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The following database types are tested and fully supported:

  • SQLite or Geopackage

  • DuckDB

  • Postgres or PostGIS


  filename = NULL,
  conn = NULL,
  pattern = NULL,
  include_spatial = TRUE,
  include_tabular = TRUE,
  dissolve_field = NULL,
  maxruledepth = 0,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  header = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE,



character. Output file name (e.g. 'db.sqlite' or 'db.gpkg'). Only used when con is not specified by the user.


character. Path containing containing input SSURGO spatial (.shp) and tabular (.txt) files, downloaded and extracted by downloadSSURGO() or similar.


A DBIConnection object. Default is a SQLiteConnection used for writing .sqlite or .gpkg files. Alternate options are any DBI connection types. When include_spatial=TRUE, the sf package is used to write spatial data to the database.


character. Optional regular expression to use to filter subdirectories of exdir. Default: NULL will search all subdirectories for SSURGO export files.


logical or character. Include spatial data layers in database? Default: TRUE inserts all spatial tables. If include_spatial is a character vector containing table names, only that set are written to file. e.g. include_spatial=c("mupolygon", "featpoint") writes only the mapunit polygons and special feature points.


logical or character. Include tabular data layers in database? Default: TRUE inserts all tabular tables. If include_tabular is a character vector containing table names, only that set are written to file. e.g. include_tabular=c("mapunit", "muaggatt") writes only the mapunit and muaggatt tables. Note that special feature descriptions are stored in table "featdesc" and metadata for each soil survey area are stored in "soil_metadata" tables.


character. Dissolve geometries to create MULTIPOLYGON features? Column name specified is the grouping variable. Default: NULL does no aggregation, giving 1 POLYGON feature per delineation. "mukey" aggregates all related delineations within a soil survey area.


integer. Maximum rule depth for "cointerp" table. Default 0 includes only shallowest ratings for smaller database size.


logical. Overwrite existing layers? Default FALSE will append to existing tables/layers.


logical. Passed to read.delim() for reading pipe-delimited (|) text files containing tabular data.


logical. Suppress messages and other output from database read/write operations?


Additional arguments passed to write_sf() for writing spatial layers.


Character. Vector of layer/table names in filename.


In theory any other DBI-compatible data source can be used for output. See conn argument. If you encounter issues using specific DBI connection types, please report in the soilDB issue tracker.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 downloadSSURGO("areasymbol IN ('CA067', 'CA077', 'CA632')", destdir = "SSURGO_test")
 createSSURGO("test.gpkg", "SSURGO_test")
} # }