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Get map unit interpretations from Soil Data Access by rule name


  method = c("Dominant Component", "Dominant Condition", "Weighted Average", "None"),
  areasymbols = NULL,
  mukeys = NULL,
  include_minors = TRUE,
  miscellaneous_areas = TRUE,
  query_string = FALSE,
  not_rated_value = NA_real_,
  wide_reason = FALSE,
  dsn = NULL



character vector of interpretation rule names (matching mrulename in cointerp table)


aggregation method. One of: "Dominant Component", "Dominant Condition", "Weighted Average", "None". If "None" is selected one row will be returned per component, otherwise one row will be returned per map unit.


vector of soil survey area symbols


vector of map unit keys


character containing SQL WHERE clause specified in terms of fields in legend, mapunit, or component tables, used in lieu of mukeys or areasymbols


logical. Include minor components? Default: TRUE.


logical. Include miscellaneous areas (non-soil components) in results? Default: TRUE.


Default: FALSE; if TRUE return a character string containing query that would be sent to SDA via SDA_query


used where rating class is "Not Rated". Default: NA_real_


Default: FALSE; if TRUE apply post-processing to all columns with prefix "reason_" to create additional columns for sub-rule ratings.


Path to local SQLite database or a DBIConnection object. If NULL (default) use Soil Data Access API via SDA_query().


a data.frame


Rule Names in cointerp table

  • AGR - Avocado Root Rot Hazard (CA)

  • AGR - California Revised Storie Index (CA)

  • AGR - Hops Site Suitability (WA)

  • AGR - Map Unit Cropland Productivity (MN)

  • AGR - Nitrate Leaching Potential, Nonirrigated (WA)

  • AGR - No Till (TX)

  • AGR - Pesticide Loss Potential-Soil Surface Runoff (NE)

  • AGR - Ridge Till (TX)

  • AGR - Selenium Leaching Potential (CO)

  • AGR - Water Erosion Potential (NE)

  • AGR - Wind Erosion Potential (TX)

  • AGR - Winter Wheat Yield (MT)

  • AGR-Pesticide and Nutrient Runoff Potential (ND)

  • AGR-Rooting Depth (ND)

  • American Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Long)

  • American Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Medium)

  • American Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Very Long)

  • AWM - Animal Mortality Disposal (Catastrophic) (MO)

  • AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater (OH)

  • AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater (VT)s

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Biosolids, summer (OR)

  • AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste (MD)

  • AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste (OH)

  • AWM - Overland Flow Process Treatment of Wastewater (VT)

  • AWM - Rapid Infil Disposal of Wastewater (DE)

  • AWM - Sensitive Soil Features (MN)

  • AWM - Sensitive Soil Features (WI)

  • BLM - Fencing

  • BLM - Fire Damage Susceptibility

  • BLM - Mechanical Treatment, Rolling Drum

  • BLM - Rangeland Drill

  • BLM - Rangeland Seeding, Colorado Plateau Ecoregion

  • BLM - Rangeland Seeding, Great Basin Ecoregion

  • BLM-Reclamation Suitability (MT)

  • CLASS RULE - Depth to lithic bedrock (5 classes) (NPS)

  • CLASS RULE - Soil Inorganic Carbon kg/m2 to 2m (NPS)

  • CLASS RULE - Soil Organic Carbon kg/m2 to 2m (NPS)

  • CLR-pastureland limitation (IN)

  • Commodity Crop Productivity Index (Soybeans) (TN)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (WA)

  • CPI - Barley, IRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Grass Hay, IRR - Klamath Valleys and Basins (OR)

  • CPI - Small Grains, IRR - Snake River Plains (ID)

  • CPI - Wheat, IRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CZSS - Salinization due to Coastal Saltwater Inundation (CT)

  • DHS - Catastrophic Event, Large Animal Mortality, Burial

  • DHS - Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit

  • DHS - Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Trench

  • DHS - Potential for Radioactive Bioaccumulation

  • DHS - Potential for Radioactive Sequestration

  • DHS - Suitability for Composting Medium and Final Cover

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (AK)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (ID)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (OH)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (VT)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (WA)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill (OH)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (OR)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (WA)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (GA)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (MD)

  • ENG - Daily Cover for Landfill

  • ENG - Daily Cover for Landfill (AK)

  • ENG - Disposal Field Suitability Class (NJ)

  • ENG - Dwellings W/O Basements (OH)

  • ENG - Dwellings with Basements (AK)

  • ENG - Large Animal Disposal, Pit (CT)

  • ENG - Lawn, landscape, golf fairway (CT)

  • ENG - Lined Retention Systems

  • ENG - Local Roads and Streets (OH)

  • ENG - On-Site Waste Water Absorption Fields (MO)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (MD)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (TX)

  • ENG - Septic Tank, Gravity Disposal (TX)

  • ENG - Sewage Lagoons

  • ENG - Small Commercial Buildings (OH)

  • ENG - Soil Potential Ratings of SSDS (CT)

  • FOR (USFS) - Road Construction/Maintenance (Natural Surface)

  • FOR - Compaction Potential (WA)

  • FOR - Conservation Tree/Shrub Groups (MT)

  • FOR - Damage by Fire (OH)

  • FOR - General Harvest Season (VT)

  • FOR - Hand Planting Suitability

  • FOR - Hand Planting Suitability, MO13 (DE)

  • FOR - Hand Planting Suitability, MO13 (MD)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (ME)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (VT)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (WA)

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability (CT)

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability, MO13 (MD)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Deep)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Deep) (DE)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface) (DE)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface) (MI)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation; Surface (ME)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard, Road/Trail, Spring Thaw (AK)

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality (PIA)

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality(ME)

  • FOR - Puddling Hazard

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (ME)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (WA)

  • FOR - Soil Rutting Hazard (OH)

  • FOR - Soil Sustainability Forest Biomass Harvesting (CT)

  • FOR - White Oak Suitability (MO)

  • FOR-Biomass Harvest (WI)

  • FOTG - Indiana Corn Yield Calculation (IN)

  • GRL - Excavations to 24 inches for Plastic Pipelines (TX)

  • GRL - Fencing, 24 inch Post Depth (MT)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 100) (NV)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 40) (NV)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 60) (NV)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 80) (NV)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C >= 160) (NV)

  • GRL - Rangeland Planting by Mechanical Seeding (TX)

  • GRL - Rangeland Root Plowing (TX)

  • Hybrid Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Long)

  • Low Pressure Pipe Septic System (DE)

  • MIL - Bivouac Areas (DOD)

  • MIL - Excavations Crew-Served Weapon Fighting Position (DOD)

  • MIL - Excavations for Individual Fighting Position (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 1 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 2 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 4 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 4 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 6 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 7 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 7 dry season (DOD)

  • NCCPI - Irrigated National Commodity Crop Productivity Index

  • Nitrogen Loss Potential (ND)

  • Potential Windthrow Hazard (TN)

  • REC - Foot and ATV Trails (AK)

  • REC - Playgrounds (AK)

  • Reclamation Suitability (ND)

  • RSK-risk assessment for manure application (OH)

  • SAS - CMECS Substrate Origin

  • SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass/Group/Subgroup

  • SAS - Mooring Anchor - Deadweight

  • Septic System A/B Soil System (Alternate) (PA)

  • Septic System CO-OP RFS III w/Spray Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System Dual Field Trench (conventional) (WV)

  • Septic System Elevated Field (alternative) (WV)

  • Septic System In Ground Trench (conventional) (PA)

  • Septic System In Ground Trench (conventional) (WV)

  • AGR - Filter Strips (TX)

  • AGR - Hops Site Suitability (ID)

  • AGR - Mulch Till (TX)

  • AGR - Nitrate Leaching Potential, Nonirrigated (MT)

  • AGR - Nitrate Leaching Potential, Nonirrigated (WV)

  • AGR - No Till (VT)

  • AGR - Oats Yield (MT)

  • AGR - Pesticide Loss Potential-Leaching

  • AGR - Pesticide Loss Potential-Leaching (NE)

  • AGR - Rutting Hazard =< 10,000 Pounds per Wheel (TX)

  • AGR - S. Highbush Blueberry Suitability MLRA 153 (SC)

  • AGR - Wind Erosion Potential (NE)

  • AGR-Available Water Capacity (ND)

  • AGR-Physical Limitations (ND)

  • AGR-Sodicity (ND)

  • AGR-Surface Crusting (ND)

  • AGR-Wind Erosion (ND)

  • AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater (DE)

  • AWM - Land App of Municipal Sewage Sludge (DE)

  • AWM - Land App of Municipal Sewage Sludge (MD)

  • AWM - Land Application of Milk (CT)

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Biosolids, spring (OR)

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge (OH)

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge (VT)

  • AWM - Large Animal Disposal, Pit (MN)

  • AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste

  • AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste (VT)

  • AWM - Rapid Infil Disposal of Wastewater (MD)

  • AWM - Rapid Infiltration Disposal of Wastewater (VT)

  • AWM - Slow Rate Process Treatment of Wastewater (VT)

  • BLM - Chaining Suitability

  • BLM - Fugitive Dust Resistance

  • BLM - Soil Restoration Potential

  • BLM - Yellow Star-thistle Invasion Susceptibility

  • CLASS RULE - Depth to non-lithic bedrock (5 classes) (NPS)

  • CLR-cropland limitation for corn and soybeans (IN)

  • Commodity Crop Productivity Index (Corn) (WI)

  • CPI - Grass Hay, NIRR - Klamath Valleys and Basins (OR)

  • CPI - Potatoes Productivity Index (AK)

  • CPI - Potatoes, IRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Small Grains, NIRR - Palouse Prairies (ID)

  • DHS - Emergency Animal Mortality Disposal by Shallow Burial

  • DHS - Rubble and Debris Disposal, Large-Scale Event

  • ENG - Aquifer Assessment - 7081 (MN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials - Gravel Source (MN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (MI)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (OR)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation (OH)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (AK)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (ID)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (IN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (OH)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (WA)

  • ENG - Ground-based Solar Arrays, Soil-based Anchor Systems

  • ENG - Local Roads and Streets

  • ENG - New Ohio Septic Rating (OH)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Trench) (OH)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (AK)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (DE)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (NY)

  • ENG - Sewage Lagoons (OH)

  • ENG - Shallow Excavations (AK)

  • ENG - Shallow Excavations (MI)

  • ENG - Unpaved Local Roads and Streets

  • FOR - Black Walnut Suitability Index (MO)

  • FOR - Conservation Tree and Shrub Groups (TX)

  • FOR - Construction Limitations - Haul Roads/Log Landing (OH)

  • FOR - Construction Limitations For Haul Roads (MI)

  • FOR - Hand Planting Suitability (ME)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (MD)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (OH)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (VT)

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability (ME)

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability, MO13 (DE)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Off-Road/Off-Trail)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Road/Trail) (PIA)

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality (VT)

  • FOR - Potential Windthrow Hazard (NY)

  • FOR - Potential Windthrow Hazard (VT)

  • FOR - Puddling Potential (WA)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (OH)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (OR)

  • FOR - Rutting Hazard by Season

  • FOR - Shortleaf pine littleleaf disease susceptibility

  • FOR - Soil Compactibility Risk

  • FOR - Soil Rutting Hazard (ME)

  • FOR - Windthrow Hazard

  • FOR-Construction Limitations for Haul Roads/Log Landings(ME)

  • FOTG - Indiana Slippage Potential (IN)

  • Gravity Full Depth Septic System (DE)

  • GRL - Fencing, Post Depth =<36 inches

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 50) (NV)

  • GRL - Ranch Access Roads (TX)

  • GRL - Rangeland Roller Chopping (TX)

  • Ground Penetrating Radar Penetration

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_bedrock(ME)

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_bedrock_slope_ballast(ME)

  • Hybrid Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Short)

  • ISDH Septic Tank Interpretation (IN)

  • Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge (PA)

  • MIL - Helicopter Landing Zones (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 2 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 5 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 5 dry season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 7 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • NCCPI - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (Ver 3.0)

  • REC - Camp and Picnic Areas (AK)

  • REC - Picnic Areas (CT)

  • REC - Playgrounds (CT)

  • SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass

  • Septic System Drip Irrigation (Alternate) (PA)

  • Septic System Free Access Sand Filter w/Drip Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System In Ground Bed (conventional) (PA)

  • Septic System Peat Based Option1 (UV & At-Grade Bed)Alt (PA)

  • Septic System Peat Sys Opt3 w/Subsurface Sand Filter (PA)

  • Septic System Sand Mound Bed or Trench (PA)

  • Septic System Shallow Placement Pressure Dosed (Alt.) (PA)

  • SOH - Aggregate Stability (ND)

  • SOH - Agricultural Organic Soil Subsidence

  • SOH - Dynamic Soil Properties Response to Biochar

  • SOH - Organic Matter Depletion


  • URB - Commercial Brick Bldg; w/Reinforced Concrete Slab (TX)

  • URB - Reinforced Concrete Slab (TX)

  • URB/REC - Camp Areas

  • URB/REC - Camp Areas (OH)

  • URB/REC - Off-Road Motorcycle Trails (OH)

  • URB/REC - Paths and Trails (OH)

  • URB/REC - Picnic Areas

  • URB/REC - Playgrounds

  • URB/REC - Playgrounds (GA)

  • Vinifera Wine Grape Site Desirability (Short to Medium)

  • WLF - Irr. Domestic Grasses & Legumes for Food & Cover (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Coniferous Trees (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Deciduous Trees (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Desertic Shrubs & Trees (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Native Herbaceous Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Shrubs & Vines (TX)

  • WLF-Soil Suitability - Karner Blue Butterfly (WI)

  • WMS - Drainage (IL)

  • WMS - Drainage - (MI)

  • WMS - Embankments, Dikes, and Levees

  • WMS - Embankments, Dikes, and Levees (OH)

  • WMS - Grassed Waterways - (MI)

  • AGR - Air Quality; PM10 (TX)

  • AGR - Air Quality; PM2_5 (TX)

  • AGR - Aronia Berry Suitability (SD)

  • AGR - Farmland of Statewide Importance (TX)

  • AGR - Index for alfalfa hay, irrigated (NV)

  • AGR - Nitrate Leaching Potential, Nonirrigated (MA)

  • AGR - Rangeland Grass/Herbaceous Productivity Index (TX)

  • AGR - Rutting Hazard > 10,000 Pounds per Wheel (TX)

  • AGR - Water Erosion Potential (TX)

  • AGR - Wine Grape Site Suitability (WA)

  • AGR-Natural Fertility (ND)

  • AGR-Subsurface Salinity (ND)

  • AWM - Filter Group (OH)

  • AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater

  • AWM - Land Application of Dry and Slurry Manure (TX)

  • AWM - Land Application of Municipal Biosolids, winter (OR)

  • AWM - Overland Flow Process Treatment of Wastewater

  • AWM - Rapid Infiltration Disposal of Wastewater

  • AWM - Vegetated Treatment Area (PIA)

  • AWM - Waste Field Storage Area (VT)

  • BLM - Mechanical Treatment, Shredder

  • BLM - Medusahead Invasion Susceptibility

  • BLM - Soil Compaction Resistance

  • Capping Fill Gravity Septic System (DE)

  • CLASS RULE - Depth to any bedrock kind (5 classes) (NPS)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, IRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, IRR - Klamath Valley and Basins (OR)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, IRR - Snake River Plains (ID)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, NIRR- Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Grass Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (WA)

  • CPI - Small Grains Productivity Index (AK)

  • DHS - Catastrophic Event, Large Animal Mortality, Incinerate

  • DHS - Emergency Land Disposal of Milk

  • DHS - Site for Composting Facility - Subsurface

  • DHS - Suitability for Clay Liner Material

  • ENG - Cohesive Soil Liner (MN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials - Sand Source (MN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (CT)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (NY)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation (DE)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill (AK)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (NY)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (VT)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (AK)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (DE)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (MI)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (OR)

  • ENG - Conventional On-Site Septic Systems (TN)

  • ENG - Deep Infiltration Systems

  • ENG - Disposal Field Gravity (DE)

  • ENG - Dwellings With Basements (OH)

  • ENG - Ground-based Solar Arrays, Ballast Anchor Systems

  • ENG - Large Animal Disposal, Trench (CT)

  • ENG - Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway (MI)

  • ENG - Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway (VT)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Area) (OH)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Trench)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Trench) (AK)

  • ENG - Septage Application - Surface (MN)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - At-Grade (MN)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Mound (MN)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Leaching Chamber (TX)

  • ENG - Septic Tank, Subsurface Drip Irrigation (TX)

  • ENG - Shallow Excavations

  • ENG - Shallow Infiltration Systems

  • ENG - Small Commercial Buildings

  • ENG - Soil Potential of Road Salt Applications (CT)

  • ENG - Source of Caliche (TX)

  • ENG - Stormwater Management / Ponds (NY)

  • ENG - Unlined Retention Systems

  • Farm and Garden Composting Facility - Surface

  • FOR - Biomass Harvest (MA)

  • FOR - Black Walnut Suitability Index (KS)

  • FOR - Displacement Potential (WA)

  • FOR - Drought Vulnerable Soils

  • FOR - General Harvest Season (ME)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Deep) (MD)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation; Deep (CT)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Road/Trail)

  • FOR - Potential Fire Damage Hazard

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality (MI)

  • FOR - Potential Windthrow Hazard (ME)

  • FOR - Potential Windthrow Hazard (MI)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (ID)

  • FOR - Rutting Hazard by Month

  • FOR - Windthrow Hazard (WA)

  • FOTG - NLI Interp Calculation - (IN)

  • Fragile Soil Index

  • GRL - Juniper Encroachment Potential (NM)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 20) (NV)

  • GRL - Pasture and Hayland SG (OH)

  • GRL - Rangeland Prescribed Burning (TX)

  • GRL - Rangeland Soil Seed Bank Suitability (NM)


  • GRL-SHSI Soil Health Sustainability Index (MT)

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_saturationt(ME)

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_slope(ME)

  • Inland Wetlands (CT)

  • IRR-restrictive features for irrigation (OH)

  • MIL - Excavations for Vehicle Fighting Position (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 1 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 2 dry season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 3 50-passes wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 6 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 6 dry season (DOD)

  • Muscadine Wine Grape Site Desirability (Very Long)

  • NCCPI - NCCPI Cotton Submodel (II)

  • Permafrost Sensitivity (AK)

  • Pressure Dose Capping Fill Septic System (DE)

  • REC - Camp Areas (CT)

  • REC - Off-Road Motorcycle Trails (CT)

  • SAS - CMECS Substrate Class

  • SAS - CMECS Substrate Subclass/Group

  • SAS - Eelgrass Restoration Suitability

  • SAS - Land Utilization of Dredged Materials

  • SAS - Northern Quahog (Hard Clam) Habitat Suitability

  • Septic System At Grade Shallow Field (alternative) (WV)

  • Septic System At-Grade Bed (Alternate) (PA)

  • Septic System CO-OP RFS III w/Drip Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System Drip Irrigation (alternative) (WV)

  • Septic System Free Access Sand Filterw/Spray Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System Peat Based Option1 w/At-Grade Bed (Alt.) (PA)

  • Septic System Spray Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System Steep Slope Sand Mound (Alternate) (PA)

  • Shallow Infiltration Systems

  • SOH - Organic Matter Depletion Potential, Irrigated (CA)

  • SOH - Soil Surface Sealing

  • TROP - Plantains Productivity

  • URB/REC - Camp Areas (GA)

  • URB/REC - Camp Areas (MI)

  • URB/REC - Golf Fairways (OH)

  • URB/REC - Off-Road Motorcycle Trails

  • URB/REC - Paths and Trails (MI)

  • URB/REC - Playgrounds (OH)

  • Vinifera Wine Grape Site Desirability (Long to Medium)

  • WLF - Chufa for Turkey Forage (LA)

  • WLF - Food Plots for Upland Wildlife < 2 Acres (TX)

  • WLF - Freshwater Wetland Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Irrigated Saline Water Wetland Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Riparian Herbaceous Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Riparian Shrubs, Vines, & Trees (TX)

  • WLF - Saline Water Wetland Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Upland Mixed Deciduous & Coniferous Trees (TX)

  • WMS - Constructing Grassed Waterways (TX)

  • WMS - Constructing Terraces and Diversions (OH)

  • WMS - Embankments, Dikes, and Levees (VT)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Sprinkler (close spaced outlet drops)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Sprinkler (general)

  • WMS - Pond Reservoir Area (GA)

  • WMS-Subsurface Water Management, Installation (ND)

  • WMS-Subsurface Water Management, Outflow Quality (ND)

  • AGR - Barley Yield (MT)

  • AGR - Conventional Tillage (TX)

  • AGR - Grape non-irrigated (MO)

  • AGR - Industrial Hemp for Fiber and Seed Production

  • AGR - Nitrate Leaching Potential, Irrigated (WA)

  • AGR - Pasture hayland (MO)

  • AGR - Pesticide Loss Potential-Soil Surface Runoff

  • AGR - Prime Farmland (TX)

  • AGR - Spring Wheat Yield (MT)

  • AGR-Agronomic Concerns (ND)

  • AGR-Pesticide and Nutrient Leaching Potential, NIRR (ND)

  • AGR-Surface Salinity (ND)

  • AGR-Water Erosion Potential (ND)

  • Alaska Exempt Wetland Potential (AK)

  • American Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Short)

  • AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater (MD)

  • AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste (DE)

  • AWM - Manure Stacking - Site Evaluation (TX)

  • AWM - Phosphorus Management (TX)

  • AWM - Slow Rate Process Treatment of Wastewater

  • BLM - Pygmy Rabbit Habitat Potential

  • BLM - Rangeland Tillage

  • BLM - Site Degradation Susceptibility

  • CA Prime Farmland (CA)

  • CLASS RULE - Depth to root limiting layer (5 classes) (NPS)

  • Commodity Crop Productivity Index (Corn) (TN)

  • CPI - Alfalfa Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (ID)

  • CPI - Barley, NIRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Grass Hay, IRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Grass Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (ID)

  • CPI - Potatoes, IRR - Snake River Plains (ID)

  • CPI - Small Grains, NIRR - Palouse Prairies (OR)

  • CPI - Small Grains, NIRR - Palouse Prairies (WA)

  • CPI - Small Grains, NIRR - Snake River Plains (ID)

  • CPI - Wheat, NIRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Wild Hay, NIRR - Eastern Idaho Plateaus (ID)

  • CPI - Wild Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (ID)

  • CPI - Wild Hay, NIRR - Palouse, Northern Rocky Mtns. (WA)

  • Deep Infiltration Systems

  • DHS - Site for Composting Facility - Surface

  • Elevated Sand Mound Septic System (DE)

  • ENG - Animal Disposal by Composting (Catastrophic) (WV)

  • ENG - Application of Municipal Sludge (TX)

  • ENG - Closed-Loop Horizontal Geothermal Heat Pump (CT)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (IN)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (NE)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation (MD)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation (MI)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill (GA)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (CT)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source (GA)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (ID)

  • ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil (OH)

  • ENG - Daily Cover for Landfill (OH)

  • ENG - Disposal Field (NJ)

  • ENG - Disposal Field Type Inst (NJ)

  • ENG - Dwellings W/O Basements

  • ENG - Dwellings With Basements

  • ENG - Dwellings without Basements (AK)

  • ENG - Lawn and Landscape (OH)

  • ENG - Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway

  • ENG - Local Roads and Streets (AK)

  • ENG - Local Roads and Streets (GA)

  • ENG - On-Site Waste Water Lagoons (MO)

  • ENG - Pier Beam Building Foundations (TX)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Area)

  • ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Area) (AK)

  • ENG - Septage Application - Incorporation or Injection (MN)

  • ENG - Septic System; Disinfection, Surface Application (TX)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (FL)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields (OH)

  • ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Trench (MN)

  • ENG - Sewage Lagoons (AK)

  • ENG - Shallow Excavations (OH)

  • ENG - Soil Suitability for SLAMM Marsh Migration (CT)

  • ENG - Stormwater Management / Infiltration (NY)

  • ENG - Stormwater Management / Wetlands (NY)

  • FOR - Black Walnut Suitability (WI)

  • FOR - Black Walnut Suitability (WV)

  • FOR - Construction Limitations for Haul Roads/Log Landings

  • FOR - Displacement Hazard

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (DE)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (ME)

  • FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability (MI)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (ID)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (MI)

  • FOR - Log Landing Suitability (OR)

  • FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability (OH)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface) (MD)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface) (OH)

  • FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation; Surface (CT)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Off-Road/Off-Trail) (MI)

  • FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Off-Road/Off-Trail) (OH)

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality (FL)

  • FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality (OH)

  • FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface) (VT)

  • FOR - Soil Rutting Hazard

  • FOTG - Indiana Soy Bean Yield Calculation (IN)

  • FOTG - Indiana Wheat Yield Calculation (IN)

  • FOTG - NLI report Calculation - (IN)

  • GRL - Fencing, Post Depth =<24 inches

  • GRL - Fencing, Post Depth Less Than 24 inches (TX)

  • GRL - Fencing, Post Depth Less Than 36 inches (TX)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 10) (NV)

  • GRL - NV range seeding (Wind C = 30) (NV)

  • GRL - Rangeland Chaining (TX)

  • GRL - Rangeland Disking (TX)

  • GRL - Rangeland Dozing/Grubbing (TX)

  • GRL - Utah Juniper Encroachment Potential

  • GRL - Western Juniper Encroachment Potential (OR)

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_bedrock_slope_anchor(ME)

  • Ground-based Solar Arrays_saturation_flooding_Frost(ME)

  • Hybrid Wine Grape Varieties Site Desirability (Medium)

  • Lined Retention Systems

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 1 dry season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 3 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 3 dry season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 4 dry season (DOD)

  • MIL - Trafficability Veh. Type 5 1-pass wet season (DOD)

  • NCCPI - NCCPI Corn Submodel (I)

  • NCCPI - NCCPI Small Grains Submodel (II)

  • NCCPI - NCCPI Soybeans Submodel (I)

  • Peony Flowers Site Suitability (AK)

  • Pressure Dose Full Depth Septic System (DE)

  • REC - Camp Areas; Primitive (AK)

  • REC - Paths and Trails (CT)

  • Salinity Risk Index (ND)

  • SAS - Eastern Oyster Habitat Restoration Suitability

  • SAS - Mooring Anchor - Mushroom

  • Septic System CO-OP RFS III w/At-Grade Bed (PA)

  • Septic System Free Access Sand Filter w/At-Grade Bed (PA)

  • Septic System Modified Subsurface Sand Filter (Alt.) (PA)

  • Septic System Shallow In Ground Trench (conventional) (WV)

  • Septic System Subsurface Sand Filter Bed (conventional) (PA)

  • Septic System Subsurface Sand Filter Trench (standard) (PA)

  • SOH - Limitations for Aerobic Soil Organisms

  • URB - Concrete Driveways and Sidewalks (TX)

  • URB - Dwellings on Concrete Slab (TX)

  • URB - Lawns and Ornamental Plantings (TX)

  • URB/REC - Paths and Trails

  • URB/REC - Paths and Trails (GA)

  • URB/REC - Playgrounds (MI)

  • Vinifera Wine Grape Site Desirability (Long)

  • WLF - Crawfish Aquaculture (TX)

  • WLF - Desertic Herbaceous Plants (TX)

  • WLF - Gopher Tortoise Burrowing Suitability

  • WLF - Grain & Seed Crops for Food and Cover (TX)

  • WMS - Constructing Grassed Waterways (OH)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Surface (graded)

  • WMS - Subsurface Drains - Installation (VT)

  • WMS - Subsurface Water Management, System Performance

  • WMS - Surface Drains (TX)

  • WMS - Surface Irrigation Intake Family (TX)

  • Septic System Low Pressure Pipe (alternative) (WV)

  • Septic System Mound (alternative) (WV)

  • Septic System Peat Based Option2 w/Spray Irrigation (PA)

  • Septic System Steep Slope Mound (alternative) (WV)

  • SOH - Concentration of Salts- Soil Surface

  • SOH - Soil Susceptibility to Compaction

  • Soil Habitat for Saprophyte Stage of Coccidioides

  • Unlined Retention Systems

  • URB - Commercial Metal Bldg; w/Reinforced Concrete Slab (TX)

  • URB/REC - Picnic Areas (GA)

  • URB/REC - Picnic Areas (MI)

  • URB/REC - Picnic Areas (OH)

  • Vinifera Wine Grape Site Desirability (Short)

  • WLF - Burrowing Mammals & Reptiles (TX)

  • WLF - Desert Tortoise (CA)

  • WLF - Domestic Grasses & Legumes for Food and Cover (TX)

  • WLF - Irrigated Grain & Seed Crops for Food & Cover (TX)

  • WMS - Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed)

  • WMS - Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed) (VT)

  • WMS - Irrigation, General

  • WMS - Irrigation, Micro (above ground)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Micro (above ground) (VT)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Micro (subsurface drip)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Sprinkler (general) (VT)

  • WMS - Pond Reservoir Area

  • WMS - Pond Reservoir Area (OH)

  • WMS - Subsurface Water Management, System Installation

  • WMS - Constructing Terraces & Diversions (TX)

  • WMS - Drainage (OH)

  • WMS - Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed) (OH)

  • WMS - Grape Production with Drip Irrigation (TX)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Micro (subsurface drip) (VT)

  • WMS - Irrigation, Surface (level)

  • WMS - Pond Reservoir Area (MI)

  • WMS - Pond Reservoir Area (VT)

  • WMS - Sprinkler Irrigation (MT)

  • WMS - Sprinkler Irrigation RDC (IL)

  • WMS - Subsurface Drains - Performance (VT)

  • WMS - Subsurface Water Management, Outflow Quality

  • WMS - Surface Water Management, System

  • WMS-Subsurface Water Management, Performance (ND)


Jason Nemecek, Chad Ferguson, Andrew Brown


# \donttest{
  # get two forestry interpretations for CA630
  get_SDA_interpretation(c("FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality",
                           "FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface)"),
                         method = "Dominant Condition",
                         areasymbols = "CA630")
#> single result set, returning a data.frame
#>       mukey areasymbol musym
#> 1   1865918      CA630  3046
#> 2   1865926      CA630  7088
#> 3   1865927      CA630  7155
#> 4   1865928      CA630  7156
#> 5   1865929      CA630  8033
#> 6   1865930      CA630  8034
#> 7   1865931      CA630  8036
#> 8   1900697      CA630  6038
#> 9   1906347      CA630  7159
#> 10  1913590      CA630  6029
#> 11  1913591      CA630  6034
#> 12  1913592      CA630  6037
#> 13  1913600      CA630  7207
#> 14  1913601      CA630  8173
#> 15  1913602      CA630  8160
#> 16  1913605      CA630  8177
#> 17  1913606      CA630  8178
#> 18  1913607      CA630  3020
#> 19  2220266      CA630  3038
#> 20  2220269      CA630  4048
#> 21  2220270      CA630  4046
#> 22  2220271      CA630  6043
#> 23  2220273      CA630  6041
#> 24  2220301      CA630  8161
#> 25  2374651      CA630  4136
#> 26  2383083      CA630  8171
#> 27  2383084      CA630  8172
#> 28  2399766      CA630  6070
#> 29  2399769      CA630  6074
#> 30  2399770      CA630  6075
#> 31  2399771      CA630  6076
#> 32  2399780      CA630  8110
#> 33  2399783      CA630  8115
#> 34  2403696      CA630  5100
#> 35  2403709      CA630  1012
#> 36  2403710      CA630  8314
#> 37  2403711      CA630  8312
#> 38  2403719      CA630  9013
#> 39  2403720      CA630  9012
#> 40  2403721      CA630  9011
#> 41  2403722      CA630  9010
#> 42  2403747      CA630  6202
#> 43  2424959      CA630  8317
#> 44  2424960      CA630  8318
#> 45  2424961      CA630  8319
#> 46  2424962      CA630  8175
#> 47  2424963      CA630  8176
#> 48  2424975      CA630  9014
#> 49  2425107      CA630  3021
#> 50  2426355      CA630  8026
#> 51  2426483      CA630  7096
#> 52  2436790      CA630  8307
#> 53  2436792      CA630  8302
#> 54  2440240      CA630  7086
#> 55  2440242      CA630  7087
#> 56  2441253      CA630  6071
#> 57  2441798      CA630  7085
#> 58  2450478      CA630  5101
#> 59  2450843      CA630  7089
#> 60  2450844      CA630  7083
#> 61  2450845      CA630  3058
#> 62  2452459      CA630  8162
#> 63  2455490      CA630  8190
#> 64  2455492      CA630  8286
#> 65  2455494      CA630  8289
#> 66  2455495      CA630  8287
#> 67  2462630      CA630     W
#> 68  2480973      CA630  3033
#> 69  2482710      CA630  6039
#> 70  2483494      CA630  8194
#> 71  2600456      CA630  7210
#> 72  2600457      CA630  7211
#> 73  2600458      CA630  7212
#> 74  2600460      CA630  4040
#> 75  2600465      CA630  5051
#> 76  2600467      CA630  5053
#> 77  2600469      CA630  5057
#> 78  2600480      CA630  9015
#> 79  2600481      CA630  9016
#> 80  2600527      CA630  4200
#> 81  2600528      CA630  4201
#> 82  2600529      CA630  5013
#> 83  2600534      CA630  7165
#> 84  2600537      CA630  9017
#> 85  2600538      CA630  4202
#> 86  2766830      CA630  7166
#> 87  2766836      CA630  5201
#> 88  2766837      CA630  5202
#> 89  2766838      CA630  5012
#> 90  2766850      CA630  5015
#> 91  2924701      CA630  6078
#> 92  2924738      CA630  6072
#> 93  2924739      CA630  6079
#> 94  2924751      CA630  7074
#> 95  2924752      CA630  7076
#> 96  2924753      CA630  7078
#> 97  2924754      CA630  7079
#> 98  2924831      CA630  6036
#> 99  2924832      CA630  6033
#> 100 2924833      CA630  1090
#> 101 2924834      CA630  1091
#> 102 2924835      CA630  9018
#> 103 2924879      CA630   206
#> 104 2924880      CA630   207
#> 105 2924881      CA630   208
#> 106 2924882      CA630   209
#> 107 2924883      CA630   212
#> 108 2924884      CA630   401
#> 109 2924885      CA630   451
#> 110 2924886      CA630   475
#> 111 2924887      CA630  5016
#> 112 2924890      CA630   851
#> 113 2924907      CA630   128
#> 114 2924908      CA630   301
#> 115 2924909      CA630  8120
#> 116 2924912      CA630   DAM
#> 117 2924913      CA630   220
#> 118 2924914      CA630  1013
#> 119 2924955      CA630  8111
#> 120 3225132      CA630  7065
#> 121 3225133      CA630  7066
#> 122 3225134      CA630  7091
#> 123 3225135      CA630  7092
#> 124 3356286      CA630  6054
#> 125 3356287      CA630  6055
#> 126 3356288      CA630  6205
#> 127 3356289      CA630  6206
#> 128 3356290      CA630  6207
#>                                                                                               muname
#> 1                                        Goldwall-Toomes-Rock outcrop complex, 1 to 8 percent slopes
#> 2                                            Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 3                                                 Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 4                                                Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 5                                       Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes, rocky
#> 6                                      Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, rocky
#> 7                                     Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, rocky
#> 8                                Musick-Wukusick complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 9                                                Crimeahouse-Sixbit complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes
#> 10                                  Holland-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop complex, 45 to 90 percent slopes
#> 11                                                   Musick-Wukusick complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 12                                                  Musick-Wukusick complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 13                                    Millvilla-Copperopolis-Hetchy complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 14                                     Nedsgulch-Wallyhill-Arpatutu complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 15                                                   Nedsgulch-Sites complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 16                            Moccasinhill-Copperopolis-Sanguinetti complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 17                                        Moccasinhill-Copperopolis complex, 60 to 90 percent slopes
#> 18                                        Iron Mountain-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 19                            Devilsnose-Lilygap complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 20                                               Devilsnose-Lilygap complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 21                                                 Redapple-Lilygap complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 22                                                  Mantree ashy sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 23                                                   Mantree ashy sandy loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 24                                                  Nedsgulch-Sites complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 25  Ultic Haploxeralfs, shallow-Ultic Haploxeralfs, moderately deep complex, 10 to 35 percent slopes
#> 26                                               Nedsgulch-Wallyhill complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 27                                     Nedsgulch-Wallyhill-Arpatutu complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 28                                 Sierra-Verjeles-Aquic Haploxeralfs complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 29                                                      Sierra-Orose complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 30                                                    Sierra-Flanly complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 31                                    Auberry-Hurleton-Rock outcrop complex, 20 to 60 percent slopes
#> 32                                      Cumulic Humixerepts-Riverwash complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 33                                         Sanguinetti-Copperopolis complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 34        Ultic Haploxeralfs-Typic Palexerults-Aquultic haploxeralfs complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes
#> 35                                                                                        Mined Land
#> 36                      Rock outcrop-Tiger Creek-Vertic Haploxerepts complex, 1 to 45 percent slopes
#> 37                                            Aquariusmine-Millvilla complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 38                                              Urban land-Millvilla complex, 1 to 25 percent slopes
#> 39                                           Urban land-Copperopolis complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes
#> 40                                          Urban land-Sierra-Flanly complex, 3 to 25 percent slopes
#> 41                                                                                        Urban land
#> 42                Musick-Ultic Haploxeralfs, moderately well drained, complex, 1 to 8 percent slopes
#> 43                                               Beybek-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 44                                 Aquariusmine-Hetchy-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 45              Mollic Haploxeralfs-Pachic Argixerolls-Rock Outcrop complex, 50 to 90 percent slopes
#> 46                                               Copperopolis-Hetchy complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 47                          Sanguinetti-Moccasinhill-Deerflat complex, 60 to 90 percent slopes, cool
#> 48                                           Urban land-Musick-Hotaw complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 49                               Iron Mountain-Crozier-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes
#> 50                                        Moccasinhill-Copperopolis complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 51                                            Gopheridge-Jasperpeak complex, 50 to 90 percent slopes
#> 52                                            Tiger Creek-Nedsgulch complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 53                                             Tiger Creek-Nedsgulch complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 54                                           Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 55                                     Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, cool, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 56                                                     Sierra-Flanly complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 57                                               Bonanza-Loafercreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 58                   Hornitos-Red Bluff-Ultic Haploxeralfs, shallow, complex, 3 to 25 percent slopes
#> 59                                Gardellones-Gopheridge-Motherlode complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 60                           Aquic Haploxeralfs-Loafercreek-Dunstone complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes
#> 61                                            Shawsflat-Angelscreek complex, 25 to 60 percent slopes
#> 62                                               Nedsgulch-Arpatutu complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 63                                              Lickinfork-Arpatutu complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 64                                                  Jocal gravelly silt loam, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 65                                          Fiddletown-Rock outcrop complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 66                                                 Jocal-Fiddletown complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 67                                                                                             Water
#> 68                              Redapple-Lilygap complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 69                                         Holland-Wukusick-Mantree complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 70                                       Wallyhill, deep-Lickinfork complex, 40 to 90 percent slopes
#> 71                                                Deerflat-Millvilla complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 72                                              Millvilla-Luckymine complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 73                                             Wardsferry-Millvilla complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 74                                 Iron Mountain-Redapple-Devilsnose complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 75                                         Fuches-Lithic Xerorthents complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 76                                        Fuches-Lithic Xerorthents complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 77                                                                Supan loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes
#> 78                                   Urban land-Loafercreek-Dunstone complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 79                                   Urban land-Nedsgulch-Wallyhill complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 80                                                  Inks-Angelscreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 81                                                Angelscreek-Pentz complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 82                                               Miltonhills-Amador complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes
#> 83                                                Sixbit-Crimeahouse complex, 5 to 20 percent slopes
#> 84                                                 Urban land-Amador complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 85                                                Angelscreek-Pentz complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 86                                              Sixbit-Rock outcrop complex, 20 to 45 percent slopes
#> 87                                                        Pardee cobbly loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 88                                                    Pardee-Amador complex, 15 to 40 percent slopes
#> 89                                                         Amador sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 90                                                 Ospital-Jennylind complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 91                                                    Sierra-Flanly complex, 15 to 65 percent slopes
#> 92                                                    Flanly-Verjeles complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 93                                                               Flanly loam, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 94                                               Loafercreek-Bonanza complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes
#> 95                                   Bonanza-Loafercreek-Gopheridge complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 96                                            Jasperpeak-Gopheridge complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 97                                           Gopheridge-Loafercreek complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 98                               Musick-Wukusick complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 99                                Musick-Wukusick complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 100                           Ultic Haploxeralfs-Mollic Haploxeralfs complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes
#> 101                            Ultic Haploxeralfs-Aquic Dystroxerepts complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 102                                Urban land-Copperopolis-Whiterock complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 103                                                         Pentz sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 104                                                        Pentz sandy loam, 15 to 50 percent slopes
#> 105                                                   Pentz cobbly sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 106                                                    Pentz-Bellota complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 107                                                               Peters clay, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 108                                                  Peters-Pentz association, 2 to 8 percent slopes
#> 109                                                 Pentz-Peters association, 2 to 15 percent slopes
#> 110                                                 Pentz-Peters association, 2 to 50 percent slopes
#> 111                                          Jennylind-Rock outcrop complex, 10 to 45 percent slopes
#> 112                                                         Mckeonhills clay, 5 to 15 percent slopes
#> 113                                                      Cogna loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, overwash
#> 114                                         Archerdale-Hicksville association, 0 to 2 percent slopes
#> 115                      Fluventic Haploxerepts-Oxyaquic Xerofluvents complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 116                                                                                             Dams
#> 117                                                Redding gravelly loam, 0 to 8 percent slopes, dry
#> 118                                Mined Land-Anthraltic Xerorthents complex, 1 to 15 percent slopes
#> 119              Psammentic Haploxerolls-Mollic Fluvaquents-Riverwash complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes
#> 120                           Bonanza-Loafercreek complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes, low precipitation
#> 121                                  Bonanza-Loafercreek-Jasperpeak complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes
#> 122                                  Trabuco-Jasperpeak-Rock outcrop complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 123                              Gopheridge-Jasperpeak-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 124                                        Shaver-Holland-Chawanakee complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 125                               Shaver-Lithic Humixerepts-Holland complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#> 126                                                    Musick fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes
#> 127                                                     Musick-Hotaw complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes
#> 128                                         Musick-Hotaw-Chawanakee complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes
#>     rating_FORPotentialSeedlingMortality
#> 1                                    1.0
#> 2                                    0.0
#> 3                                    1.0
#> 4                                    0.0
#> 5                                    1.0
#> 6                                    1.0
#> 7                                    0.0
#> 8                                    0.0
#> 9                                    0.5
#> 10                                   0.0
#> 11                                   0.0
#> 12                                   0.0
#> 13                                   1.0
#> 14                                   0.0
#> 15                                   0.0
#> 16                                   1.0
#> 17                                   1.0
#> 18                                   1.0
#> 19                                   0.0
#> 20                                   0.0
#> 21                                   0.0
#> 22                                   0.0
#> 23                                   0.0
#> 24                                   0.0
#> 25                                   0.0
#> 26                                   0.5
#> 27                                   0.0
#> 28                                   0.5
#> 29                                   0.0
#> 30                                   0.0
#> 31                                   0.0
#> 32                                   0.5
#> 33                                   0.0
#> 34                                   1.0
#> 35                                    NA
#> 36                                    NA
#> 37                                   0.0
#> 38                                    NA
#> 39                                    NA
#> 40                                    NA
#> 41                                    NA
#> 42                                   0.0
#> 43                                   0.0
#> 44                                   0.0
#> 45                                   1.0
#> 46                                   0.0
#> 47                                   0.0
#> 48                                    NA
#> 49                                   0.0
#> 50                                   0.0
#> 51                                   0.0
#> 52                                   0.0
#> 53                                   0.5
#> 54                                   0.0
#> 55                                   0.0
#> 56                                   0.5
#> 57                                   1.0
#> 58                                   1.0
#> 59                                   0.5
#> 60                                   1.0
#> 61                                   0.0
#> 62                                   0.0
#> 63                                   1.0
#> 64                                   0.0
#> 65                                   0.0
#> 66                                   0.0
#> 67                                    NA
#> 68                                   0.0
#> 69                                   0.0
#> 70                                   0.0
#> 71                                   0.5
#> 72                                   0.0
#> 73                                   0.0
#> 74                                   0.0
#> 75                                   1.0
#> 76                                   0.0
#> 77                                   0.0
#> 78                                    NA
#> 79                                    NA
#> 80                                   1.0
#> 81                                   0.0
#> 82                                   0.0
#> 83                                   1.0
#> 84                                    NA
#> 85                                   0.0
#> 86                                   0.0
#> 87                                   1.0
#> 88                                   0.0
#> 89                                   1.0
#> 90                                   1.0
#> 91                                   1.0
#> 92                                   0.5
#> 93                                   0.0
#> 94                                   1.0
#> 95                                   0.0
#> 96                                   0.0
#> 97                                   0.5
#> 98                                   0.0
#> 99                                   0.0
#> 100                                  0.0
#> 101                                  1.0
#> 102                                   NA
#> 103                                  1.0
#> 104                                  0.0
#> 105                                  1.0
#> 106                                  1.0
#> 107                                  1.0
#> 108                                  1.0
#> 109                                  1.0
#> 110                                  0.0
#> 111                                  0.0
#> 112                                  0.5
#> 113                                  0.5
#> 114                                  0.5
#> 115                                  0.5
#> 116                                   NA
#> 117                                  1.0
#> 118                                   NA
#> 119                                  1.0
#> 120                                  1.0
#> 121                                  0.0
#> 122                                  0.0
#> 123                                  1.0
#> 124                                  0.0
#> 125                                  0.0
#> 126                                  0.5
#> 127                                  0.0
#> 128                                  0.0
#>     total_comppct_FORPotentialSeedlingMortality
#> 1                                            80
#> 2                                            94
#> 3                                            87
#> 4                                            94
#> 5                                            88
#> 6                                            80
#> 7                                            94
#> 8                                            97
#> 9                                            50
#> 10                                           75
#> 11                                           95
#> 12                                           97
#> 13                                          100
#> 14                                           97
#> 15                                           90
#> 16                                           95
#> 17                                           80
#> 18                                           75
#> 19                                           97
#> 20                                           98
#> 21                                           99
#> 22                                          100
#> 23                                          100
#> 24                                           90
#> 25                                          100
#> 26                                          100
#> 27                                           99
#> 28                                           91
#> 29                                           93
#> 30                                           95
#> 31                                           75
#> 32                                           52
#> 33                                           98
#> 34                                          100
#> 35                                          100
#> 36                                           40
#> 37                                           65
#> 38                                           50
#> 39                                           65
#> 40                                           50
#> 41                                           85
#> 42                                           90
#> 43                                           45
#> 44                                           75
#> 45                                           40
#> 46                                           50
#> 47                                           97
#> 48                                           50
#> 49                                           85
#> 50                                           95
#> 51                                           95
#> 52                                           95
#> 53                                           95
#> 54                                           98
#> 55                                           90
#> 56                                           86
#> 57                                           64
#> 58                                           97
#> 59                                           68
#> 60                                           65
#> 61                                           90
#> 62                                           97
#> 63                                           85
#> 64                                           85
#> 65                                           75
#> 66                                           95
#> 67                                          100
#> 68                                           99
#> 69                                           96
#> 70                                           95
#> 71                                           95
#> 72                                           99
#> 73                                          100
#> 74                                           55
#> 75                                           90
#> 76                                           95
#> 77                                           80
#> 78                                           50
#> 79                                           50
#> 80                                           97
#> 81                                           94
#> 82                                           95
#> 83                                           95
#> 84                                           60
#> 85                                           90
#> 86                                           88
#> 87                                           81
#> 88                                           95
#> 89                                           92
#> 90                                           95
#> 91                                          100
#> 92                                           99
#> 93                                           95
#> 94                                           68
#> 95                                           99
#> 96                                           94
#> 97                                           63
#> 98                                           97
#> 99                                           95
#> 100                                          92
#> 101                                         100
#> 102                                          65
#> 103                                          98
#> 104                                          87
#> 105                                         100
#> 106                                          96
#> 107                                         100
#> 108                                          95
#> 109                                          93
#> 110                                          67
#> 111                                          70
#> 112                                          97
#> 113                                          98
#> 114                                          95
#> 115                                          86
#> 116                                         100
#> 117                                          85
#> 118                                          70
#> 119                                          80
#> 120                                          70
#> 121                                          92
#> 122                                          79
#> 123                                          84
#> 124                                          96
#> 125                                          95
#> 126                                          91
#> 127                                          94
#> 128                                          95
#>     class_FORPotentialSeedlingMortality
#> 1                                  High
#> 2                                   Low
#> 3                                  High
#> 4                                   Low
#> 5                                  High
#> 6                                  High
#> 7                                   Low
#> 8                                   Low
#> 9                              Moderate
#> 10                                  Low
#> 11                                  Low
#> 12                                  Low
#> 13                                 High
#> 14                                  Low
#> 15                                  Low
#> 16                                 High
#> 17                                 High
#> 18                                 High
#> 19                                  Low
#> 20                                  Low
#> 21                                  Low
#> 22                                  Low
#> 23                                  Low
#> 24                                  Low
#> 25                                  Low
#> 26                             Moderate
#> 27                                  Low
#> 28                             Moderate
#> 29                                  Low
#> 30                                  Low
#> 31                                  Low
#> 32                             Moderate
#> 33                                  Low
#> 34                                 High
#> 35                            Not rated
#> 36                            Not rated
#> 37                                  Low
#> 38                            Not rated
#> 39                            Not rated
#> 40                            Not rated
#> 41                            Not rated
#> 42                                  Low
#> 43                                  Low
#> 44                                  Low
#> 45                                 High
#> 46                                  Low
#> 47                                  Low
#> 48                            Not rated
#> 49                                  Low
#> 50                                  Low
#> 51                                  Low
#> 52                                  Low
#> 53                             Moderate
#> 54                                  Low
#> 55                                  Low
#> 56                             Moderate
#> 57                                 High
#> 58                                 High
#> 59                             Moderate
#> 60                                 High
#> 61                                  Low
#> 62                                  Low
#> 63                                 High
#> 64                                  Low
#> 65                                  Low
#> 66                                  Low
#> 67                            Not rated
#> 68                                  Low
#> 69                                  Low
#> 70                                  Low
#> 71                             Moderate
#> 72                                  Low
#> 73                                  Low
#> 74                                  Low
#> 75                                 High
#> 76                                  Low
#> 77                                  Low
#> 78                            Not rated
#> 79                            Not rated
#> 80                                 High
#> 81                                  Low
#> 82                                  Low
#> 83                                 High
#> 84                            Not rated
#> 85                                  Low
#> 86                                  Low
#> 87                                 High
#> 88                                  Low
#> 89                                 High
#> 90                                 High
#> 91                                 High
#> 92                             Moderate
#> 93                                  Low
#> 94                                 High
#> 95                                  Low
#> 96                                  Low
#> 97                             Moderate
#> 98                                  Low
#> 99                                  Low
#> 100                                 Low
#> 101                                High
#> 102                           Not rated
#> 103                                High
#> 104                                 Low
#> 105                                High
#> 106                                High
#> 107                                High
#> 108                                High
#> 109                                High
#> 110                                 Low
#> 111                                 Low
#> 112                            Moderate
#> 113                            Moderate
#> 114                            Moderate
#> 115                            Moderate
#> 116                           Not rated
#> 117                                High
#> 118                           Not rated
#> 119                                High
#> 120                                High
#> 121                                 Low
#> 122                                 Low
#> 123                                High
#> 124                                 Low
#> 125                                 Low
#> 126                            Moderate
#> 127                                 Low
#> 128                                 Low
#>                                                                                                                                                                 reason_FORPotentialSeedlingMortality
#> 1                                                                                                         Wetness Limitation (7) "Wetness" (1); Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 2                                                                                                                                                                                               <NA>
#> 3                                                                                                                                               Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 4                                                                                                                                                                                               <NA>
#> 5                                                                                                                                               Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 6                                                                                                                                               Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 7                                                                                                                                                                                               <NA>
#> 8                                                                                                                                                                                               <NA>
#> 9                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 10                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 11                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 12                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 13                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 14                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 15                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 16                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 17                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 18                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 19                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 20                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 21                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 22                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 23                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 24                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 25                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 26                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 27                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 28                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 29                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 30                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 31                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 32                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 33                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 34                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 35  Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" ()
#> 36  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 37                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 38  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 39  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 40  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 41  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 42                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 43                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 44                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 45                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 46                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 47                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 48  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 49                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 50                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 51                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 52                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 53                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 54                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 55                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 56                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 57                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 58                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 59                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 60                                                                                                      Wetness Limitation (7) "Wetness" (1); Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 61                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 62                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 63                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 64                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 65                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 66                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 67  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 68                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 69                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 70                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 71                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 72                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 73                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 74                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 75                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 76                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 77                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 78  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 79  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 80                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 81                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 82                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 83                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 84  Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 85                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 86                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 87                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 88                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 89                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 90                                                                                                        Wetness Limitation (7) "Wetness" (1); Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 91                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 92                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 93                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 94                                                                                                                                              Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 95                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 96                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 97                                                                                                                                            Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 98                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 99                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
#> 100                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 101                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 102 Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 103                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 104                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 105                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 106                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 107                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 108                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 109                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 110                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 111                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 112                                                                                           Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5); Soil Reaction Limitation "Soil reaction" (0.5)
#> 113                                                                                                                                           Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 114                                                                                                                                           Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 115                                                                                                                                           Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 116 Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 117                                                                                                     Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1); Wetness Limitation (7) "Wetness" (0.5)
#> 118 Soil Reaction Limitation "Not rated" (); Low Available Water Limitation "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 119                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 120                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 121                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 122                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 123                                                                                                                                             Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (1)
#> 124                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 125                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 126                                                                                                                                           Low Available Water Limitation "Available water" (0.5)
#> 127                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 128                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#>     rating_FORRoadSuitabilityNaturalSurface
#> 1                                      1.00
#> 2                                      1.00
#> 3                                      0.50
#> 4                                      1.00
#> 5                                      0.50
#> 6                                      0.50
#> 7                                      1.00
#> 8                                      1.00
#> 9                                      1.00
#> 10                                     1.00
#> 11                                     0.01
#> 12                                     1.00
#> 13                                     1.00
#> 14                                     1.00
#> 15                                     0.50
#> 16                                     1.00
#> 17                                     1.00
#> 18                                     0.50
#> 19                                     1.00
#> 20                                     1.00
#> 21                                     1.00
#> 22                                     1.00
#> 23                                     0.50
#> 24                                     1.00
#> 25                                     1.00
#> 26                                     0.50
#> 27                                     1.00
#> 28                                     0.50
#> 29                                     1.00
#> 30                                     1.00
#> 31                                     1.00
#> 32                                     1.00
#> 33                                     1.00
#> 34                                     0.50
#> 35                                       NA
#> 36                                     1.00
#> 37                                     1.00
#> 38                                       NA
#> 39                                       NA
#> 40                                       NA
#> 41                                       NA
#> 42                                     0.50
#> 43                                     1.00
#> 44                                     1.00
#> 45                                     1.00
#> 46                                     1.00
#> 47                                     1.00
#> 48                                       NA
#> 49                                     1.00
#> 50                                     1.00
#> 51                                     1.00
#> 52                                     1.00
#> 53                                     1.00
#> 54                                     1.00
#> 55                                     1.00
#> 56                                     0.50
#> 57                                     0.50
#> 58                                     0.50
#> 59                                     1.00
#> 60                                     0.50
#> 61                                     1.00
#> 62                                     1.00
#> 63                                     1.00
#> 64                                     1.00
#> 65                                     1.00
#> 66                                     1.00
#> 67                                       NA
#> 68                                     1.00
#> 69                                     1.00
#> 70                                     1.00
#> 71                                     0.50
#> 72                                     1.00
#> 73                                     1.00
#> 74                                     0.50
#> 75                                     0.50
#> 76                                     1.00
#> 77                                     1.00
#> 78                                       NA
#> 79                                       NA
#> 80                                     0.50
#> 81                                     1.00
#> 82                                     1.00
#> 83                                     0.50
#> 84                                       NA
#> 85                                     1.00
#> 86                                     1.00
#> 87                                     0.28
#> 88                                     1.00
#> 89                                     0.50
#> 90                                     1.00
#> 91                                     1.00
#> 92                                     0.19
#> 93                                     1.00
#> 94                                     1.00
#> 95                                     1.00
#> 96                                     1.00
#> 97                                     1.00
#> 98                                     1.00
#> 99                                     0.03
#> 100                                    1.00
#> 101                                    0.04
#> 102                                      NA
#> 103                                    0.50
#> 104                                    1.00
#> 105                                    0.50
#> 106                                    0.50
#> 107                                    0.50
#> 108                                    0.50
#> 109                                    0.50
#> 110                                    1.00
#> 111                                    1.00
#> 112                                    0.50
#> 113                                    0.50
#> 114                                    0.50
#> 115                                    0.50
#> 116                                      NA
#> 117                                    0.50
#> 118                                      NA
#> 119                                    0.01
#> 120                                    0.40
#> 121                                    1.00
#> 122                                    1.00
#> 123                                    1.00
#> 124                                    1.00
#> 125                                    1.00
#> 126                                    0.50
#> 127                                    1.00
#> 128                                    1.00
#>     total_comppct_FORRoadSuitabilityNaturalSurface
#> 1                                               47
#> 2                                               94
#> 3                                               97
#> 4                                               94
#> 5                                               83
#> 6                                               85
#> 7                                               94
#> 8                                               97
#> 9                                               95
#> 10                                              75
#> 11                                              50
#> 12                                              97
#> 13                                             100
#> 14                                              97
#> 15                                              65
#> 16                                              95
#> 17                                              90
#> 18                                              75
#> 19                                              97
#> 20                                              98
#> 21                                              99
#> 22                                             100
#> 23                                             100
#> 24                                             100
#> 25                                             100
#> 26                                              75
#> 27                                              99
#> 28                                              55
#> 29                                              96
#> 30                                              95
#> 31                                              75
#> 32                                              67
#> 33                                              98
#> 34                                              85
#> 35                                             100
#> 36                                              58
#> 37                                              68
#> 38                                              50
#> 39                                              65
#> 40                                              50
#> 41                                              85
#> 42                                              90
#> 43                                              45
#> 44                                              75
#> 45                                              65
#> 46                                              50
#> 47                                              97
#> 48                                              50
#> 49                                              85
#> 50                                              95
#> 51                                              95
#> 52                                              95
#> 53                                              55
#> 54                                              98
#> 55                                              99
#> 56                                              96
#> 57                                              59
#> 58                                              97
#> 59                                              98
#> 60                                              54
#> 61                                              90
#> 62                                              97
#> 63                                              95
#> 64                                              95
#> 65                                              75
#> 66                                              95
#> 67                                             100
#> 68                                              99
#> 69                                              96
#> 70                                              95
#> 71                                              95
#> 72                                              99
#> 73                                             100
#> 74                                              95
#> 75                                              95
#> 76                                              95
#> 77                                              85
#> 78                                              50
#> 79                                              50
#> 80                                              87
#> 81                                              94
#> 82                                              95
#> 83                                              65
#> 84                                              60
#> 85                                              90
#> 86                                              88
#> 87                                              76
#> 88                                              95
#> 89                                              83
#> 90                                              60
#> 91                                             100
#> 92                                              74
#> 93                                              95
#> 94                                              58
#> 95                                              99
#> 96                                              94
#> 97                                              98
#> 98                                              97
#> 99                                              50
#> 100                                             92
#> 101                                             80
#> 102                                             65
#> 103                                             91
#> 104                                             87
#> 105                                             97
#> 106                                             68
#> 107                                             97
#> 108                                             98
#> 109                                             94
#> 110                                             67
#> 111                                             80
#> 112                                            100
#> 113                                             95
#> 114                                             74
#> 115                                             66
#> 116                                            100
#> 117                                             85
#> 118                                             70
#> 119                                             47
#> 120                                             94
#> 121                                             94
#> 122                                             79
#> 123                                             84
#> 124                                             98
#> 125                                             95
#> 126                                             93
#> 127                                             96
#> 128                                             95
#>     class_FORRoadSuitabilityNaturalSurface
#> 1                            Poorly suited
#> 2                            Poorly suited
#> 3                        Moderately suited
#> 4                            Poorly suited
#> 5                        Moderately suited
#> 6                        Moderately suited
#> 7                            Poorly suited
#> 8                            Poorly suited
#> 9                            Poorly suited
#> 10                           Poorly suited
#> 11                             Well suited
#> 12                           Poorly suited
#> 13                           Poorly suited
#> 14                           Poorly suited
#> 15                       Moderately suited
#> 16                           Poorly suited
#> 17                           Poorly suited
#> 18                       Moderately suited
#> 19                           Poorly suited
#> 20                           Poorly suited
#> 21                           Poorly suited
#> 22                           Poorly suited
#> 23                       Moderately suited
#> 24                           Poorly suited
#> 25                           Poorly suited
#> 26                       Moderately suited
#> 27                           Poorly suited
#> 28                             Well suited
#> 29                           Poorly suited
#> 30                           Poorly suited
#> 31                           Poorly suited
#> 32                           Poorly suited
#> 33                           Poorly suited
#> 34                       Moderately suited
#> 35                               Not rated
#> 36                           Poorly suited
#> 37                           Poorly suited
#> 38                               Not rated
#> 39                               Not rated
#> 40                               Not rated
#> 41                               Not rated
#> 42                       Moderately suited
#> 43                           Poorly suited
#> 44                           Poorly suited
#> 45                           Poorly suited
#> 46                           Poorly suited
#> 47                           Poorly suited
#> 48                               Not rated
#> 49                           Poorly suited
#> 50                           Poorly suited
#> 51                           Poorly suited
#> 52                           Poorly suited
#> 53                           Poorly suited
#> 54                           Poorly suited
#> 55                           Poorly suited
#> 56                       Moderately suited
#> 57                       Moderately suited
#> 58                       Moderately suited
#> 59                           Poorly suited
#> 60                       Moderately suited
#> 61                           Poorly suited
#> 62                           Poorly suited
#> 63                           Poorly suited
#> 64                           Poorly suited
#> 65                           Poorly suited
#> 66                           Poorly suited
#> 67                               Not rated
#> 68                           Poorly suited
#> 69                           Poorly suited
#> 70                           Poorly suited
#> 71                       Moderately suited
#> 72                           Poorly suited
#> 73                           Poorly suited
#> 74                       Moderately suited
#> 75                       Moderately suited
#> 76                           Poorly suited
#> 77                           Poorly suited
#> 78                               Not rated
#> 79                               Not rated
#> 80                       Moderately suited
#> 81                           Poorly suited
#> 82                           Poorly suited
#> 83                       Moderately suited
#> 84                               Not rated
#> 85                           Poorly suited
#> 86                           Poorly suited
#> 87                             Well suited
#> 88                           Poorly suited
#> 89                       Moderately suited
#> 90                           Poorly suited
#> 91                           Poorly suited
#> 92                             Well suited
#> 93                           Poorly suited
#> 94                           Poorly suited
#> 95                           Poorly suited
#> 96                           Poorly suited
#> 97                           Poorly suited
#> 98                           Poorly suited
#> 99                             Well suited
#> 100                          Poorly suited
#> 101                            Well suited
#> 102                              Not rated
#> 103                      Moderately suited
#> 104                          Poorly suited
#> 105                      Moderately suited
#> 106                      Moderately suited
#> 107                      Moderately suited
#> 108                      Moderately suited
#> 109                      Moderately suited
#> 110                          Poorly suited
#> 111                          Poorly suited
#> 112                      Moderately suited
#> 113                      Moderately suited
#> 114                      Moderately suited
#> 115                      Moderately suited
#> 116                              Not rated
#> 117                      Moderately suited
#> 118                              Not rated
#> 119                            Well suited
#> 120                      Moderately suited
#> 121                          Poorly suited
#> 122                          Poorly suited
#> 123                          Poorly suited
#> 124                          Poorly suited
#> 125                          Poorly suited
#> 126                      Moderately suited
#> 127                          Poorly suited
#> 128                          Poorly suited
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              reason_FORRoadSuitabilityNaturalSurface
#> 1                                                                                                       Ponding Limitation "Ponding" (1); Wetness Limitation (1) "Wetness" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.197)
#> 2                                                                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.188)
#> 3                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.27)
#> 4                                                                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.304)
#> 5                                                                                                                                                                                       Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.249)
#> 6                                                                                   Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.249); Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5)
#> 7                                                                                     Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.242)
#> 8                                                                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.018)
#> 9                                                                                                                                   Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.278)
#> 10                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.031)
#> 11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.014)
#> 12                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.018)
#> 13                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.223)
#> 14                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.129)
#> 15                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.078)
#> 16                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.171)
#> 17                                                                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.09)
#> 18                                                                                                                                Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.025)
#> 19                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.029)
#> 20                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.019)
#> 21                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.032)
#> 22                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.023)
#> 23                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.022)
#> 24                                                                                                                                           Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.08)
#> 25                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.217)
#> 26                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.108)
#> 27                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.124)
#> 28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.104)
#> 29                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.072)
#> 30                                                                                                                                           Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.18)
#> 31                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.087)
#> 32                                                                                                                                                  Flooding Limitation "Flooding" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.043)
#> 33                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.067)
#> 34                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.216)
#> 35         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 36         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 37                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.133)
#> 38         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 39         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 40         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 41         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 42                                                                                                                                Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.062)
#> 43                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.259)
#> 44                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.203)
#> 45                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.148)
#> 46                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.169)
#> 47                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.154)
#> 48         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 49                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.026)
#> 50                                                                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.262)
#> 51                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.317)
#> 52                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.148)
#> 53                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.131)
#> 54                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.256)
#> 55                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.322)
#> 56                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.122)
#> 57                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.349)
#> 58                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.3)
#> 59                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.248)
#> 60                                                                                                            Wetness Limitation (1) "Wetness" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Ponding Limitation "Ponding" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.239)
#> 61                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.313)
#> 62                                                                                                                                           Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.08); Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1)
#> 63                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.099)
#> 64                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.034)
#> 65                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Sandiness" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.009)
#> 66                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.037)
#> 67  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Not rated; slope" (); Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 68                                                                                    Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.044)
#> 69                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.013)
#> 70                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.091)
#> 71                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.242)
#> 72                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.156)
#> 73                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.242)
#> 74                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5)
#> 75                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.033)
#> 76                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.063)
#> 77                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.058)
#> 78         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 79         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 80                                                                                                                                                                                      Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.208)
#> 81                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.242)
#> 82                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.116)
#> 83                                                                                                                                                                                      Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.294)
#> 84         Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 85                                                                                                                                           Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.24)
#> 86                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.293)
#> 87                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.277)
#> 88                                                                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.11)
#> 89                                                                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.15)
#> 90                                                                                                                                                             Ponding Limitation "Ponding" (1); Wetness Limitation (1) "Wetness" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.15)
#> 91                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.053)
#> 92                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.194)
#> 93                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.265)
#> 94                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.175)
#> 95                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.207)
#> 96                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.317)
#> 97                                                                                                                                  Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.314)
#> 98                                                                                                                                          Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.036)
#> 99                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.026)
#> 100                                                                                                                                                                                       Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.065); Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1)
#> 101                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.038)
#> 102        Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 103                                                                                                                                                                                     Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.037)
#> 104                                                                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.037)
#> 105                                                                                                                               Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.034)
#> 106                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.455)
#> 107                                                                                                        Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Stickiness; high plasticity index" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.48)
#> 108                                                                                                                                                                                       Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.5)
#> 109                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.459)
#> 110                                                                                                                                         Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.459); Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5)
#> 111                                                                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.035)
#> 112                                                           Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Stickiness; high plasticity index" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.5)
#> 113                                                                                                                                                                                      Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.25)
#> 114                                                                                                                                                                                     Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.405)
#> 115                                                                                                                                                                               Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5)
#> 116 Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Not rated; slope" (); Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" ()
#> 117                                                                                                                                                                                            Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.35); Wetness Limitation (1) "Wetness" (0.5)
#> 118        Stickiness Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated, Plasticity Index" (); Sand Limitation (1), Revised "Not rated" (); Component Kind Misc. and CHIID is null "Not rated, no horizon data" (); Null Horizon Data "Not rated" (); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Not rated" ()
#> 119                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
#> 120                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.362)
#> 121                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.429)
#> 122                                                                                     Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Rock Fragments Limitation (1) "Rock fragments" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.332)
#> 123                                                                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.237)
#> 124                                                                                                                                                                                        Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.01)
#> 125                                                                                                                                                                                       Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.008)
#> 126                                                                                                                                                                                     Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.027)
#> 127                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.047)
#> 128                                                                                                                                         Slope Limitation (<6% to >12%) "Slope" (1); Strength Limitation (2) "Low strength" (0.5); Dust PM10 and PM2.5 Generation "Dusty" (0.074)
# }