
If the horizon designation contains "B"
followed by
anything, and then "t"
, it goes in the "Bt"
generalized horizon group
If the horizon contains "R"
or "Cr"
, it
goes in the "Cr"
generalized horizon group
More tips:
Pay special attention to how caret ^
and dollar
symbols are used in REGEX. They function as
anchors for the beginning and end of the string,
A ^
placed before an A horizon, ^A
will match any horizon designation that starts with A, such as Ap, Ap1,
but not something merely containing A, such as BA.
Placing a $
after a Bt horizon, Bt$
will match any horizon designation that ends with Bt, such as 2Bt or
3Bt, but not something with a vertical subdivision, such as
Wrapping pattern with both ^
and $
symbols will result only in exact matches – i.e. that start and end with
the contents between ^
and $
. For example
, will only match A, not Ap, Ap2, or
A pair of square brackets matches a single character, but could
be one of many individual characters. For instance [BC]+t
matches “one or more of B or C followed by t”. This also makes
use of +
a quantifier operator (one or more).
is another quantifier denoting zero or
Test and learn more about regular expressions here:
We use the aqp
function generalize.hz()
apply the patterns in
and return the corresponding new GHL
for horizons where a match is made.
Summarizing the previous two subsections, we created:
4 GHLs (prototype.labels
); and,
4 regular expression patterns (
) to
assign data to (prototype.labels
Importantly, the label for the last of the set of patterns to match is returned–so if the first and fourth pattern match the same horizon, the final result will use the fourth label.
Note loafercreek
(and other SPCs coming out of
) already have a horizon-level variable called
which has the contents of the NASIS
Pedon Horizon Component Layer ID when populated. At the end of
this document there is an optional guide for importing the labels
assigned by R into NASIS, which requires creating a special
-delimited .txt file.
Since we don’t want to overwrite the data that came out of NASIS at
this point, we will create a new horizon-level variable
to hold our preliminary GHL assignments.
# apply prototype labels `new` to horizons matching `pat`
pedons$newgenhz <- generalize.hz(x = pedons$hzname, new = prototype.labels, pat =
Let’s take a look at how our patterns did.
We “cross-tabulate” the results of generalize.hz()
the input data to see how our field-data got mapped to the new
In particular we want to see if any horizons in the input data got “missed” by our patterns or if horizons are getting correlated to labels we did not expect.
## STEP 6 ----
# cross-tabulate results
oldvsnew <- addmargins(table(pedons$newgenhz, pedons$hzname))
## 2BC 2BCt 2Bt1 2Bt2 2Bt3 2Cr 2Crt 2R A A1 A2 BA BAt BC BCt Bt
## A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
## BA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0
## Bt 0 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 3
## Cr 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## not-used 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
## Sum 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 16 3 3 10 3 1 3 3
## Bt1 Bt2 Bt3 Bt4 Bw Bw1 Bw2 C Cr Crt H1 Oi R Sum
## A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
## BA 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
## Bt 15 14 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55
## Cr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 8 22
## not-used 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 6
## Sum 15 14 7 2 4 1 1 2 9 1 1 1 8 121
In this table you see that columns correspond to the different horizon designations found in the original data, and the rows correspond to our GHLs. The numbers in each cell show how many observations (horizons) have that combination of field designation and GHL.
Note that the 'not-used'
class is the default result
when none of the patterns match. You can set alternate values
for no-match case with
generalize.hz(..., non.matching.code = 'alternate-not-used-code').
## STEP 7 ----
# find which columns are greater than zero in row 'not-used'
col.idx.not.used <- which(oldvsnew['not-used',] > 0)
# what column indexes (field horizon designations) did not get mapped onto a row (generalized hz label)?
## 2BC BC C H1 Oi Sum
## 1 14 24 27 28 30
# show just those columns
oldvsnew[, col.idx.not.used]
## 2BC BC C H1 Oi Sum
## A 0 0 0 0 0 22
## BA 0 0 0 0 0 16
## Bt 0 0 0 0 0 55
## Cr 0 0 0 0 0 22
## not-used 1 1 2 1 1 6
## Sum 1 1 2 1 1 121
For the loafercreek
example, we see that 2 “BC”, 2 “C” 1
“H1” and 1 “Oi” horizons did not match any pattern.
Since we require a “t” to be in the “Bt” group, and “C” is not allowed in the “BA” group, the “BC” falls through the cracks. Likewise, “C” and “Oi” did not have patterns created to match them.
So, let’s say we’ve decided we don’t want these ‘not-used’ horizons lumped with our ‘A’, ‘BA’, ‘Bt’ OR ‘Cr’ groups. Therefore, we either need to add additional pairs of labels and patterns to match them OR leave them as ‘not-used’.
Let’s recreate the graph we did at the beginning, only now we will color horizons in the plot based on their GHL. This will make it clear how our patterns simplified the grouping of the pedon horizon data, and also provide us with a visual check on our logic.
Compare the coloring (based on pedons$newgenhz2
) with
the field horizon designations (pedons$hzname
) to the right
of each profile.
## RESULT #1
# plot profile sketches - first 20 profiles; color by gen hz.
par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 1))
name = 'hzname',
color = 'newgenhz', = FALSE)
In RStudio you can “Export” a plot from the drop down menu at top of
“Plots” pane (after you run the code to make the plot). Or save the plot
using R code. See ?pdf
, ?jpg
helpfiles for how to capture output sent to a
graphics device (by plot()
) and save it to a file instead
of sending it to the “Plots” pane.
We compare the the number of original horizon designations from the field data with the number of unique generalized horizon labels.
# original field data (29 levels)
## [1] "A" "BA" "BAt" "Bt1" "Bt2" "Cr" "Bt3" "Oi" "Crt" "R"
## [11] "H1" "Bw" "BCt" "A1" "A2" "2Bt3" "2BCt" "2Cr" "Bt" "2Bt1"
## [21] "2Bt2" "2Crt" "Bw1" "Bw2" "BC" "Bt4" "C" "2R" "2BC"
## [1] 29
# new generalized data (5 levels, including not-used)
## [1] A BA Bt Cr not-used
## Levels: A BA Bt Cr not-used
## [1] 5
Now let’s look at how we can generate RICs based on the labels we
assigned. Here we use dplyr
to produce statistical
summaries for each of our generalized horizons.
We group the horizon data using the GHLs we assigned in
) as the grouping variable. Then we do some
statistics on each group (using summarize
) and combine the
results for review.
## STEP 9 ----
# get the horizon data frame out of the SPC
hzdata <- horizons(pedons)
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# summarize horizon groups with single summary statistics
# using mean, sd, min, max, quantile
res_df <- hzdata %>%
group_by(newgenhz) %>%
summarize(clay_mean = mean(clay, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_sd = sd(clay, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_min = min(clay, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_Q05 = quantile(clay, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_Q50 = quantile(clay, probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_Q95 = quantile(clay, probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_max = max(clay, na.rm = TRUE),
clay_n_nona = sum(!,
clay_n = length(clay))
newgenhz | clay_mean | clay_sd | clay_min | clay_Q05 | clay_Q50 | clay_Q95 | clay_max | clay_n_nona | clay_n |
A | 16.19048 | 3.076021 | 11 | 12.00 | 15.0 | 22.00 | 22 | 21 | 22 |
BA | 19.25000 | 3.356586 | 12 | 14.25 | 19.0 | 24.50 | 26 | 16 | 16 |
Bt | 29.16981 | 8.612906 | 16 | 18.00 | 29.0 | 45.80 | 60 | 53 | 55 |
Cr | NaN | NA | Inf | NA | NA | NA | -Inf | 0 | 22 |
not-used | 27.50000 | 3.535534 | 25 | 25.25 | 27.5 | 29.75 | 30 | 2 | 6 |
This is an implementation of a Range in Characteristics for
clay content. The 5th to 95th percentile range clay_Q05
would, given the available data, include 90% of
the observed data in each group, with the median clay_Q50
being a central value.
Here is a summary of why it is beneficial to use percentiles for summary of soil survey data / development of Range in Characteristics:
Question: How do Loafercreek clay content mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum compare to the selected quantiles? Why?
Question: Do you think there was any benefit (in terms of representing RIC for clay content) to adding the BC generalized horizon group? What else might you change about this analysis, now that you see the RIC?
You can save the table as a .csv or .Rda (Rdata
object - in a file) file using write.csv()
# save result #2 to file
# save a text-based (comma-separated) version of the result table
write.csv(res_df, file = "Your_RIC_table_output.csv")
# save a binary file representation of the R object containing result table
save(res_df, file = "Your_RIC_table_output.Rda")
To continue with your work, you might need these groups to be populated in NASIS Component Layer ID – learn how to do that next.
Since there are only a handful of observations for the BC/C’s and O’s (4 and 1 of each, respectively) they may not be particularly “representative” for the “Loafercreek series.”
The lack of clay films (“t” subscript) may be a thing in common between “BC” and “C” – could they be combined?
If you were trying to apply generalized labels to Loafercreek, you
could test the idea that they have an unusually large volume of rock
fragments (horizons(loafercreek)$total_frags_pct
) – maybe
some of them do and some don’t.
You could compare the range derived for your “C” to the range for “BC” to help you decide if they are similar to one another or not (if you were considering lumping them together). Do they have similar clay contents and colors? We will lump them for this demo, since it will be a small group with this subset no matter what.
If we had more observations of the Oi
we could estimate
its thickness using the transition probabilities between GHLs. In this
case (Loafercreek), they are seldom more than a few centimeters thick
and are not much of an “O” horizon to speak of, so we have left this
class out for now.
We apply the patterns as before, but create another GHL variable
to hold the new result. This is to
illustrate that the development of GHL patterns is an
iterative process and your first pass may be far from
For a new BC
label pattern we match all horizons that
contain C
and have zero or more characters that are NOT
and put them in the BC
Because of the ordering of patterns, Cr
will be matched
by patterns 4 and 5, but only the label for pattern 5 (Cr
will be assigned. Let’s assign the new labels:
## REPEAT STEPS 4 AND 5 ----
# create 5 generalized horizons: A, upper transitional, argillic, lower-transitional and bedrock
prototype.labels.v2 <- c('A',
# REGEX rules describing mapping from field data to prototype.labels <- c('^A',
# use generalize.hz() to apply a set of patterns and paired labels
# to the `pedons$hzname` character vector containing field designations
pedons$newgenhz2 <- generalize.hz(x = pedons$hzname,
new = prototype.labels.v2,
pat =
Now we cross-tabulate again, showing only not-used
## REPEAT STEP 6 ----
# create a second cross-tabulation, using the updated genhz
oldvsnew2 <- addmargins(table(pedons$newgenhz2, pedons$hzname))
# find which table columns are greater than zero in row 'not-used'
col.idx.not.used <- which(oldvsnew2['not-used',] > 0)
# show just those columns
oldvsnew2[, col.idx.not.used]
## H1 Oi Sum
## A 0 0 22
## BA 0 0 16
## Bt 0 0 51
## BC 0 0 8
## Cr 0 0 22
## not-used 1 1 2
## Sum 1 1 121
As you can see, the BC
and C
horizons that
were not-used
before are now correlated to the
The only horizon data that are not-used
are the 2
horizons. You can compare pedons$newgenhz2
with the labels we created before pedons$newgenhz
and the
labels loaded from NASIS Pedon Horizon Component Layer ID
to see the differences.
# check for equality (assignment 1 versus assignment 2)
pedons$newgenhz == pedons$newgenhz2
Here are a few things that are evident for the Loafercreek example: Our upper transitional horizon (‘BA’ group) captures ‘BA’ as well as ‘Bw’. The bulk of the profile is the argillic horizon (Bt). Some pedons have lower gradational horizons (BC or C). Most pedons have Cr or Cr over R, but we treat the paralithic and lithic contacts equivalently for this demo.
In order to use/save GHLs in further analysis or perform manual adjustments, they need to be saved externally.
If you are a NASIS user then the following code will create a text
file that can be read by NASIS and stored in the
field of the Pedon Horizon
The NASIS Pedon Horizon Calculation “Update horizon
group aggregations using a text file” uses a text file
, which contains each
(pedon horizon unique record ID) paired with a label
to assign.
Here is the code to make a NASIS horizon group aggregation text file.
This will write newgenhz
out to the
file out for each phiid
your object pedons
# set output path
genhz.file <- 'C:/data/horizon_agg.txt'
# update genhz.var if you change the site(pedons) column with labels
genhz.var <- 'newgenhz'
# write blank output (gets rid of any old assignments saved in the file)
file = genhz.file,
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE,
na = '',
col.names = FALSE,
sep = '|'
# extract horizon data.frame
h <- horizons(pedons)
# strip-out 'not-used' genhz labels and retain horizon ID and genhz assignment
h <- h[which(h[[genhz.var]] != 'not-used'), c('phiid', genhz.var)]
# append to NASIS import file
file = genhz.file,
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE,
na = '',
col.names = FALSE,
sep = '|',
append = TRUE
To import the file, run NASIS Pedon Horizon Calculation “Update horizon group aggregations using a text file.”
Some people prefer to adjust assignments in R while others prefer to make adjustments after loading the data into NASIS. Some combination of the two may be required depending on the type and extent of adjustments that need to be made.
Typically, NASIS is good for making final specific changes to relatively small numbers of micro-correlation decisions, whereas wholeseale re-assignments that affect many records in a consistent/programmatically-discernible way can be implemented much more efficiently in R.
You can also store temporary results in RData files.
# after updating genhz, save a new copy of the data
save(pedons, file = "my_pedons_genhz.Rda")
Use fetchNASIS()
to get pedons from your selected
# then load data from the NASIS selected set into an R object called `pedons`
pedons <- fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons')
Of course, you first need to query some from your NASIS Local Database to have them in there.
Then subset your fetchNASIS()
result to create a smaller
group of pedons, called pedons
# optionally subset the data, FOR INSTANCE: by taxon name - replace Loafercreek with your taxon name
pedons <- pedons[grep(pattern = 'Loafercreek', x = f$taxonname, = TRUE),]
Instead of using a hard-coded numeric index (for example:
), you could subset your selected set using
text-matching on a site/pedon attribute, for example, taxon
To subset on taxon name, we used the function
to return just the numeric indices where
x = f$taxonname
matches our pattern
). We set
so we will match “LOAFERCREEK”,
“loafercreek” and “Loafercreek” – along with any other oddly-capitalized
variants that might exist. There are numerous other attributes that we
could have subsetted on. Finally, we use the data.frame
notation for subsetting a SoilProfileCollection.
For this assignment, you must to do some sort of subset of your selected set using R but it does not need to be complex.
Use any site or horizon level attribute. See the function aqp::subset()
for a slick way to do this for site- or horizon-level variables.
Now that you have seen the full demonstration and read the tips for applying this workflow to your own data, please return to the top of the document.
Run the code and perform analysis for your own pedons instead of
. Consider the results and discussion that were
provided for Loafercreek, BUT instead, consider the conditions in
your data and adjust as needed. Discuss any issues you may have
with your mentor.
This document is a demonstration of concepts from the presentation “Soil Data Aggregation in R” found here.
The contents are based on the ‘Assigning and Using Generalized Horizon Labels’ tutorial found here.