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Simplify multiple Munsell color observations associated with each horizon.

This function is mainly intended for the processing of NASIS pedon/horizon data which may or may not contain multiple colors per horizon/moisture status combination. simplifyColorData will "mix" multiple colors associated with horizons in d, according to IDs specified by id.var, using "weights" (area percentages) specified by the wt argument.

Note that this function doesn't actually simulate the mixture of pigments on a surface, rather, "mixing" is approximated via weighted average in the CIELAB colorspace.

The simplifyColorData function can be applied to data sources other than NASIS by careful use of the id.var and wt arguments. However, d must contain Munsell colors split into columns named "colorhue", "colorvalue", and "colorchroma". In addition, the moisture state ("Dry" or "Moist") must be specified in a column named "colormoistst".



simplifyColorData(d, id.var = "phiid", wt = "colorpct", bt = FALSE)



a data.frame object, typically returned from NASIS, see details


character vector with the name of the column containing an ID that is unique among all horizons in d


a character vector with the name of the column containing color weights for mixing


logical, should the mixed sRGB representation of soil color be transformed to closest Munsell chips? This is performed by aqp::col2Munsell()


D.E. Beaudette