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Get map unit properties from Soil Data Access


  method = c("Dominant Component (Category)", "Weighted Average", "Min/Max",
    "Dominant Component (Numeric)", "Dominant Condition", "None"),
  areasymbols = NULL,
  mukeys = NULL,
  top_depth = 0,
  bottom_depth = 200,
  include_minors = FALSE,
  miscellaneous_areas = FALSE,
  query_string = FALSE,
  dsn = NULL



character vector of labels from property dictionary tables (see details) OR physical column names from component or chorizon table.


one of: "Dominant Component (Category)", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", "Weighted Average", "MIN", "MAX", "Dominant Condition", or "None". If "None" is selected, the number of rows returned will depend on whether a component or horizon level property was selected, otherwise the result will be 1:1 with the number of map units.


vector of soil survey area symbols


vector of map unit keys


character containing SQL WHERE clause specified in terms of fields in legend or mapunit tables, used in lieu of mukeys or areasymbols. With aggregation method "NONE" the WHERE clause may additionally contain logic for columns from the component and chorizon table.


Default: 0 (centimeters); a numeric value for upper boundary (top depth) used only for method="Weighted Average", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", and "MIN/MAX"


Default: 200 (centimeters); a numeric value for lower boundary (bottom depth) used only for method="Weighted Average", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", and "MIN/MAX"


Optional: character representing SQL aggregation function either "MIN" or "MAX" used only for method="min/max"; this argument is calculated internally if you specify method="MIN" or method="MAX"


Include minor components in "Weighted Average" or "MIN/MAX" results? Default: TRUE


Include miscellaneous areas (non-soil components) in results? Default: FALSE. Now works with all method types)


Default: FALSE; if TRUE return a character string containing query that would be sent to SDA via SDA_query


Path to local SQLite database or a DBIConnection object. If NULL (default) use Soil Data Access API via SDA_query().


a data.frame with result


The property argument refers to one of the property names or columns specified in the tables below. Note that property can be specified as either a character vector of labeled properties, such as "Bulk Density 0.33 bar H2O - Rep Value", OR physical column names such as "dbthirdbar_r". To get "low" and "high" values for a particular property, replace the _r with _l or _h in the physical column name; for example property = c("dbthirdbar_l","dbthirdbar_r","dbthirdbar_h"). You can view exhaustive lists of component and component horizon level properties in the Soil Data Access "Tables and Columns Report".

Selected Component-level Properties

Property (Component)Column
Range Production - Favorable Yearrsprod_h
Range Production - Normal Yearrsprod_r
Range Production - Unfavorable Yearrsprod_l
Corrosion of Steelcorsteel
Corrosion of Concretecorcon
Drainage Classdrainagecl
Hydrologic Grouphydgrp
Taxonomic Class Nametaxclname
Taxonomic Ordertaxorder
Taxonomic Subordertaxsuborder
Taxonomic Temperature Regimetaxtempregime
Wind Erodibility Groupweg
Wind Erodibility Indexwei
t Factortfact

Selected Horizon-level Properties

Property (Horizon)Column
0.1 bar H2O - Rep Valuewtenthbar_r
0.33 bar H2O - Rep Valuewthirdbar_r
15 bar H2O - Rep Valuewfifteenbar_r
Available Water Capacity - Rep Valueawc_r
Bray 1 Phosphate - Rep Valuepbray1_r
Bulk Density 0.1 bar H2O - Rep Valuedbtenthbar_r
Bulk Density 0.33 bar H2O - Rep Valuedbthirdbar_r
Bulk Density 15 bar H2O - Rep Valuedbfifteenbar_r
Bulk Density oven dry - Rep Valuedbovendry_r
CaCO3 Clay - Rep Valueclaysizedcarb_r
Calcium Carbonate - Rep Valuecaco3_r
Cation Exchange Capacity - Rep Valuecec7_r
Coarse Sand - Rep Valuesandco_r
Coarse Silt - Rep Valuesiltco_r
Effective Cation Exchange Capacity - Rep Valueecec_r
Electrial Conductivity 1:5 by volume - Rep Valueec15_r
Electrical Conductivity - Rep Valueec_r
Exchangeable Sodium Percentage - Rep Valueesp_r
Extract Aluminum - Rep Valueextral_r
Extractable Acidity - Rep Valueextracid_r
Fine Sand - Rep Valuesandfine_r
Fine Silt - Rep Valuesiltfine_r
Free Iron - Rep Valuefreeiron_r
Gypsum - Rep Valuegypsum_r
LEP - Rep Valuelep_r
Liquid Limit - Rep Valuell_r
Medium Sand - Rep Valuesandmed_r
Organic Matter - Rep Valueom_r
Oxalate Aluminum - Rep Valuealoxalate_r
Oxalate Iron - Rep Valuefeoxalate_r
Oxalate Phosphate - Rep Valuepoxalate_r
Plasticity Index - Rep Valuepi_r
Rock Fragments 3 - 10 inches - Rep Valuefrag3to10_r
Rock Fragments > 10 inches - Rep Valuefraggt10_r
Rubbed Fiber % - Rep Valuefiberrubbedpct_r
Satiated H2O - Rep Valuewsatiated_r
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity - Rep Valueksat_r
Sodium Adsorption Ratio - Rep Valuesar_r
Sum of Bases - Rep Valuesumbases_r
Total Clay - Rep Valueclaytotal_r
Total Phosphate - Rep Valueptotal_r
Total Sand - Rep Valuesandtotal_r
Total Silt - Rep Valuesilttotal_r
Unrubbed Fiber % - Rep Valuefiberunrubbedpct_r
Very Coarse Sand - Rep Valuesandvc_r
Very Fine Sand - Rep Valuesandvf_r
Water Soluble Phosphate - Rep Valueph2osoluble_r
no. 10 sieve - Rep Valuesieveno10_r
no. 200 sieve - Rep Valuesieveno200_r
no. 4 sieve - Rep Valuesieveno4_r
no. 40 sieve - Rep Valuesieveno40_r
pH .01M CaCl2 - Rep Valueph01mcacl2_r
pH 1:1 water - Rep Valueph1to1h2o_r
pH Oxidized - Rep Valuephoxidized_r


Jason Nemecek, Chad Ferguson, Andrew Brown


# \donttest{

 # get 1/3 bar bulk density [0,25] centimeter depth weighted average from dominant component
 get_SDA_property(property = c("dbthirdbar_l","dbthirdbar_r","dbthirdbar_h"),
                  method = "Dominant Component (Numeric)",
                  areasymbols = "CA630",
                  top_depth = 0,
                  bottom_depth = 25)
#> single result set, returning a data.frame
#>       mukey areasymbol musym
#> 1   1865918      CA630  3046
#> 2   1865926      CA630  7088
#> 3   1865927      CA630  7155
#> 4   1865928      CA630  7156
#> 5   1865929      CA630  8033
#> 6   1865930      CA630  8034
#> 7   1865931      CA630  8036
#> 8   1900697      CA630  6038
#> 9   1906347      CA630  7159
#> 10  1913590      CA630  6029
#> 11  1913591      CA630  6034
#> 12  1913592      CA630  6037
#> 13  1913600      CA630  7207
#> 14  1913601      CA630  8173
#> 15  1913602      CA630  8160
#> 16  1913605      CA630  8177
#> 17  1913606      CA630  8178
#> 18  1913607      CA630  3020
#> 19  2220266      CA630  3038
#> 20  2220269      CA630  4048
#> 21  2220270      CA630  4046
#> 22  2220271      CA630  6043
#> 23  2220273      CA630  6041
#> 24  2220301      CA630  8161
#> 25  2374651      CA630  4136
#> 26  2383083      CA630  8171
#> 27  2383084      CA630  8172
#> 28  2399766      CA630  6070
#> 29  2399769      CA630  6074
#> 30  2399770      CA630  6075
#> 31  2399771      CA630  6076
#> 32  2399780      CA630  8110
#> 33  2399783      CA630  8115
#> 34  2403696      CA630  5100
#> 35  2403709      CA630  1012
#> 36  2403710      CA630  8314
#> 37  2403711      CA630  8312
#> 38  2403719      CA630  9013
#> 39  2403720      CA630  9012
#> 40  2403721      CA630  9011
#> 41  2403722      CA630  9010
#> 42  2403747      CA630  6202
#> 43  2424959      CA630  8317
#> 44  2424960      CA630  8318
#> 45  2424961      CA630  8319
#> 46  2424962      CA630  8175
#> 47  2424963      CA630  8176
#> 48  2424975      CA630  9014
#> 49  2425107      CA630  3021
#> 50  2426355      CA630  8026
#> 51  2426483      CA630  7096
#> 52  2436790      CA630  8307
#> 53  2436792      CA630  8302
#> 54  2440240      CA630  7086
#> 55  2440242      CA630  7087
#> 56  2441253      CA630  6071
#> 57  2441798      CA630  7085
#> 58  2450478      CA630  5101
#> 59  2450843      CA630  7089
#> 60  2450844      CA630  7083
#> 61  2450845      CA630  3058
#> 62  2452459      CA630  8162
#> 63  2455490      CA630  8190
#> 64  2455492      CA630  8286
#> 65  2455494      CA630  8289
#> 66  2455495      CA630  8287
#> 67  2462630      CA630     W
#> 68  2480973      CA630  3033
#> 69  2482710      CA630  6039
#> 70  2483494      CA630  8194
#> 71  2600456      CA630  7210
#> 72  2600457      CA630  7211
#> 73  2600458      CA630  7212
#> 74  2600460      CA630  4040
#> 75  2600465      CA630  5051
#> 76  2600467      CA630  5053
#> 77  2600469      CA630  5057
#> 78  2600480      CA630  9015
#> 79  2600481      CA630  9016
#> 80  2600527      CA630  4200
#> 81  2600528      CA630  4201
#> 82  2600529      CA630  5013
#> 83  2600534      CA630  7165
#> 84  2600537      CA630  9017
#> 85  2600538      CA630  4202
#> 86  2766830      CA630  7166
#> 87  2766836      CA630  5201
#> 88  2766837      CA630  5202
#> 89  2766838      CA630  5012
#> 90  2766850      CA630  5015
#> 91  2924701      CA630  6078
#> 92  2924738      CA630  6072
#> 93  2924739      CA630  6079
#> 94  2924751      CA630  7074
#> 95  2924752      CA630  7076
#> 96  2924753      CA630  7078
#> 97  2924754      CA630  7079
#> 98  2924831      CA630  6036
#> 99  2924832      CA630  6033
#> 100 2924833      CA630  1090
#> 101 2924834      CA630  1091
#> 102 2924835      CA630  9018
#> 103 2924879      CA630   206
#> 104 2924880      CA630   207
#> 105 2924881      CA630   208
#> 106 2924882      CA630   209
#> 107 2924883      CA630   212
#> 108 2924884      CA630   401
#> 109 2924885      CA630   451
#> 110 2924886      CA630   475
#> 111 2924887      CA630  5016
#> 112 2924890      CA630   851
#> 113 2924907      CA630   128
#> 114 2924908      CA630   301
#> 115 2924909      CA630  8120
#> 116 2924912      CA630   DAM
#> 117 2924913      CA630   220
#> 118 2924914      CA630  1013
#> 119 2924955      CA630  8111
#> 120 3225132      CA630  7065
#> 121 3225133      CA630  7066
#> 122 3225134      CA630  7091
#> 123 3225135      CA630  7092
#> 124 3356286      CA630  6054
#> 125 3356287      CA630  6055
#> 126 3356288      CA630  6205
#> 127 3356289      CA630  6206
#> 128 3356290      CA630  6207
#>                                                                                               muname
#> 1                                        Goldwall-Toomes-Rock outcrop complex, 1 to 8 percent slopes
#> 2                                            Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 3                                                 Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 4                                                Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 5                                       Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes, rocky
#> 6                                      Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, rocky
#> 7                                     Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, rocky
#> 8                                Musick-Wukusick complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 9                                                Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes
#> 10                                  Holland-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop complex, 45 to 90 percent slopes
#> 11                                                   Musick-Wukusick complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 12                                                  Musick-Wukusick complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 13                                    Millvilla-Copperopolis-Hetchy complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 14                                     Nedsgulch-Wallyhill-Arpatutu complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 15                                                   Nedsgulch-Sites complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 16                            Moccasinhill-Copperopolis-Sanguinetti complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 17                                        Moccasinhill-Copperopolis complex, 60 to 90 percent slopes
#> 18                                        Iron Mountain-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 19                            Devilsnose-Lilygap complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 20                                               Devilsnose-Lilygap complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 21                                                 Redapple-Lilygap complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 22                                                  Mantree ashy sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 23                                                   Mantree ashy sandy loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 24                                                  Nedsgulch-Sites complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 25  Ultic Haploxeralfs, shallow-Ultic Haploxeralfs, moderately deep complex, 10 to 35 percent slopes
#> 26                                               Nedsgulch-Wallyhill complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 27                                     Nedsgulch-Wallyhill-Arpatutu complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 28                                 Sierra-Verjeles-Aquic Haploxeralfs complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 29                                                      Sierra-Orose complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 30                                                    Sierra-Flanly complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 31                                    Auberry-Hurleton-Rock outcrop complex, 20 to 60 percent slopes
#> 32                                      Cumulic Humixerepts-Riverwash complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 33                                         Sanguinetti-Copperopolis complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 34        Ultic Haploxeralfs-Typic Palexerults-Aquultic haploxeralfs complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes
#> 35                                                                                        Mined Land
#> 36                      Rock outcrop-Tiger Creek-Vertic Haploxerepts complex, 1 to 45 percent slopes
#> 37                                            Aquariusmine-Millvilla complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 38                                              Urban land-Millvilla complex, 1 to 25 percent slopes
#> 39                                           Urban land-Copperopolis complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes
#> 40                                          Urban land-Sierra-Flanly complex, 3 to 25 percent slopes
#> 41                                                                                        Urban land
#> 42                Musick-Ultic Haploxeralfs, moderately well drained, complex, 1 to 8 percent slopes
#> 43                                               Beybek-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 44                                 Aquariusmine-Hetchy-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 45              Mollic Haploxeralfs-Pachic Argixerolls-Rock Outcrop complex, 50 to 90 percent slopes
#> 46                                               Copperopolis-Hetchy complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 47                          Sanguinetti-Moccasinhill-Deerflat complex, 60 to 90 percent slopes, cool
#> 48                                           Urban land-Musick-Hotaw complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 49                               Iron Mountain-Crozier-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes
#> 50                                        Moccasinhill-Copperopolis complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 51                                            Gopheridge-Jasperpeak complex, 50 to 90 percent slopes
#> 52                                            Tiger Creek-Nedsgulch complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 53                                             Tiger Creek-Nedsgulch complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 54                                           Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 55                                     Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, cool, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 56                                                     Sierra-Flanly complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 57                                               Bonanza-Loafercreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 58                   Hornitos-Red Bluff-Ultic Haploxeralfs, shallow, complex, 3 to 25 percent slopes
#> 59                                Gardellones-Gopheridge-Motherlode complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 60                           Aquic Haploxeralfs-Loafercreek-Dunstone complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes
#> 61                                            Shawsflat-Angelscreek complex, 25 to 60 percent slopes
#> 62                                               Nedsgulch-Arpatutu complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 63                                              Lickinfork-Arpatutu complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 64                                                  Jocal gravelly silt loam, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 65                                          Fiddletown-Rock outcrop complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 66                                                 Jocal-Fiddletown complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 67                                                                                             Water
#> 68                              Redapple-Lilygap complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 69                                         Holland-Wukusick-Mantree complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 70                                       Wallyhill, deep-Lickinfork complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 71                                                Deerflat-Millvilla complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 72                                              Millvilla-Luckymine complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 73                                             Wardsferry-Millvilla complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 74                                 Iron Mountain-Redapple-Devilsnose complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 75                                         Fuches-Lithic Xerorthents complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 76                                        Fuches-Lithic Xerorthents complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 77                                                                Supan loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes
#> 78                                   Urban land-Loafercreek-Dunstone complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 79                                   Urban land-Nedsgulch-Wallyhill complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 80                                                  Inks-Angelscreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 81                                                Angelscreek-Pentz complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 82                                               Miltonhills-Amador complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes
#> 83                                                Sixbit-Crimeahouse complex, 5 to 20 percent slopes
#> 84                                                 Urban land-Amador complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 85                                                Angelscreek-Pentz complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 86                                              Sixbit-Rock outcrop complex, 20 to 45 percent slopes
#> 87                                                        Pardee cobbly loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 88                                                    Pardee-Amador complex, 15 to 40 percent slopes
#> 89                                                         Amador sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 90                                                 Ospital-Jennylind complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 91                                                    Sierra-Flanly complex, 15 to 65 percent slopes
#> 92                                                    Flanly-Verjeles complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 93                                                               Flanly loam, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 94                                               Loafercreek-Bonanza complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 95                                   Bonanza-Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 96                                            Jasperpeak-Gopheridge complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 97                                           Gopheridge-Loafercreek complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 98                               Musick-Wukusick complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 99                                Musick-Wukusick complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 100                           Ultic Haploxeralfs-Mollic Haploxeralfs complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 101                            Ultic Haploxeralfs-Aquic Dystroxerepts complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 102                                Urban land-Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 103                                                         Pentz sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 104                                                        Pentz sandy loam, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 105                                                   Pentz cobbly sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 106                                                    Pentz-Bellota complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 107                                                               Peters clay, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 108                                                  Peters-Pentz association, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 109                                                 Pentz-Peters association, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 110                                                 Pentz-Peters association, 2 to 50 percent slopes
#> 111                                          Jennylind-Rock outcrop complex, 10 to 45 percent slopes
#> 112                                                         Mckeonhills clay, 5 to 15 percent slopes
#> 113                                                      Cogna loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, overwash
#> 114                                         Archerdale-Hicksville association, 0 to 2 percent slopes
#> 115                      Fluventic Haploxerepts-Oxyaquic Xerofluvents complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 116                                                                                             Dams
#> 117                                                Redding gravelly loam, 0 to 8 percent slopes, dry
#> 118                                Mined Land-Anthraltic Xerorthents complex, 1 to 15 percent slopes
#> 119              Psammentic Haploxerolls-Mollic Fluvaquents-Riverwash complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 120                           Bonanza-Loafercreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 121                                  Bonanza-Loafercreek-Jasperpeak complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 122                                  Trabuco-Jasperpeak-Rock outcrop complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 123                              Gopheridge-Jasperpeak-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 124                                        Shaver-Holland-Chawanakee complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 125                               Shaver-Lithic Humixerepts-Holland complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 126                                                    Musick fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes
#> 127                                                     Musick-Hotaw complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 128                                         Musick-Hotaw-Chawanakee complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#>     dbthirdbar_l dbthirdbar_r dbthirdbar_h
#> 1           1.36         1.42         1.49
#> 2           1.31         1.38         1.46
#> 3           1.29         1.40         1.51
#> 4           1.37         1.41         1.45
#> 5           1.36         1.43         1.50
#> 6           1.36         1.43         1.50
#> 7           1.37         1.43         1.50
#> 8           1.37         1.45         1.53
#> 9           1.32         1.42         1.53
#> 10          1.14         1.26         1.39
#> 11          1.10         1.17         1.24
#> 12          1.22         1.32         1.42
#> 13          1.32         1.41         1.50
#> 14          1.26         1.35         1.45
#> 15          1.07         1.14         1.21
#> 16          1.33         1.40         1.47
#> 17          1.32         1.41         1.51
#> 18          1.30         1.41         1.52
#> 19          0.39         0.48         0.66
#> 20          0.39         0.48         0.66
#> 21          0.57         0.75         0.79
#> 22          0.82         0.82         1.05
#> 23          0.82         0.82         1.05
#> 24          1.02         1.10         1.17
#> 25          1.42         1.49         1.57
#> 26          1.30         1.30         1.43
#> 27          1.31         1.38         1.46
#> 28          1.37         1.45         1.52
#> 29          1.34         1.47         1.59
#> 30          1.34         1.43         1.52
#> 31          1.33         1.41         1.48
#> 32          1.20         1.30         1.41
#> 33          1.24         1.36         1.46
#> 34          1.51         1.74         1.74
#> 35            NA           NA           NA
#> 36          1.16         1.22         1.29
#> 37          1.33         1.44         1.55
#> 38          1.32         1.44         1.56
#> 39          1.36         1.43         1.50
#> 40          1.37         1.45         1.52
#> 41          1.45         1.47         1.48
#> 42          1.24         1.36         1.48
#> 43          1.13         1.37         1.48
#> 44          1.23         1.35         1.47
#> 45          1.34         1.44         1.54
#> 46          1.31         1.38         1.45
#> 47          1.19         1.30         1.40
#> 48          1.33         1.43         1.53
#> 49          1.28         1.39         1.50
#> 50          1.24         1.32         1.40
#> 51          1.38         1.44         1.50
#> 52          1.11         1.27         1.42
#> 53          1.24         1.34         1.44
#> 54          1.39         1.46         1.53
#> 55          1.17         1.25         1.33
#> 56          1.31         1.40         1.49
#> 57          1.33         1.45         1.57
#> 58          1.40         1.47         1.53
#> 59          1.26         1.37         1.48
#> 60          1.24         1.37         1.51
#> 61          1.15         1.31         1.47
#> 62          1.05         1.16         1.27
#> 63          1.29         1.38         1.46
#> 64          1.01         1.08         1.16
#> 65          0.82         0.92         1.02
#> 66          0.79         0.86         1.02
#> 67            NA           NA           NA
#> 68          0.57         0.75         0.79
#> 69          0.79         0.87         0.94
#> 70          0.98         1.09         1.20
#> 71          1.30         1.47         1.55
#> 72          1.32         1.44         1.56
#> 73          1.30         1.39         1.48
#> 74          1.33         1.46         1.58
#> 75          1.36         1.47         1.57
#> 76          1.35         1.46         1.58
#> 77          0.98         1.12         1.25
#> 78          1.39         1.47         1.55
#> 79          1.30         1.30         1.43
#> 80          1.32         1.42         1.52
#> 81          1.11         1.36         1.50
#> 82          1.42         1.47         1.52
#> 83          1.36         1.45         1.54
#> 84          1.50         1.56         1.62
#> 85          1.12         1.40         1.50
#> 86          1.36         1.43         1.50
#> 87          1.37         1.42         1.47
#> 88          1.37         1.46         1.56
#> 89          1.50         1.56         1.62
#> 90          1.42         1.47         1.51
#> 91          1.38         1.46         1.54
#> 92          1.40         1.50         1.60
#> 93          1.31         1.41         1.51
#> 94          1.28         1.40         1.52
#> 95          1.33         1.43         1.54
#> 96          1.37         1.46         1.55
#> 97          1.33         1.41         1.49
#> 98          1.22         1.32         1.42
#> 99          1.10         1.17         1.24
#> 100         1.33         1.45         1.57
#> 101         1.45         1.52         1.60
#> 102         1.36         1.43         1.50
#> 103         1.38         1.48         1.58
#> 104         1.38         1.48         1.58
#> 105         1.40         1.48         1.57
#> 106         1.35         1.43         1.50
#> 107         1.19         1.28         1.38
#> 108         1.33         1.38         1.43
#> 109         1.38         1.42         1.46
#> 110         1.38         1.42         1.46
#> 111         1.45         1.49         1.53
#> 112         1.06         1.11         1.30
#> 113         1.43         1.48         1.54
#> 114         1.37         1.38         1.39
#> 115         1.39         1.46         1.54
#> 116           NA           NA           NA
#> 117         1.27         1.42         1.54
#> 118         1.50         1.54         1.58
#> 119         1.46         1.52         1.58
#> 120         1.37         1.45         1.48
#> 121         1.38         1.48         1.52
#> 122         1.30         1.40         1.49
#> 123         1.33         1.44         1.50
#> 124         1.47         1.50         1.53
#> 125         1.47         1.50         1.53
#> 126         1.16         1.28         1.37
#> 127         1.33         1.45         1.52
#> 128         1.29         1.45         1.54
# }