Map units (MUSYM): 7085, 7083, 7085b
report version 2.3

This report is designed to provide statistical summaries of the environmental properties for one or more map units. Summaries are based on raster data extracted from fixed-density sampling of map unit polygons. Please see the document titled R-Based Map Unit Summary Report Introduction and Description for background and setup.

Map Unit Polygon Data Source

MU.Polygons File.or.Feature
E:/gis_data/ca630/FG_CA630_OFFICIAL.gdb ca630_a

Raster Data Sources

Variable File inMemory ContainsMU Moran.I
Mean Annual Air Temperature (degrees C) E:/gis_data/prism/final_MAAT_800m.tif TRUE TRUE 0
Mean Annual Precipitation (mm) E:/gis_data/prism/final_MAP_mm_800m.tif TRUE TRUE 0
Effective Precipitation (mm) E:/gis_data/prism/effective_precipitation_800m.tif TRUE TRUE 0
Elevation (m) E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/elev_30.tif FALSE TRUE 0
Slope Gradient (%) E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/slope_30.tif FALSE TRUE 0
Annual Beam Radiance (MJ/sq.m) E:/gis_data/ca630/beam_rad_sum_mj_30m.tif TRUE TRUE 0
(Estimated) MAST (degrees C) E:/gis_data/ca630/mast-model.tif TRUE TRUE 0
Compound Topographic Index E:/gis_data/ca630/tci30.tif TRUE TRUE 0
SAGA TWI E:/gis_data/ca630/saga_twi_10.tif TRUE TRUE 0
Geomorphon Landforms E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/forms10_region2.tif FALSE TRUE 0
Curvature Classes E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/curvature_classes_10_class_region2.tif FALSE TRUE 0
NLCD 2011 E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/nlcd_2011_cropped.tif FALSE TRUE 0
Slope Aspect (degrees) E:/gis_data/region-2-mu-analysis/aspect_30.tif FALSE TRUE 0

Area Summaries

Target sampling density: 1 points/ac. defined in config.R. Consider increasing if there are unsampled polygons or if the number of samples is less than about 200. Note that the mean sampling density (per polygon) will always be slightly lower than the target sampling density, depending on polygon shape.

Map Unit Acreage by Polygon
MUSYM Min Q5 Q25 Median Q75 Q95 Max Total Area Samples Polygons Polygons Not Sampled Mean Sample Dens.
7085 7 13 39 89 232 1156 10988 53177 44643 172 0 0.84
7083 1 6 24 58 140 486 1020 14273 12117 113 1 0.85
7085b 5 15 27 51 131 434 1419 21618 18420 168 0 0.85

Modified Box and Whisker Plots

Whiskers extend from the 5th to 95th percentiles, the body represents the 25th through 75th percentiles, and the dot is the 50th percentile. Notches (if enabled) represent an approximate confidence interval around the median, adjusted for spatial autocorrelation. Overlapping notches suggest that median values are not significantly different. This feature can be enabled by setting correct.sample.size=TRUE in config.R.

Suggested usage:

Density Plots

These plots are a smooth alternative (denisty estimation) to the classic "binned" (histogram) approach to visualizing distributions. Peaks correspond to values that are most frequent within a data set. Each data set (ID / variable) are rescaled to {0,1} so that the y-axis can be interpreted as the "relative proportion of samples".

Suggested usage:

Tabular Summaries

Table of select percentiles, by variable. In these tables, headings like "Q5" can be interpreted as the the "5th percentile"; 5% of the data are less than this value. The 50th percentile ("Q50") is the median.

Median Values
MUSYM Mean Annual Air Temperature (degrees C) Mean Annual Precipitation (mm) Effective Precipitation (mm) Elevation (m) Slope Gradient (%) Annual Beam Radiance (MJ/sq.m) (Estimated) MAST (degrees C) Compound Topographic Index SAGA TWI
7085 16.33 542 -292.65 276 8 67309.77 16.87 7.08 12.30
7083 16.15 608 -232.72 316 4 67308.04 16.60 8.64 14.87
7085b 15.85 739 -86.19 411 8 67458.21 15.98 7.27 12.47
Mean Annual Air Temperature (degrees C)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 15.91 15.97 16.14 16.33 16.50 16.59 16.63
7083 15.25 15.52 15.97 16.15 16.29 16.56 16.58
7085b 15.08 15.28 15.57 15.85 16.11 16.23 16.34
Mean Annual Precipitation (mm)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 420 453 508 542 582 638 673
7083 414 460 542 608 707 769 805
7085b 622 647 708 739 786 820 833
Effective Precipitation (mm)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 -439.65 -399.71 -342.16 -292.65 -249.52 -187.32 -145.76
7083 -445.23 -391.56 -289.21 -232.72 -114.07 -46.31 7.43
7085b -214.55 -181.36 -122.74 -86.19 -30.92 14.32 50.33
Elevation (m)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 134 151 206 276 321 358.0 383.00
7083 139 153 281 316 354 451.0 510.00
7085b 285 308 348 411 463 508.1 587.05
Slope Gradient (%)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 2 3 5 8 11 14 16
7083 1 1 3 4 7 10 12
7085b 2 3 5 8 11 14 17
Annual Beam Radiance (MJ/sq.m)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 61885.08 63061.65 65105.76 67309.77 69009.02 70373.41 71100.22
7083 63929.89 64902.15 66200.76 67308.04 68245.77 69198.95 69934.00
7085b 62027.01 63290.74 65346.65 67458.21 69102.41 70450.18 71235.72
(Estimated) MAST (degrees C)
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 16.03 16.22 16.50 16.87 17.33 17.71 17.85
7083 15.27 15.67 16.32 16.60 16.86 17.65 17.76
7085b 14.70 15.18 15.59 15.98 16.36 16.69 16.87
Compound Topographic Index
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 5.50 5.79 6.32 7.08 8.21 10.04 11.45
7083 6.40 6.79 7.55 8.64 10.27 12.38 13.81
7085b 5.42 5.77 6.41 7.27 8.49 10.34 11.70
MUSYM Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q90 Q95
7085 9.76 10.10 10.97 12.30 13.65 14.79 15.42
7083 12.45 12.98 13.87 14.87 15.87 16.68 17.15
7085b 9.70 10.09 11.11 12.47 13.74 14.83 15.41

Slope Aspect

A graphical summary of slope aspect values using density and percentile estimation methods adapted to circular data. Spread and central tendency are depicted with a combination of (circular) kernel density estimate (dashed blue lines) and arrows. The 50th percentile value is shown with a red arrow and the 10th and 90th percentile values are shown with gray arrows. Arrow length is proportional to the strength of directionality. Use the figures and table below to determine "clockwise" / "counter clockwise" values for NASIS component records.

Suggested usage:

MUSYM 10% 50% 90%
7085 18 250 119
7083 13 249 127
7085b 2 234 93

Slope Shape (Curvature) Summary

The classes were generated using a 5x5 moving window, from a regional 30m or 10m, integer DEM. The precision may be limited, use with caution. See instructions for using your own (higher resolution) curvature classification raster.

Suggested usage:

7085 0.30 0.03 0.03 0.21 0.02 0.03 0.16 0.02 0.22
7083 0.19 0.03 0.04 0.22 0.05 0.06 0.14 0.02 0.26
7085b 0.28 0.03 0.03 0.20 0.02 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.23

Geomorphon Landform Classification

Proportion of samples within each map unit that correspond to 1 of 10 possible landform positions, as generated via geomorphon algorithm. Landform classification by this method is scale-invariant and is therefore not affected by computational window size selection.

Suggested usage:

flat summit ridge shoulder spur slope hollow footslope valley depression
7085 0.00 0.03 0.18 0.01 0.21 0.26 0.13 0.01 0.15 0.01
7083 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.22 0.17 0.06 0.36 0.02
7085b 0.00 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.20 0.26 0.15 0.00 0.17 0.01
Landform "signatures": these are created from the top 75% fraction of (sampled) landform classes, in decreasing order.
landform signature
7085 slope/spur/ridge
7083 valley/slope
7085b slope/spur/valley

Landcover Summary

These values are from the 2011 NLCD (30m) database.

Developed, Open Space Developed, Low Intensity Developed, Medium Intensity Deciduous Forest Evergreen Forest Mixed Forest Shrub/Scrub Grassland/Herbaceous Cultivated Crops
7085 0.03 0.01 0 0.03 0.02 0 0.05 0.86 0
7083 0.04 0.00 0 0.04 0.02 0 0.05 0.84 0
7085b 0.05 0.02 0 0.13 0.06 0 0.09 0.65 0

Multivariate Summary

This plot displays the similarity of the map units across the set of environmental variables used in this report. The contours contain 75% (dotted line), 50% (dashed line), and 25% (solid line) of the points in an optimal 2D projection of multivariate data space. Data from map units with more than 1,000 samples are (sub-sampled via cLHS). Map units with very low variation in environmental variables can result in tightly clustered points in the 2D projection. It is not possible to generate a multivariate summary when any sampled variable (e.g. slope) has a near-zero variance. See this chapter, from the new Statistics for Soil Scientists NEDS course, for an soils-specific introduction to these concepts.

Suggested usage:

Raster Data Correlation

The following figure highlights shared information among raster data sources based on Spearman's Ranked Correlation coefficient. Branch height is associated with the degree of shared information between raster data.

Suggested usage:

Raster Data Importance

The following figure ranks raster data sources in terms of how accurately each can be used to discriminate between map unit concepts.

Suggested usage:

Polygon Summaries

A shapefile is generated each time a report is run ("polygons-with-stats-XXX" where "XXX" is the set of map units symbols listed in config.R) that contains several useful summaries, computed by polygon. Polygons are uniquely identified by the pID column. Median raster values are given, with data source names abbreviated to conform to the limitations of DBF files:

pID MUSYM EstmtMASTC AnnlBmRdMJ EffctvPrcp Elevationm FrostFrDys GrwngDgrDC MnAnnlArTC MnAnnlPrcp SlopeGrdnt
1 7011 17.75 67118.27 -413.72 139.0 319 2656 16.58 443 5
2 7011 16.66 67126.19 -231.08 298.0 293 2583 16.20 612 2
3 7089 15.46 56270.39 -84.02 321.5 297 2557 16.17 747 34
4 7011 17.02 66833.37 -270.86 242.0 306 2629 16.41 588 2

There are several columns containing the proportions of each landform element (geomorphons algorithm), the most likely ("ml_landfrm") landform element, and the Shannon entropy associated with landform proportions. The Shannon entropy value can be used to judge the relative "landform purity" of a delineation: smaller values are associated with more homogeneous delineations. Equal proportions of all landform elements (within a polygon) would result in a Shannon entropy value of 1.

pID MUSYM flat summit ridge shoulder spur slope hollow footslope valley depression ml_landfrm shannon_h
1 7011 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.12 0.19 0.04 0.52 0.03 valley 0.44
2 7011 0.34 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.04 0.20 0.17 0.00 flat 0.62
3 7089 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.32 0.45 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.02 slope 0.54
4 7011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.85 0.00 valley 0.17

In the case of un-sampled polygons (very small delineations or too low sampling density), an additional shapefile will be saved in the output folder with a prefix of "un-sampled-". This file contains those polygons that were not allocated any sampling points and thus not included in the report summaries.

Polygon Quality Control

A shapefile is generated each time a report is run ("poly-qc-XXX" where "XXX" is the set of map units symbols listed in config.R) that contains the proportion of samples outside the 5-95% percentile range. In the attribute table there is one column per raster data source and one row per map unit delineation.

The 5-95% percentile range for each map unit is derived from the samples across all polygons with the corresponding map unit symbol. Proportions of samples outside the range within individual polygons are given for each (continuous) raster data source. Data source names are abbreviated to conform to the limitations of DBF files. Polygons are uniquely identified by the pID column.

Assuming one has sufficient polygons and samples to characterize the data distribution, and that the data are roughly normally distributed, one would expect that 10% of samples across the extent of a particular map unit will fall outside the 5-95% percentile range. Individual delineations that have more than 10-15% of samples outside the range for one or more raster data sources may need to be investigated to see that they fit the map unit concept. It is expected that some delineations will occur at the margins of the map unit extent and therefore may have higher proportions outside the range. Expert judgement is required to determine whether action should be taken to resolve any potentially problematic delineations.

pID MUSYM EffctvPrcp Elevationm FrostFrDys GrwngDgrDC MnAnnlArTC MnAnnlPrcp SlopeGrdnt
1 7089 0.00 0 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.00
2 7089 0.00 0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 7011 0.05 0 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03

This document is based on sharpshootR version 1.2-1.
Report configuration and source code are hosted on GitHub.
Sampling time: 3.5 mins