The following can be used to evaluate the influence of sampling density on the stability of estimates derived from a raster data source. Adjust mu
(map unit polygons), mu.set
(select map unit symbols), and r
(raster data source) accordingly.
# load map unit polygons
mu <- readOGR(dsn='E:/gis_data/ca630/FG_CA630_OFFICIAL.gdb', layer='ca630_a', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## OGR data source with driver: OpenFileGDB
## Source: "E:\gis_data\ca630\FG_CA630_OFFICIAL.gdb", layer: "ca630_a"
## with 6623 features
## It has 11 fields
# best possible scenario: rasters are in memory
r <- readAll(raster('E:/gis_data/ca630/ca630_slope/hdr.adf'))
# subset to just those map units we are interested in
mu.set <- c('5012', '5201', '7089', '3058', '6054', '7083')
mu <- mu[mu$MUSYM %in% mu.set, ]
# add a unique polygon ID
mu$pID <- seq(from=1, to=length(mu))
# split select map units into a list of SPDF objs
# will be processed in parallel
mu.list <- split(mu, mu$MUSYM)
# init cluster
cl <- makeCluster(4)
clusterEvalQ(NULL, {
## [[1]]
## [1] "sharpshootR" "raster" "sp" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
## [7] "utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
## [[2]]
## [1] "sharpshootR" "raster" "sp" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
## [7] "utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
## [[3]]
## [1] "sharpshootR" "raster" "sp" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
## [7] "utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
## [[4]]
## [1] "sharpshootR" "raster" "sp" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
## [7] "utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
# this function is run on each core
f.par <- function(i) {
# eval stability
s <- samplingStability(i, r, n.set = c(0.5, 1, 2, 5), n.reps = 10)
# keep only stability indices
s <- s$stability
# convert fractions to percent
s$stability <- s$stability * 100
# export objects that must be shared across cores
clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("r", "f.par"))
# parallel version 2-3x faster ~ 5.4 minutes
system.time(mu.stability <- parLapply(cl, mu.list, f.par))
## user system elapsed
## 0.01 0.01 471.14
# done with multiple cores
# convert to DF
mu.stability <- ldply(mu.stability)
# compute increase in stability from lowest to highest sampling density
delta.stability <- ddply(mu.stability, '.id', function(i) {
names(delta.stability) <- c('MUSYM', 'Increase in Stability')
# area summary
a <- ldply(mu.list, function(i) {
res <- sum(sapply(slot(i, 'polygons'), slot, 'area') * 2.47e-4)
names(a) <- c('MUSYM', 'Map Unit Acreage')
a <- a[order(a[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
# join-in stability increase
a <- join(a, delta.stability, by='MUSYM')
The following table contains a summary of map unit acreage and total increase in stability (from lowest to highest sampling density). In general, smaller map unit polygons will require a higher sampling density.
kable(a, digits = 0, row.names = FALSE)
MUSYM | Map Unit Acreage | Increase in Stability |
5012 | 17670 | 1 |
7083 | 16201 | 2 |
7089 | 13716 | 0 |
3058 | 5814 | 2 |
5201 | 5187 | 4 |
6054 | 1072 | 5 |
The following figure demonstrates the relationship between stability and sampling density. For most map units a sampling density between 1-2 points per acre should suffice. A larger sampling density (e.g. 5 points per acre) should be used for very small delineations (e.g. less than 5-10 acres).
# custom tick, label, and line positions
h.lines <- c(0:4, seq(5, 30, by=2))
# custom plot style
tps <- tactile.theme(superpose.symbol=list(pch=15, cex=1.5), superpose.line=list(lwd=2))
xyplot(stability ~ factor(sampling.density),, data=mu.stability, type=c('b'), scales=list(alternating=3, y=list(at=h.lines)), ylab='Percent of Population Median', xlab='Sampling Density (pts/ac.)', strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)), main='90% Confidence in Stability of (Sample) Median', auto.key=list(columns=3, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE), par.settings=tps, panel=function(...) {
panel.abline(h=h.lines, v=1:4, lty=3, col='grey')
Stability of sample median (10m slope raster) for slect map units.